Vlad the Impaler

in #story8 years ago

the history doesn't know more cruel governor, than Vlad the Impaler, he is Dracula, making unprecedented atrocities over the people in the 15th century. Modern Transylvania located in the Romanian Carpathians attracts tourists, first of all, an opportunity to touch antiquity and to learn legends of Dracula with which this edge is crowded.The governor is called both a devil, and the vampire, and just cruel maniac. This is the person at the sight of whom at citizens in literal sense knee tendons shivered. Never before people so were afraid for the life. Here the interesting facts from Vlad the Impaler's life which managed to be gathered from the legends freezing soul will be presented.It is known that in the capital of ancient Walachia near the fountain there was a gold bowl from which any could enjoy cold water. It was protected by nobody and wasn't attached. Nevertheless, people so were afraid of the governor that anybody didn't have enough courage for it to attempt. For that time 60 000 people lived in the capital. Dracula liked to have breakfast in the garden, in an environment of the people put on a stake. At the same time appetite of the governor didn't suffer from the reaching groans, a smell of decomposition and a type of blood at all.Once at there is nobody the passable merchant stole a burse with gold coins. The victim complained to Tsepesh. Just next day the burse with money was thrown under doors to the merchant. He besides visited the governor and told him that one coin was superfluous. Vlad it is bad I grinned and прорек: "Don't tell you to me about it, now would come to be on Coca, together with thieves". The cruel master ordered to sharpen not sharp stakes, but stupid that the victim was tormented at least several days before dying. At the same time, the status guilty was higher, the stake was longer. Vlad the Impaler disemboweled the mistress when she declared to him the pregnancy as didn't believe it. Opening a belly with a sharp knife, he shouted: "I said to you that I don't love a lie!" When ambassadors of the Ottoman Empire, having been to Tsepesh, forgot to take off caps before the Romanian boyars, Tsepesh immediately reacted: he ordered to nail up their caps to the heads.Once the master collected in a lot of all poor people and beggars, generously fed and gave to drink them. After a nourishing entertainment it asked a question: "You would like to get rid forever of sufferings terrestrial?". Naturally, invited answer positively. Tsepesh closed doors and windows with people and set fire to the building. According to certificates, nobody managed to get out of fire alive. It is possible to be surprised infinitely to atrocities which were created by mad Dracula, but it is impossible to forget about history: for that time the power over the people was also kept by such methods. Nevertheless, Tsepesh was brightly allocated against the background of other governors: its punishments always differed not only in cruelty, but also a pronounced sadism.