
Also, from some other parts, remove 1 exclamation mark, where you have put two.

Cool. Thanks for the input :):) Would you mind elaborating as to why I should stick with one exclamation mark? I understand that strictly speaking punctuality wise it is incorrect. I just kind of feel it adds even more emphasis however it is also just kind of a habit that I've formed. I'll definitely look at it and will appreciate your further input :)

I want to resteem it and I feel that at some places, there is less emphasis required. If you can check it critically again, it would be nice :)

This is my suggestion. If you agree, then you can change

Cool, I'll have look and let you know when edited.

There we go :) All done. I removed the doubles and changed one exclamation with a fullstop. Typing on my phone now so lemme know what you think :):)