How Carol met Sydney - Short story

in #story7 years ago

"Excuse me. Can I use your phone? It is really important?" The old guy just pocketed his phone and walked away without replying. Sydney shook his head and moved on. This was the 6th person he had asked. He felt for the ticket in his pocket, taking some reassurance from touching it. He looked around the Tower Plaza and noticed a girl sitting at the table near the railing, alone. There was a mug of steaming tea or coffee in front of her and a phone lying beside it. He let out a long breath and approached.

Carol wanted to scream and cry when she had stormed into the plaza. For nearly half an hour she had paced the length of it like a caged tigress, till all the anger turned into caustic self loathing. Carol always thought her self as a tough city girl. She had been through hell when she was in college. She was heavier than normal and it showed; add to this a scar on her chin- a dirty brown gash 2 inches long- had made her the but of many jokes. She was never outgoing and had convinced herself that dating and partying was not her style.
Then she met Jacob. Thinking back now Carol had been really happy for only the first few weeks. After their second date- Tears welled in her eyes as she thought about it now- Jacob had moved into her studio apartment till he could mange to get one of his own at a walking distance from the Tower. Once Jacob had found his flat Carol was desperately clinging on to the relationship. Today was the final straw- She had thought to surprise him. Jacob had herded her out of his office calling her "cousin" and near the lift he had berated with gritted teeth and pushed her against the wall for emphasis. His last words still burned her. "disgusting cow".

She was well into thinking about how she would end her life today. She had even typed out a message for her mom. She looked up as a shadow fell across the table. It was a young man in shirt sleeves, "Can I sit here?" asked Sydney.
Carol waved a hand instead of replying.

Sydney sat down opposite her. "Actually I need to make a call, can I use your phone please.? It will take only a minute?"
Carol pushed the phone toward him.
"He is not answering. I gave a job interview today, here in the Tower. They said to call in the afternoon to confirm. But when I got mugged. They took my coat and wallet and.. phone. If I had not kept the return- ticket in my back pocket I would be stranded here."
Carol looked at him again. "It's OK. Make your call."

"Still no reply. I will wait for a few minutes, maybe he will call. My mother always wanted me to leave Corner Town. With the mines closed down the town is dying she says. You are lucky to be here in this huge city. I have never seen a girl as smartly dressed as you in the town, not even at the fair."

Carol was irritated. "What bullshit! Just to make a call."

"NO! Really I am sorry! But I did not lie. I can't talk to beautiful girls much. It's a town thing. Just a few minutes please, if I go away without getting the job it will take me a few months to save enough money to come back for another try."

Carol involuntarily smiled seeing Sydney squirm uncomfortably but staying put. She had been there. "Fine, let's wait. But what if you don't get the job?"

"Well I can try again in a few months. Mom will be sad for a few days but then it will be OK. You work here in the Tower?"

"No, I am a lawyer. I am apprenticing at the DA's office."

"Wow! That is great." Then Sydney scrunched his face. " I never thought lawyers would be so friendly. you are the 7th person I asked for making a call."

Carol smiled inspite of herself. "City is tough. But you get used to it."

After a few minutes of easy silence Sydney said. "I am Sydney."
"Well. Thank you Carol. I should be leaving for the Central Bus Depot."
Then the phone rang.
Sydney had not got the job. Yet with an easy smile he returned her phone and walked away.

After 30 seconds Carol ran across the plaza shouting "Sydney! Sydney!" All thoughts of depression and Jacob temporarily purged from her mind. "Here is my number" Carol said fishing out a small pad and scribbled the number on it.
Sydney recited his number for her. Carol said after saving the number in her phone. "There is an opening I know about.."
Sydney cut her off. "Please Carol; I can do OK. If nothing works I will sell some acres of the land and build myself a store."
This reply pleased Carol more than she had expected.

It was 10 days later that Carol took Sydney for dinner. What she remembered most was how horrified he was to see the bill of $80 and a tip of $5.

Image Credit: Pixabay


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Thank you

Love the names - LOL!
And the lucky seventh try.
And the way he doesn't get the good news he was hoping for.
But for every door that closes, another one opens - not just for Sydney, but for Carol as well.
Now, if we can just make Carol a wee bit pudgy, not so obese as to be called a cow... :)

Thanks for the comment. The difficult part was switching the angles from one to another. still struggling- any suggestions

!Done my friend! 🙂
Good luck   : )
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