#STORY 1: The Tale of An Inter-Dimensional Traveler.. Part 1 (1 click= 1 beetle model 2018) :)

in #story7 years ago (edited)


Before you begin reading this story, I want to start by telling you that I thought about something that would sorta make my posts and my followers stand out, so for every post now i'll start by putting a meme at the very beginning just to make things a little more exciting for you guys. Here is today's meme:

it's a joke. please don't get offended.

Let's Start!

"Hey loser!" a deep voice echos from the end of the hallway. "Where do you think you're going?" says Kanaki.

This is Kanaki. Kanaki is your typical school bully. He picks on the weak to satisfy his own insecurities about himself. a short kid can be seen in the middle of the hallway.
"Come here and empty your pockets!" the boy compiles without saying a word.
Kanaki violently snatches the money from the kids hand and smacks him on the head, "Next time bring more money on you, loser"
This is basically the norm in our world. The strong pick on the weak and the weak just comply and get their asses kicked! It's not necessarily related to physical strength, but rather to the amount of MANA you inherit. Mana is basically your energy value that you genetically inherit from your parents. People who come from a high states or high mana families are know globally as "Bloodborne". Oh s***, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Stray. I'm a computer scientist that works for OPSEC.INC. I come from a fairly "low blood" family. My parents were lucky enough to land a job in a bloodborne dominated area, so most of the wealthy kids would bully me for being so weak. One time I was walking home from school when suddenly 3 kids jumped me in an alleyway. They punched and tortured me with several advanced mana techniques that nearly cost me my life. If i wasn't for a man who was kind enough to interfere and help me, I wouldn't be here now writing this story or life memo to you. You might ask yourself " why am i writing this right now?" well, simply because I thought an inter-dimensional life blog could potentially be of some sort of entertainment value to you people reading from behind the screen! I know it sounds really weird and vague, but it will make sense later on.

This what I looked like after the incident took place... but I wouldn't change a thing about what happened. In fact, it was probably the luckiest days in my life! When I woke up in the hospital, I was able to make up a face through the blurriness of my vision. As you might have already guessed, it was the guy that saved me. He looked like he was in his 40s with big striking Amber eyes, grayish hair, and almost no age marks on his face; something that his famously known for people who are from higher states! In fact, You could easily mistake him for a 20 year old if it weren't for the Emerald bracelet that marks bloodbornes. However, what really standed out for me were the words that I heard him tell me. From what I could make out in my semi-conscious state was "Stay strong, i'll make sure that this doesn't ever happen again to you, Kira...". "Kira.... why did he call me Kira?! And more importantly, how can he make it stop? how can he undo my curse? he can't help me.... no one can. I'm doomed and destined to be always treated like cattle. That's my role in life and this is who i"ll always be. There is no making it stop. There is no getting better. You should have just let me die because Death is the only thing that can free me from this dam" These were the thoughts that went through my head as I was laying on the hospital bed. Little did I know that this man would actually live up to his words and become the most influential person in my life....My mentor. After he told me this, I passed out.

I ended up sleeping for a day and a half and when I woke up, the man was nowhere to be found in the room. I forgot about the words that he told me and just felt a deep sorrow because I couldn't even thank the man who save my life. Suddenly, I heard a FLUSH!! sound coming from the bathroom. The door then swang open.
"Oh hey, you're awake now!"
"Sir, I can't really thank you enough for what you did for me. The fact that you took the time to saved my li....." the man interrupted me
"Hey don't sweat it kid, it was the simply right thing to do!"
"Wow, to hear this coming from a bloodborne, is just insane... in a good way though!"
The facial expression of the man turns from a light happy into something that more resembles a deep, buried sorrow
"Please kid, don't call me that. The things that these monsters do to other people, how they exploit them, use them for their own benefit really f****** disgusts me! I made you a promise when you were unconsciousness that I will do all of what is in my power to help you gain more mana and give these b****** a taste of their own medicine!"
"It would be splendid if something like that happens to me, but mana is genetically predetermined, you can't change it no matter how much you try, so with all my respect, i'm really skeptical about the promises you're making me"
"That is what they tell all people about how you can't increase your mana levels and how you gotta work your way around it and that is true to an extent, but what you don't know is that there are these ancient old relics called imperial relics that posses various magical abilities like inter-dimensional travel, mana increase, elemental powers and that barely scratches the surface. The reason they're doing this is because of the sacred relic, the most powerful relic out there with the power to absorb and eliminate all mana across the globe. It's yet to be found till this day."
When I heard this, I couldn't believe my ears! Finally, I have found a way out and the key to it is sitting in-front of me right now!
"Listen kid, I have an offer for you. I have composed a team with the sole purpose of searching for the sacred relic and I would like you to join us on our mission to bring justice to the world. I know this sounds really cheesy, but I couldn't really find a better way to mention this to you. I'll leave for sometime now to think about this"
the man then proceeds to walk outside the room
"Wait a second sir, why me, why choose me out of all the other people out there?"
"because you remind me of my son. you look Exactly the same"
the door swings open and the man says one final thing before going out"
"My name is Jake BTW..."
"A pleasure to meet you Jake, i'm Stray"

and so, I accepted Jake's offer as soon as he entered the room again and decided to join the team that would soon become my family. That's how I got saved and how my journey on the road to justice began........
###END Part 1

Hi guys, the author Amr is speaking here not Stray breaking the fourth wall XD. I really hope you enjoined part 1 of my story. I haven't really decided on a good name yet, so the name might change as time passes, but as of now i'll just keep the name as it is. I'm also planning to do other things than just story writing on my account, but the stories are definitely a part that is here to stay. If you have any points that you'd like to share on the writing style, post length, or any other stuff then, please feel free to post it in the comment section below. I'll see you guys tomorrow with another post! but until then, I wish you all a Good Night and Good Luck! :)