The circus- will you be able to escape from the police ?

in #story7 years ago (edited)

You can read the previous parts here-

The Circus


You were about to enter in either the big top or in the sideshow tents. I would prefer going to the big top tent . But if you prefer going to the sideshow tents,let me know in the comment section. Because the story will take a different turn from there ;)

You quickly duck inside the big top. It's incredibly noisy. You hear clapping,laughing and the roars of wild animals in the ring. Even though you're gigantic,no one notices you at first. They're too busy watching the circus.

In the center ring, a man dressed in white is surrounded by five tigers. The tigers sit on colorful stands. The man is making them do tricks. While you watch, a tiger jumps a flaming hoop.

The crowd applauds. The man in white makes the tiger bow. But then, instead of returning to its stand,the tiger rushes out of the ring.
And now, it is running straight toward you.

You take a step back,but the tiger bounds up to you. Its lips twist in a snarl and its teeth glisten in the bright lights.

"Aaaaaarrrrgghhhhh!" The piercing sound of your scream even shocks you. The tiger freezes mid-pounce. The crowd stares at you. You forgot how loud your voice is,now that you are a giant.
The tiger backs away,and then,with its tail between its legs,skulks back to the ring.

"I'm sorry,kitty" you call to the frightened animal.
You didn't mean to scare it. And you realize that now that you are huge,the tigers couldn't really hurt you. As you stride to the center of the rig,all the tigers cower. Even the trainer looks a little nervous. You reach out to the tiger and scratch it under its chi. Then it starts to rub against your legs like a kitten. It's purring!

The crowd begins applauding and cheering. But the tiger trainer just glares at you.

Yeowch! Something just yanked your hair-hard! You glance up to see a woman dressed in a silver bathing suit. She's hanging upside down from a high wire. One end of the wire is caught in your hair!

"Hey!" She shouts at you. "Get out of my act!"
"I'm sorry-" you apologize. "I didn't mean to bother you." You reach up and untangle the wire from your hair. The crowd goes wild. They're applauding you. You smile at them and bow.

"You are in big trouble now,here comes the owner" the trainer declares.
You peer down to see a small,fat man in a clown suit approaching. He has a white face with two huge black eyes and a bright red nose.

"I am sorry" you stammer,bending over to talk. "I didn't mean to ruin the circus. I only came here-"

"Ruin it ?" the man cuts you off. "Are you kidding? This is the best act we've had in years! How did you get so big ? How did you get the tigers to like you so much ?

"I can't really explain. It all started--"

"I don't care!" the clown interrupts."I want to hire you! When can you start?"
Think quickly! The circus is a great place to hide out. But do you really want to spend the rest of your life here ?


Thanks for the offer! you tell the clown. "But I am usually not this big." You explain.

"I understand" the clown tells you. "I appreciate your honesty. In return, I may be able to help you. One of our workers is a fortune-teller who has strange powers. She maybe able to return you to your normal size."

After the show, the clown introduces you to a very small white-haired woman in a long pink robe. Her face is so wrinkled she appears to be hundreds of years old.

"I predict" she begins in a strange accent, "You will make lots of money and live a long happy life"

"No,no" the clown says "we don't need a fortune told. This person needs help."
"That's different" she says. "My fortunes are all fake." You notice her accent has now disappeared.

Your heart sinks. You thought she was going to be someone with real powers.

"But my powers are real" she says,as if she had read your mind, "But I don't use them on fortunes. Everyone wants the same thing. Fame,money,success....." she sighs. "Now tell me- what's your problem ?"

You scoop her up in your palm and hold her close to your face while you explain what happened to you.

"I have seen cases like this before" she says." I think I can help". She reaches into her robes and pulls out a small,torn brown bag.

"Take this herbal mixture" she instructs. "But take only a tiny part of it The results can be very unpredictable."

You take the small bag from her hand and sat on the ground. "Thanks" you say. You are about to ask her more but she speaks again.

"Do as I say" she tells yo "Now,no more questions. It's my nap time."

You blink once and she is gone. You almost think you imagined her. But the tiny brown bag is still in your hand.
You open it. A strong,spicy scent immediately fills the air. You shake the contents out in your hand. A small pinch of brown and green powder falls onto your palm. There is maybe a teaspoon altogether.

The fortune teller told you to take a tiny amount of the mixture. But this is a tiny amount. And you are so big, you don't see how it can possibly help you.

Will you eat just the part of the mixture? Or you take the whole thing?


kindly support and upvote if you liked the story. I need your support guys :)
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