Beware of the Basement-Horror story (Feel the horror slowly) Part two.

in #story7 years ago


"I know you were down there" Barney continues. "And if you don't give me 10 bucks,I will tell"

Great ,you think,I have been here less than a day ,and I am going to get into trouble already.
"I will not give you any money" you shout . Wow,you think, was that me? You can't believe, how loud your voice has become.

"You better not squeal on me" you command.
"okay" Barney says. "I won't tell anybody that you were in the basement" He hurries down the hall.

Getting big is great,you ponder. Now that you have got your brother off your back, you decide to explore the neighborhood. As you leave the house, you realize that your dad's sneaker perfectly fits you now. fits really well . Weird you think. You must still be growing. You push that thought out of your mind.

now you notice some kids playing baseball in an empty field across the street. You go to them.
But you hear, "Get out of here Shrimp!" Barney is glaring at you.
You glare at Barney. But you are in luck- you don't have to hit him again, as another kid says " This new kid isn't a shrimp. He can join us" .
You are the strike-out champ.

"Come on,kid" the boy says " You're up now"

You take the bat and stepup to the plate. You gaze at the pitcher. You grip the bat tightly and wait for the pitch.
The pitcher zooms a fastball at you.
You hear a solid sound,as the bat hits the ball.

"Homerun!" some of the kids shout.
You stare as the ball continues straight toward a house on the next block. You watch in disbelief as the ball strikes the enormous front window.

You feel great! this was your first homerun. until you hear the unmistakable sound of police sirens headed your way.

You glance down the street. A police car is speeding toward the ball field.
"It wasn't your fault" the red haired pitcher says. "It was just a great hit."
You don't know what to do. But will the police believe you ? Maybe you'd better hide until they go away.

You have decided to tell the police,what happened.
The police car pulls up . "We are here about the broken window,that was my house" one of the officer says. "Who did this?"
The other kids look down at the ground.
"I did it" you announce,stepping forward. "How old are you?" the officer asks.

You tell him and she looks surprised. "you look awfully big for kids your age" she says "You should better be careful"

"I will be careful from now on officer" you promise.
"We will let you go this time. since it is your first homer" he winks.

what a relief! "come and play with us tomorrow" the pitcher calls after you,as the game breaks off.
You come back to your house and notice something very strange. The roof is much closer to your head than it was when you left.

"Is this only my puberty?" You wonder.

You start thinking about any possible reasons of your sudden growth. You think back everything you have done in past 24 hours.

Barney is making burgers in the kitchen. You are really hungry now. Along with everything else,your appetite has also grown. But when you start to grab one burger,barney says "You should go on diet,wimp.You are getting fat"
he giggles obnoxiously.

You know perfectly well that you are not fat. You are just big. Big and tall and hungry.

Then you remember something. You were very hungry when you were hiding in the basement. Hungry enough to eat that stale chocolate cake. Maybe there was some ingredient in the cake that is making you grow! It did taste kinda funny though.

If you find out what was in the cake,you will be able to figure out how to stop growing.

you think of going back to the basement again.
Find out what is waiting there in the next part.


to be continued.........

pictures are taken from and


So chocolate cake it is huh? Nice plot. Looking forward for the next part.

Thanks for following. Stay tuned :)