Beware of the Basement-Horror story (Feel the horror slowly) Part One.

in #story7 years ago (edited)

"Don't go in the basement!" Your mother warned you,as you play a stupid hide-and-seek game with your brother.
But do you listen? No, you don't.
But while you are in the basement, your stomach grumbles. you find an old refrigerator at the corner and open it. You find a black forest cake. Will you eat it ? what will happen ?

Lets start-----------------


Your dad is off to Europe on a business trip. So you have to spend the summer with your mother and your brother Barney. Barney is 1 year younger than you and a whiny pest. Not what you had in your mind for summer vacation.

you stare glumly out the car as your mother drive home from the airport. She pulls the car into a driveway. You stare at the house. It's two stories high and run-down. The lawn is full of weeds. The front steps are not very promising.
Barney skips around the side of the house,holding his Basketball. He eyes at you with a smirk.

"What a vacation it is going to be! you think. Maybe you can spend the entire vacation in your room upstairs.
But no. "I was waiting for you" Barney says. "Let's play hide-and-seek."
Oh no! you think.

"It's nice to see you two having fun." Your mother says. "I am going to the university .I will take your suitcase upstairs for you."
"No-really-" you protest. "I don't mind-"

"Nonsense ," your mother responds. "You kids go on and play anywhere you want,but don't go in the basement."
"Why can't we go in the basement ?" you ask.
"We haven't cleaned it out since we moved in," Your mother tells you. "The former owners were very strange. We don't know what's down there. It could be dangerous"

"Lets's start playing!" Barney says when mom have gone upstairs. "Do you remember the rules?"
"I remember" you sigh. Who could forget ?
"Whoever is ahem, it gets to fist anyone he grabs" Barney reminds you. "I will go first,now go hide"
then he shuts his eyes.

"One, two,three,four,twenty seven,twenty nine,fifty..........."

As usual he is cheating. You will have to find a place to hide,fast. But where? you glance around the house,tiptoeing.
You dodge around a couple of chairs that leads to kitchen.

"Sixty" Barney shouts from outside.
"Seventy one! Eighty Three!"
You spot a doorway to the right of the staircase. You pull open the door. It must be the way to the basement. But your mother warned you to stay out of it.

"Ninety four" Barney shouts.
Quick! Make a decision. Should you forget about your mother's warning and hide in the basement ? Or find somewhere else to hide in ?

You glance around quickly to make sure no one is watching. The you open the basement door and move down.
The stairs are old. Spider webs brush your face.

"What could be here that's so dangerous?" you ponder.
The basement floor is so dusty it looks as if it hasn't bee cleaned in years.

You start to explore the basement,but there's mostly old furniture,old chairs and old mattress. An old refrigerator and one old gas burner,covered with rust,sits in one corner.
Nothing is interesting here but being down here is far more interesting than getting punched by barney.

You sit on the floor ad wait till Barney gets tired of his game . The you will go upstairs.
But there is a problem.
A big problem

The problem is that,you are hungry. Your stomach is growling so loudly that you are almost afraid,Barney will hear it.
You glance around the basement again. You really don't want to go back upstairs. Not yet.

wait! What about the old refrigerator ? You see that it is plugged in. Maybe there is something to eat inside.
You approach the refrigerator slowly. The door seems stuck. But you pull it hard and it pops open.

You bent down to inspect the cabinets. And Gasp!
Something in the refrigerator smells good! in fact delicious! you were hungry before,but now you are ravenous.

At one corner of the cabinet, there is a container box with a label that says "SWEET BAKERY"

Inside the box is a thick slab of chocolate cake. You are so hungry, your mouth waters when you take a big bite of the cake.
The cake is crumbly and there is a funny aftertaste. You have had better
But cake is a cake and you are starving. Your mouth is open for another bite when you hear your mother calling your name.

ohhoh! your mother is at home! you don't want to get caught in the basement. What can you do ?
You look around the basement,searching a way out.

THE BASEMENT WINDOW! luckily the window is open and you slither through,flopping onto the grass.

absolutely brilliant! No one will ever know that you were in the basement. Problem solved.
But your brother is looming over you now.

You look down at your feet. No wonder you tripped. Your toes have burst through the front of your sneakers!

You hurry into the house to find new shoes. You pass through the kitchen, where your mother is packing her briefcase for work. "What happened to your feet?" she asks.

"I think my shoes shrunk" you answer. You show her the ripped sneakers.

"Perhaps your are growing fast" she says. "You look a little taller"

Up in your room,you look at the mirror. You do look bigger. A couple of inches then yesterday.
Now you have to borrow your dad's sneakers. They are a little too big for you but they feel comfortable. Just then, Barney comes inside your room.

"I saw you in the basement" he announces,horrified.


To be continued in the next part...................

Images are taken from and


why didn't the brother punch him in the room ?

maybe he will in the next part! ;)