Hello Friends,
Here I want to share one story with you all which I read and remember, I try to write & post it here on my blog.
She was about to fall at his feet. He could not think of separating from his beloved husband without any fault of his. The crying and convincing continued, but Sumanth did not move.
The bell rang for the third time. Rajni, who was in the shower dreaming of all the beautiful things that life had brought him, hurried to listen to him. Wrapped in a towel, she ran to the front door, her wet legs dripping water all the time. Looking through the peephole, he saw a terrifying man approaching the door. He had disheveled hair, narrow eyes and a small goat. He looked a lot like the criminals in one of the 'crime patrol' episodes. Reluctant to open the door to a stranger, Rajni called from the inside ... "Who is that?"
"Delivery boy, lady, there's a bouquet for you."
Rajni was relieved and sweetly surprised, all at once. It was his birthday, on May 11 and someone had sent him a bouquet.
"Leave it at the door," shouted Rajni and went to the room to put on clothes.
Rajni was a beautiful girl of 23 years, in the flower of his youth. With impeccable skin, sharp features, slender waist and long black hairs, it could be described as exceptionally beautiful. A software engineer by profession, she had married Sumanth, a mechanical engineer at a reputable company.
Sumanth had been shot down when he met Rajni at his home in a formal marriage interview. He had just returned from Germany, after his graduation in mechanical engineering. Only 2 weeks at work and his mother had arranged for this girlfriend to see the drill. Rajni had walked slowly to the lobby, wearing a light blue silk sari with a long black braid. She had fragrant jasmine flowers adorning her hair and the scent had only made her more desirable. His sweet smile when their eyes met, had hypnotized Sumanth and he had immediately decided that he wanted her as his wife.
In a long traditional ceremony, they were married and sent to Europe on honeymoon. It had been 6 months since their wedding now, but the young couple was still in their honeymoon phase. Sumanth often brought surprise gifts for his wife and sometimes even got fresh jasmine flowers.
They were in the ninth cloud, floating in the winds of love. Rajni had lost count of how many times Sumanth had said "I love you" to her. She knew that she was very fortunate to have a loving husband like him and knew that he was incredibly lucky to have such a beautiful wife.
When Rajni opened the door, he was glad to see a large bouquet of bright red roses. It was beautiful and had a small note attached to it. Sumanth had never sent bouquets before and she knew it was her birthday surprise. The note said "I love you ..."
Rajni danced around his house with the bouquet in his hand. He cooked Sumanth's favorite sweet dish and waited for him, dressed in the new sari he had bought for her. True to her promise, she came home early that night and surprised her even more with a birthday cake and movie tickets.
"Wow ... thank you very much dear ... you are giving me so many surprises since the morning, first the roses and now the cake and also the tickets for the movies ..." she embraced him with love.
A happily smiling Sumanth stopped in surprise at something.
"Yes, they were just beautiful, I kept it in our room, thank you ..." Rajni was ecstatic.
Releasing herself from her arms, Sumanth stuttered ...
"I ... I did not send roses ..."
"Stop joking with Sumanth, but they were very pretty, how did you come to know that I liked red roses?
"Rajni ... Seriously, I did not send roses, show me where they are, if there are any notes, just check who sent them in. It must be your mother."
"Really? You did not?" The note said: I love you, there's no sender's name. "
"... and I talked to my mom a while ago, she did not mention sending roses."
Sumanth sat down with the note in her hand. "I love you ..." he pricked his eyes. His expression changed immediately.
"Why do not you go back and check with your mother, aunt, cousins or friends ... you must be one of them." Sumanth tried to calm her worst fears.
"Ok, I'll do that later, we're going to cut the cake and go to the movie now ..." Rajni persuaded Sumanth to celebrate her big day.
All of her loved ones had refused to send roses on her birthday. Sumanth was becoming paranoid thinking of his wife's secret lover.
"Who could have the courage to send flowers to her even after the marriage? Did she have a boyfriend who still loves her?" She's so pretty She's sure she had an affair in college? Is she still with someone?
Sumanth started having sleepless nights. Seeing the sudden change in behavior of her husband, Rajni was interested in finding the secret sender of roses.
He reviewed his memories, thinking of all the likely types who could send him a "I love you" message. After having been so beautiful, she had had many admirers in the past, but she had rejected all of her approaches, as she believed in being a one-man woman and wanted to get married according to her parents' wishes.
"Could it be Ganesh?"
Ten years ago, when I was in high school, Ganesh, a slender guy with glasses, was the first to propose to him. Following her on a bicycle every day, to and from school, Ganesh had harassed Rajni for three long years. Too scared to propose his love directly to him, he had written "I love you" in his handkerchief with red ink and had kept it on his desk. Horrified at seeing a message written on what she thought was blood, she had reprimanded Ganesh badly and had broken her heart in pieces. She regretted having hurt him, but she was sure she did not want any relationship at that age.
Desperate to find the sender of the rose, Rajni went down to find Ganesh's whereabouts. From the Facebook group of his school he tracked Ganesh's number and gathered all his courage, called him and met at a nearby cafe.
Elated to receive a call from his old lover, Ganesh agreed to meet her. They set Friday at 4 pm for your meeting.
Thinking more about her past, she remembered the next guy who had fallen in love with her, this time in college.
Ramesh, one of his good friends in college, was very close to her. They went to the same classes and often studied together. He was one of the many guys who had openly expressed their love for her. But she had ignored all his advances and had only treated him like a friend.
Just one week before his exams plus 2 when they were studying in his room until late at night, Rajni had fallen asleep at the table. Unable to stop herself, Ramesh silently tried to kiss her on her bright cheeks.
Rajni, who had woken up just in time, was horrified to see Ramesh so close to her. Upset at having broken her confidence, she had impulsively slapped him.
Ramesh had a swollen face for days after that and had even attended the exams with a silencer.
Rajni checked on his old friends, got Ramesh's number and invited him to meet her. He agreed to meet with her at 5 pm that Friday
She had hoped that either of them had sent the bouquet but talking on the phone, both Ganesh and Ramesh seemed comfortable talking to her. There was no indication that they were the secret senders of roses in any way.
That night, when Rajni returned from the office, there was another bouquet of beautiful pink carnations fallen on her door. She was shocked. His hands trembled when he opened the note trapped in it. He read ...
"I miss you so much…"
He immediately dropped the note and collapsed on the floor near the door.
When Sumanth returned, Rajni was walking nervously up and down the balcony of the room.
"Why are you on the balcony?" Sumanth had become skeptical lately and questioned everything Rajni said or did.
"Sumanth, there is another bouquet delivered today ..." he revealed.
Sumanth was furious when he saw what the note said.
He tossed the bouquet out of the balcony.
Holding Rajni tightly in her arms, Sumanth looked into her eyes and demanded an answer ... "How many secret lovers do you have?"
"Believe me, Sumanth, I do not know who he is, I have no secret," she pleaded desperately.
But Sumanth was adrift.
"I miss you, I love you ..." echoed in his ears. The dream was lost for a long time and he was not able to concentrate on his work either.
Rajni started thinking about the secret admirer again. She had to solve this riddle to prove her innocence and get her husband back.
"I wish I could turn back the clock and stop the wheels of time ..." she muttered to herself, remembering all the wonderful days she had spent with her husband.
"These flowers have ruined our happiness ..." growling like that, he began to think about his possible stalker.
Could it be Suresh?
Suresh was his last year in engineering school. He was a popular cricketer at the university and Rajni was a big fan of cricket. She attended all of her matches and often cheered him actively. People started to label their names and soon there were rumors that the two were circling each other. Upset with these developments Rajni had stopped going to their games when one day, suresh came to look for her ...
"Rajni ... hi, I know you're upset because we're hooked up, but now that I think about it, I feel like it's not such a bad idea after all, can we see each other?" It was very straightforward.
Already disturbed by unnecessary rumors, Rajni became even more infuriated that sures insistently insists that he test those rumors correctly.
"I just admire your game, do not you dare to dream of anything else, and do not ever talk to me again." I had cut off all contact with him and the game.
Tracking for suresh was an easy job. He had become a famous cricketer at the state level. He had even captained the state cricket team in the Ranjith trophy games. She searched her number on Google and talked with him. Delighted, he had to meet with her that Friday, at 6 p.m.
Rajni waited anxiously on Friday to arrive. I sincerely hoped to get an answer to the disturbing question of one of the three.
Rajni thought about taking Sumanth to the meeting, but finding him already worried about that issue, decided to confront his secret admirer before communicating it to Sumanth.
That Friday, Rajni left his office early and arrived at the cafeteria at 4:00 p.m. Before leaving the office, Rajni was responsible for going to the bathroom to control himself. She combed her hair and applied some makeup. She was meeting her fans. Although she did not have a special place for them in her heart, they were types who had made her feel special. He remembered all the lovely greeting cards that Ganesh often used to leave on his desk. She remembered all the help with notes and books that Ramesh used to do voluntarily for her. And I could never forget the tickets to the World Cricket that Suresh had prepared especially for her. Those guys loved her. And he trembled at the thought that they probably still did!
Ganesh arrived with some cool jeans and a leather jacket. He had fashionable sunglasses in place of his usual glasses and he looked incredibly handsome. He wondered if it was Ganesh himself whom he had deliberately avoided at school. He had brought a large bouquet of lilies while. He had the same loving look in his eyes and the same shyness in his words. They talked for an hour, Ganesh looking into her eyes all the time.
Ramesh arrived at the cafe just after Ganesh left. He was still his usual flirtatious self. Smiling happily at the sight of Rajni, Ramesh hugged her and handed her the pink gerberas he had brought her especially. He continued talking to her with enthusiasm, without moving his eyes an inch of his face all the time. Rajni was embarrassed by all the attention. She did not remember why he had slapped him after all. Absorbed on each other, they talked for more than an hour.
By the time Suresh arrived, Ramesh had just left. Suresh, the man with muscular arms and toned abdominals entered the cafe in style. He had grown long hairs and a beard and was a whole piece. Rajni was dazzled by his burning gaze. He never knew that his admirers were so handsome. They talked about their lives for a long time and he handed her a package of chocolates before leaving.
In the end, Rajni sat at the cafe thinking about meeting his past. In the first place, he could not understand why he had rejected those charming men. The three had refused to send her flowers and she was not sure if she was happy or sad about that. But she was sure of one thing that she still loved her husband. And to see him happy again, he had to solve the enigma of the sender of roses that she had no idea about.
Could he be the Nepalese security guard of his department? Or is it your boss who recently divorced his wife? Could it be the Bihari milkman, or the paper boy, the teenage neighbor with orthopedic braces or the kind of cable with the crooked smile? Rajni was going crazy thinking about all the terrifying possibilities when her phone rang.
She had received a message from her husband asking her to return home immediately. Waiting for another bouquet as the reason for his message, Rajni rushed home.
Panting, he opened the door and found Sumanth sitting on the couch, red with rage.
"Rajni, I can not stand it anymore, how could you do it? You have so many relationships and you're still in contact with them," she said, almost sobbing.
"What? What are you saying? It's just you I love." Believe me, "How can you doubt my character? I have not had any relationships." Rajni shouted that he could not stand the unfounded accusations.
"I do not know who has been sending the flowers and I do not care." It's not my fault. You must trust me ... "she continued.
"And what about all the guys you know?" Sumant counterattacked.
"Yes. All the men you know who give you roses, chocolates and hugs?" Sumanth looked away from her and slowly revealed.
"I had hired a detective to spy on you ... I had to ..." He looked at her furtively to see her reaction.
Rajni frowned in disbelief.
"I was desperate to know who he was, now it's proven, you were in relationship with Ganesh, Ramesh and Suresh, I'm sure you've been sent flowers with love messages.
Rajni sobbed uncontrollably. "You're seriously wrong, they're my old friends."
"Oh yeah ... friends who hug you and have been in love with you!" "I'm sorry, Rajni." "I can not live with a girl who has had sex in the past and still has love affairs." I've spoken to your parents. , go away."
Rajni felt as if he had fallen off a cliff. He felt himself sinking into a bottomless pit.
She had nothing to defend herself.
"Please, do not ask me to leave Sumanth, I really love you, I can not think of a life without you, trust me ..." She was about to fall at his feet. He could not think of separating from his beloved husband because of her fault.
The crying and convincing continued, but Sumanth did not move. He did not want a contaminated wife.
Rajni refused to leave the house until his parents arrived, when the bell rang ...
" riiiingg…"
"Who?" Shouted Sumanth, with no interest in entertaining anyone.
"Delivery man, sir, there's a bouquet for you ..." the guy shouted.
Both Sumanth and Rajni rushed forward and opened the door. It was blue orchids this time. Rajni grabbed the note and ran to the bedroom to read it.
Sumanth, unable to go through another message of love for his wife, sat on the sofa, holding his head with both hands.
There was a sepulchral silence.
After 10 long minutes, Rajni left the room with a suitcase in his hand.
"I'm going to leave Sumanth ..." he said and silently left the house without reacting.
Perplexed, Sumanth entered the room and found the note on the bed.
"Your lover has asked you to finally abandon the marriage, I'm sure you have ..." Sumanth muttered to himself.
Angrily he took the note to break it into pieces. The first word stopped him from doing it ...
He read ...
"Dear Sumanth,
I love you and miss you so much. It disappeared suddenly after our call in Germany. I tried to locate him and finally found his address. I wanted to surprise you. I'm carrying your baby. I know you are not interested in committing to me, but I have decided to have our loving son. I will pose as a single mother. Be happy in your world. I just wanted to tell you for the last time that I will always love you and see you in our son.
Barbara Jones."
Thank you to read, With love from @radhikapatel

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