The cornfield
Hey stemians!
As promised, here is a story (it really happened, ok?). I hope you like.
One night, around 1:00 am. My cousing (a guy who suffered from insomnia, but in the day sleep too much, maybe because of the use of drugs, yes, he was a drug addict. I said "was" because he is dead now, rest in peace) was smoking cigarettes on a corner of the street and saw a man and a girl coming from a party.
He inmediatly recognized the man and the girl, they were friends of him. The man approached him and said:
-Hey buddy, how are you? what are you doing here?
-Just smoking bro, what are you doing with Maria?
-Ah, nothing at all, accompanying her to her house.
-Ok, be careful man, and you too, Maria!
The man and the girl said goodbye to him and kept walking downstreet. The street was desolate and dark, the lamps did not work very well due to lack of maintenance. My cousin continued smoking cigars, thinking about the couple he saw only 1 minute ago.

Just out of curiosity, he peeked out to see where they were going. And for his surprise, the man and the girl were no longer in the street. "It's strange, she lives very far, they couldn't walk so quick", he thought, and began to walk in the direction towards which the man and the girl had gone.
After a moment, while he was walking, he heard a sound coming from a cornfield. With some fear, he walked into the cornfield and saw something horrible...