Today at work: a true story by Paul Fitzpatrick

in #story8 years ago

I had an interesting conversation with an immigrant man today that I picked him up from his Doctor’s appointment. I greeted him and asked how he was doing. He expressed how happy he was that he “passed the test”. I asked, “What test is that?”
He replied, the test so I can get disability.”
Me: “Oh ok”

The beginning of the drive was pretty uneventful. I said his name out load to him and asked if I was saying it right. I was. As I always do when I meet an immigrant, I started wondering if he would mind if I ask him where he is from. He was an older man and that usually means its ok. It’s the younger people that sometimes don’t like to discuss where they are from. So I asked with my usually forwardness, “What country are you from?” He answered without hesitation, “Iran.”

Me: “Do you like it here in the U.S.?”
Man: “Oh yes, I like it here. There is free stuff”
Me: “Free stuff?”
He reminded me of what he had said in the beginning of the trip.
Man: “Free healthcare, free home, free everything.” (This is no joke, he really said this)
Me: “So it’s better than Iran.”
Man: “Yes. Iran is great, but fuck Muslim! There is nothing free there unless you are Muslim.”

At this point I’m wondering if he is just saying this due to the current tensions in the U.S. So naturally I maneuvered my way to the meat of the issue, because if he is being forthright, I really want to know his story.
Me: “Well I’m glad you are safe here in the U.S.” (I said this understanding what life can be like as a non Muslim in Iran)
Man: “Yes, me too.”
Me: “So you are not a Muslim?”
Man: “No. I hate Muslim. They want to kill me.”
Me: “Are you a Christian or Hindu?”
Man: “No! I don’t do religions” “religions are take, take.”

He became very animated, and he was very firm on the issue and I could tell this man was indeed forthright as I had hoped. My curiosity was overwhelmed, but he didn’t need any more nudging to tell his story. He continued.
Man: “In religion they say give to god, but who uses that money? The priest! He takes it! So I am not religious. I do not like religion.”
With some hesitation he added: “But, of all the religions, Christian and Hindu, all better than Muslim. Muslim will kill you if you do not believe.”

“My son live here, he is first in his class in grade school; he is first in class in high school. He finished high school and they say he first in Nashville, they say he first in Tennessee, they say he may be first in nation. We move here, he is first in class at NDSU. He graduates here and makes three robots. He is on a team of five people. He is very smart.”
Then he said something that really opened up his point of view to me. I was able to see deeper into what he was really trying to say. He said, “In Iran, he [his son] would never be first in class, because I am not Muslim. If you are not Muslim, you do not get anything. We move here and MY son contributes to society and I get free healthcare in return.”
The ride became silent for a couple minutes before he said, “America is a good place to live. It is a good country.”
All I can think is wow! I still don’t know what to make of it. I feel very fortunate that I am able to make strangers feel comfortable enough to open up to me and tell me their story.

As I dropped him off I said to him, “I’m glad we talked.” He hesitated and cast his gaze to the side as he thought and he replied, “Yes, it is good. Thank you. Good bye.”

Although this story is not word for word how the conversation went, but this story is real, this story happened to me. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed it.