oh spooky

in #story6 years ago

Call it Arif, he is the son of my best friend named mbak wie (wiwik). They used to be my closest neighbor to me.

This Arif is often play to my neighbor's house next door is heard above. (Sorry, his surname I will hide). Well even almost every day the wise and adit (sister) came there. Because the family still has children sebayanya / still single all. Automatic every day is always gathered with the family. Not infrequently the various events they are included by the family, such as agustusan competition and burn chicken in the new year. Well after the new year 2015, then happened an event that is suffered above.

At that time I was working overtime with mbak wie and her husband and others, in a home nugget factory told "mysterious smell". But suddenly the adit came, usually he picked his parents because of bored at home. The adit suddenly said, "mah, bude (s) dying mah, now he is again taken to the hospital" said adit. Yes we thought, he was just joking. Then say "oh maybe the illness is relapse, because he often dizzy" I said.

Then adit said again that made us a bit surprised. "No lho, had a lot of blood everywhere, and no one knows why, carried with people continued to be inserted into the car" said Adit explained a little. Suddenly we were curious not even believe it. "What's wrong with bude s, de?" Said mbak wie.

I do not know mah, when ade pass and want to find my sister wise even many people in his house bude s, continue ade see a lot of blood everywhere and bude s again taken to the hospital, because ade afraid to be here "said adit on mamahnya. Hearing explanations adit, we are curious. Moreover our house is close to bu s. Yeah, I call him with bu s, while mbak wie call him mbak s. Maybe because our age is different.

At 10 o'clock at night, finally finished the work. We cleaned up and went home. When entering the Kampung Baru alley where I live, I see there are still many people are crowding in front of the house even up to the front of my house (knowing solid location). I was even more surprised, when I reached the front porch of my house while getting off the motor. Suddenly mbak min my neighbor approached me.

"Just go home wi?" Say mbak min.
"Yeah mbak, can go home tonight" I said.
"What is mba? How many people, "I said, pretending not to know.
"That, mba s died, and the body is still on the way to the house" he replied.
"What? Innalillahi, it's adit to work again say dying, I think just a common pain "I said.

"No, but died of childbirth" he said, which made me even more surprised.
"What? Is she pregnant? "I said.
"There she is, no one knows she's pregnant. So we are all in shock "said mbak min.

"Eh momentarily mbak, I bathe first, the story resumed later on yes. Than I'm afraid to take a shower "I say a little grin.
"Eh right wi, huh already showered. Later if I tell you, you do not even take a bath, I'm afraid, so I did not dare to be alone at home "he said with a smile.

Then I said good-bye to leave mbak min outside the house to take a shower, because it's so uncomfortable all day sweating. 15 minutes passed, after bathing and wearing clothes and hijab without distinction, I was immediately out of the house again. But do not dare to home bu s, because many people outside. I'm looking for mbak min, but he's home side / terrace where bu bayan. Then I went to them, who were there To find out more info.

And after knowing chronologically with their alibi, I frowned and took a deep breath. "Astaghfirullah" I said. We just stroked each chest. After the incident and burial bu s finished, a lot of strange stories.