It's one step from love to hatred

in #story7 years ago

That feeling when a person falls in love is unique and very peculiar. Everyone perceives this feeling in their own way. I somehow did not immediately realize that I was in love.

I met Arthur from my friend at home. He seemed to me a boor, an egoist and a narcissistic scoundrel. He behaved disgustingly, trying to show himself with the worst of the parties. I found his behavior not worthy and made a remark in response to which he told me a story. - Who are you? She will teach me. Go see the mirror better, Crocodile.

I was shocked by this. Not wanting to sit at the same table with such an unpleasant person, I called a taxi to go home. Meanwhile, the rest of the guests were photographed in the courtyard. I went out to them to smoke, and Arthur ran after me like a madman.

  • Let's also sfotkayemsya for memory, Hamster? I heard, a gentle whisper in my ear.

  • In an easy! Just promise me that you will not fall in love with me !!! I answered.

"Ha ... what's with all of a sudden." You're not my type. Do not fantasize! Laughing he said. And we went to everyone behind the fotik. Nastya my friend sfotkala us and I saw how my taxi drove up to the house. -Well, everyone, guys. All for now !!! It was nice to meet you !!! I said and got in the car.

Arriving home, immediately went to bed ... In the morning, as soon as I opened my eyes, a friend with whom I lived gave me my phone with a malicious face and said - Well, tell a friend who he is?

I did not understand what she was talking about, she took the phone and saw the SMS: - Sweet flower, God's gift, I thought about you all night. After your departure, the time seemed to stop. I'm in love. Forgive me for incorrect behavior. I'm not like that, you'll see. I'll prove.

To my surprise there were no borders. And in my thoughts I turned - God, he likes me !!!

Meanwhile, my friend continued to look at me with a malicious face. - This is one guy, I met him yesterday. Not that serious. I hurriedly answered.

"You will not answer?" asked a friend.

  • No, let him know that everything is smooth for me. I said my girlfriend and went to the shower.

At four o'clock I arranged to meet a good acquaintance and take a walk in the park. Before my exit from the house, my home phone rang. I picked up the phone.

  • Hello ...

  • Hello, can I hear Anechka? .. I heard a gentle male voice.

  • It's me. And who are you?

"I must have already forgotten, but I still have not passed a day." I did not forget about you for a minute. Let's see you at the cafe against your house ?!

"How did you know my home?"

  • I found out everything that interested me. So, what about the cafe? you agree?

"No ..." I answered rudely and replaced the receiver.

She looked at her watch and ran out of the house. In the park, I met my acquaintance, we went for a walk and she offered to drink coffee. I forgot about the recent conversation with Arthur, offered to drink coffee in a cafe in front of my house, as it was very close to the park.

We went into a cafe, sat down at a table and ordered coffee. Suddenly I saw that at the end of the room Arthur was sitting and looking angrily at me. - Damn it. I thought. And she began to persuade the acquaintance to leave, but she did not disagree with anything. Everything went against me. And he got up and walked confidently to our table. I slowly lost control.

  • All the same, she came. Let and not to me.

"I did not think you'd be here."

  • You look perfect.


  • I see you are not in the spirit. Okay, I'll leave you. But I promise that you will ask me to come to you.

  • Ham. I loudly screamed and nervously left the cafe.

Forgetting about the friend who stayed in the cafe alone, I ran home.

The next day, as usual, I was doing housework and I heard a doorbell when I opened it, saw a guy I did not know with a chic bouquet of roses. - You to whom? I asked.

  • Does Anna Kerimov live here? he asked timidly.

  • Yes it's me.

"Then it's for you." Get-sign.

  • To me? But from whom?

  • The sender wished to remain not known.

  • Thanks, I said signing on the form. She took the bouquet and closed the door. A note was attached to the bouquet. "Forgive me Anechka, I again offended you. I'm a fool. Can still see you and you will understand that I do not wish you evil. I'll call in the evening, but you still think. "

In the evening, as promised, he typed. I agreed with him to stop at 8 o'clock near the park.

I was looking for a long time, what to wear, I wanted to look chic. At twenty-eight I left the house and walked slowly towards the park, I wanted to be a little late, but it did not work out for me, and at exactly eight I was at the place where Arthur was already standing.

  • Well hello! he did not deftly deceive.

  • Hi!!! Well, where do we go?

  • It's a surprise!!! Can I tie your eyes?

  • Do it !!!!

  • Do you trust me?

  • No. Just afraid of me is not what!

"Are you also fearless?"

  • Maybe so =)

He took a black ribbon and blindfolded me. "Not tight." He asked.

  • No.

He gently took my hand and put me in the car.

"Where are we going?"

  • Surprise !!!

A few minutes later the car stopped and he dropped me off, picked up and carried. I was confused, very unexpected. A few minutes later, he released me and untied my eyes.

  • Oh, God, I have never seen such beauty in my life !!! Where are we?

  • We are at my dacha! Do you like?!

  • Yes very!!!

"That's not all." Look, he said, and pulled the silk cloth off the table, on which stood a vase of fruit and a bottle of wine. He put me on a chair, and he went into the house.

I continued to admire the view. I never thought that we have such a beautiful city.

I heard the music ... sang Adreano Cilentano and he went out. He sat down at the table and said quietly: "My dream came true!"

  • What?

"Since I saw you, I've lived a dream that I'll bring you here and tell you something."

  • And what?

  • 5 years ago I fell in love with one girl, she was ideal for me. We dreamed of getting married, but her parents found out about it and sent her abroad studying to avoid our wedding. We corresponded with her for a long time and once she wrote to me that she met another that she was getting married and asked her to forget her sooner. But how can you forget the one from which you go crazy? How to live when all dreams have collapsed? I did not know. That night when you came and I saw you, I lost my mind, you are very similar to her, just one face. I behaved so disgustingly only then.

  • Maybe I look like her outwardly, but I'm not her. I understand your pain. You started all this, to return it, and not to achieve me.

  • No, no, you did not understand me. I do not like her anymore. I need you not as a stub of pain.

  • What for?

  • I'm in love. I'll prove you'll see.

  • Time will tell. Let's go already. I'm tired and I want to rest.

  • Of course. As you say.

He brought me home, I took a shower and was going to sleep, but I could not fall asleep, I kept thinking about him.

We began to see often. Soon they started to meet and I realized that I really love him ...


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i am so stoned right now all i saw is me like pretty blond and that you put in a bunch of work creating the article.. woo i found a pringle in my pocket..last weeks oh well.

Nicole, I'm Oatmeal Joey, and yeah, love is like that, like a roller coaster of feelings and it is partly romantic at times but mostly an action thriller film with cliff hangers at night.