Looking for Something in MesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #story7 years ago

So, minding my own business, I was taking a walk. Carelessly. Just thinking about superficial things and about my own worries. I was in my own stressful world, and nothing would take me away from all the stress I had in me and the rushing, anxious life I always live.

Nothing, that I would have predicted in that moment.

As soon as I lifted my view, there it was. A cat looking at me through a house gate. Something that would seem normal for anybody and nothing else, I took it as an incredible moment. It was the most beautiful cat I've ever seen, and he was just looking at me. He stood still for around 3 minutes, just looking through my eyes as I looked back. We had this connection going. What was he thinking about me that he just stared with his powerful, shiny eyes?

Was he wanting to take a journey outside of the blue gate? Was he tired of living on the same place for years? Did he just wanted to take a breath of liberty and walk freely to discover the world around him?

The only thing I knew is that he was able to disconnect me from my life for a few minutes. All the stress I had going was gone, and just appreciated life as it is, a beautiful thing which manifests in any living being willing to show it to you. You just have to stop and see it.

I knew I wouldn't let that moment of life be taken away from me forever. So the only thing I thought was getting my camera and immortalizing that look until the end of time. And everytime I had a stressful day, or a stressful week, this picture of this cat will just magically bring me back to reality. Give me focus and give thanks for being alive.

Where is he now? Is he still in that house? Did something happen to him? I will never know. The only thing I will remember forever, is that look. He was looking for something in me.


Hola naamex, tu historia sobre el gato de la puerta azul, me llamo la atención, me gustan muchos los gatos son animales muy cariñosos y seguramente ese felino, alzo su mirada, se encontró con tu presencia y atrapo por completo tu atención, dejándote un regalo memorable que es esa imagen inmortalizada por tu cámara y el mágico momento que te saco de la rutina. saludos

Gracias!! Si, a mi tambien me encantan los gatos, son animales muy especiales :)

Those little moments of beauty are really so important. They are our lifeblood and survival, and yet they are so easy to dismiss. Really lovely shot, too!

Totally true. Thanks!!