Secret IV (the second and last part) The finest types of toxins.. 022 BC - 662 ADsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #story2 years ago


Men who can't be demons. The demons are even running away from them. There was no way they could be defeated.
Except to kill them directly. The Prophet "Muhammad".
I crawled into town. Specifically to the Jewish dwellings. Then I came out of it after I deposited in their hearts what I deposited... Suddenly one of these Jews gave the sheep a grilled massacre to the Prophet "Muhammad" and his owners. This woman asked Jewish elders about the most deadly poison of their poison. And they called her the strongest kind, and I put him in the shower. I asked what part the Prophet "Mohammed" liked to eat and she was told the arm. The Sham's arm increased by twice as much poison as she had been placed in her body. Muhammad was accepting the gift before it and sat down with his owners around the Shah. And my slotted eyes stimulated. The Prophet "Muhammad" took the arm and ate it. Then one of his owners followed and ate and then stopped them.
The Prophet "Muhammad" suddenly told them: - Stop your hands, this arm tells me that it is poisoned. I narrowed my eyes in a demonic slag. I knew that one bite he took from the shame was enough to kill him. Even after a while... Indeed, the Prophet Mohammed became severely ill three years after he ate the sheep. In his illness, he said: - I still find from the food I ate from the Shah, and then the Prophet asked Allah and His God to attend that lady when the Prophet Muhammad asked her about the Shah's secret and what the woman acknowledged what she had done, and the Prophet Muhammad told her: Why did you do that? She said: "My people asked me to do it, and I said," If he was a liar I rested from him, if he was a prophet, God would tell him that the sheep were poisoned. "
After this incident, the Prophet Muhammad lived for about three years, but every year he was on the same date as the poisoned Shah. He felt the same pain in his stomach and body until he fell ill before his death. He told his wife Ayesha that this was from the poisoned Shah.
What this lady has done is do nothing but dirty from the series of dirty actions of Jews, to keep Jews murderers of prophets and contradictory covenants and traitors of any pact or covenant over times and eras unchanged.
And so the road became paved for more toxins. I tried my best to contaminate the thoughts of the religion of Islam, but Muhammad had left nothing poison able. He forgot nothing but to make it clear. His owners' hearts were stronger than diamonds. The biggest problem is that God has committed the Qur 'a to the preservation and I have no way to misrepresent it. The Quran left nothing but mention in many places... But I used nothing to stand in front of my creep and I was named... So I found a way out. Or a semi-director who died with the apostle Abu Bakr and Omar. The successor was followed by "Osman Ibn Afan" and the State of "Mohammed" expanded to be from China to Tunisia. If she had left a few years, she would have invaded the whole world. Mohammed has built a whole generation of rare, powerful, and loyal figures in a way that has never happened in history and will never happen in history. The world's greatest civilizations take pride in finding one of these... So how civilized are more than a hundred thousand of them... It was inappropriate for me to rely on someone to broadcast my poison this time. I had to take myself down to the juvenile arena. I was taken off the snake body and I was taken away by a human body. I went down to Medina. The place that raised all these men... I came down to her as a black man coming from Yemen. It's a black demon. A demon called "Abdullah." " Abdullah bin Sabba ".
I'm beginning to confuse a thoughtfulness to inject it into the hearts of these... I looked at their faith, their books, their messengers, but I couldn't find a loophole in it. But I looked carefully and I did until I found her. I found the gap in which I would inject my poison. After the death of their messenger, his senior companions gathered at the house of Bani Saada to choose one of them as a successor to Muslims. But they overlooked one of the most important companions. A very important man was not in this meeting with them, he was busy washing the body of the Prophet "Muhammad" to prepare for his burial. That was Ali. Ali Ben Abi Talib... The messenger's cousin and son-in-law.
The problem is that it was impossible to influence these men's doctrines. I was even afraid of my beliefs as a demon to be impressed if I approached them. So the poison should have been political this time. Purely political. Ali Ibn Abi Talib is a prophet and the apostle of Muslims called him, so how can they meet without him and choose their successor without even taking his opinion? I narrowed my bifurcated eyes in demonic satisfaction and went my way. But I walked out of town shattered. The people of the city are all unanimous in the opinion of the meeting. All agreed without the slightest hesitation to Caliph Abubakar... Even Ali himself simply agreed. They know their messenger very well. He arranged more than once for his owners, according to the credit, "Abubakar", "Omar", "Osman" and then "Ali." My allegation is that these third ones stole the caliphate from Ali three times lost in the air. So how do they steal the caliph, and no one even walks out of it in a new dress, they all die indebted. They gave their money and themselves for God's sake.
But this poison that I attended, and if it is not able to influence these, it is capable of influencing the weak or the modern. So I went to Sham. And I tried to spread my mind there, but I got out of it again. The Emir of Al-Sham "Maaia ibn Abi Sufian" managed the Sham in such a way as to make it impossible for any sedition to ignite. I left Al-Sham and went to Iraq. And there's just my stray.
At the outset, I spread many false ideas to all the country's princes... If people accept it, it will be easy for them to accept those false ideas in the successor "Osman Ben Afan." Indeed, many people have accepted my words, including the major pimps of armies, such as "spinal procurement". Accept my malicious thoughts in princes and accept my words of lying in Osman. I kept lying and lying until the third thousand men walked with me and we entered the city and confronted Caliph "Osman" with our thoughts and asked him to take himself off the caliphate and give "Ali". But even that, the messenger had personally told him. He told him that there were hypocrites who would come and ask him to take off a shirt that God gave him. That's why Osman refused to take himself off the caliphate. That's why we surrounded him and blocked him. Until we killed him. That's why Ali Ben Abi Talib, Khalifa. But the companions disagreed; A team that saw Caliph Ali get rid of Osman's killers first or they won't sell him. The apostle's wife Aisha, Talha bin Obaidullah and Zubayr bin al-Awam are headed by them.
The other team, Caliph Ali, saw the retribution. For a purely political reason, the murderers are among the great tribes of Iraq and the East Islamic Kingdom, and they are Islam speakers. If they were immediately retributed, half of the Islamic Kingdom would defect from the caliph. I used Ali's political opinion. In his opponents, Ali bin Abi Talib has hate for Osman bin Afan, and that's why he acknowledges his killers for what they did. He takes this political argument as a pretext to help the murderers escape. And it seems like I started setting the fire.
Talha and Zubair decided to travel to Iraq to retaliate against the murderers themselves with 5,000 men. But they took the apostle's wife Aisha with them to thin people's hearts there. When they arrived in Iraq, they called on the tribes to hand over the assassins of Osman to the Qisas, but the tribes strongly refused, as Ali predicted. The war began. Talha's army of tribes killed a lot. A few of Osman's killers were killed. Also, as Ali predicted.
Here, Ali himself went to Iraq to resolve this conflict, and Talha, Zubair, and Aisha disbelieved his political outlook. They all calmed down and acknowledged that Ali was the successor and agreed on his opinion. Ali seemed to have succeeded in putting out the fire she had set. But Heath... At night after everyone slept... I infiltrated the camps of Talha's men and killed them with a small alienation. Then we went to Ali's men's camps, and we killed a little crap. And we called on both sides. He attacked us. And so the men got up and took their swords. Ali came down calling on everyone to stop the fight. Aisha came down from her sentences and called on everyone to stop fighting until the camels hit so many arrows that no one knew where to come from. Ali surrounded Aisha's camel with his body in a genuine heroic scene and paved the way for her to get out of the arena. Then he ordered women from his house to accompany her to the city. Talha was killed by an unknown arrow. When Ali saw him, he cried. Zubair was killed by a stab wound during the noon prayer. The one who heralds Ali's killing of Zubair told him I had to preach to Zubair's killer that he was in the fire. He buried him "Ali" himself and said: - I hope that I, Talha, Zubair, and Osman will be the ones in whom God said (and we removed the fraternity in their breasts on opposite secrets)
As Iraq was an unstable place, "I" preferred that Muslims should rule from Al-Kufa. That's how Ali Ben Daddy Talib almost turned the fire on again. But Heath... I'm still here. Black Ben Black is still here. There were a lot of loopholes now. While achieving its policy of bringing together the hearts of Iraq's tribes, Ali had to keep those who were the army commander as he was. One such symbol of the rebellion against Osman and many others was "spearheading". I shouted at people to look at how Ali bin Abi Talib left the city of Messenger of Allah and went to reside as the successor from Al-Kufa the cradle of the killers of "Osman bin Afan." Look how his army was fighting the army of Aisha, Talha, and Zubair and killing whoever killed him. He refuses to fight those who killed Osman Ben Afan. Does this not indicate his malice toward Osman Ben Afan? But my cries only affected my talk about Islam. Muslims know very well who Ali Ben Abi Talib is. Cousin of the Prophet... His daughter's husband, Fatima. And the consultant of the three successors who were before him... In it, the Prophet said, "God made the prophet's prophet's prophet his crucifixion and refused to make my prophet anything but His." And "whoever I was is his money." My cries did not resonate
But what helped me greatly was that there was only one country that was entirely opposed to Ali Ibn Abi Talib's political stance from the outset and refused to sell it until it was taken away from the assassins of Osman Ibn Afan. Only one country, but it's very important. Al-Sham With his princess Muayya Ibn Abu Sufian... "Amr bin al-Az..." When I came to Sham before Osman was killed, I couldn't do anything. Now that they're adopting this opposing attitude... Setting them on fire is much easier.
So I went with my cries to the supporters of Ali Ben Abi Talib and I said... Maaouya ibn Sufian refuses to sell Ali ibn Abi Talib because Ali killed his uncle and killed his brother. He is also the chief of the Bani Umayyah tribe, from which he and "Osman bin Afan"... He's close to Ousmane's blood. He offers his allegiance to blood over his loyalty to the successor. But my cries didn't resonate much in those days. People knew who "Muya bin Abu Sufian" was. You know that it is one of the few who the Prophet "Muhammad" has trusted to write down the Quran. And they're memorizing too many conversations. He called him "Muhammad" and said, "Let him be a gift." Muslims deal with the Prophet's calls to treat the constitution... Indeed, Maaouya's sister is the wife of Prophet Mohammed. And so they call him the uncle of the faithful. They trust him perfectly because, although, during his succession, Omar bin Al-Khalid isolated many guardians such as Khaled bin Al-Walid, Abu Musa Al-Ashiri, Saad bin Abiy, wqaas, and Amar bin Yasser, he never isolated Maaouya Abi Sufian. This is due to the intensity and fairness of the emirate. But Sana 'a has long insisted on refusing to sell Ali. He advised the successor "Ali" to come out to restore Al-Sham to his rule. Her departure from the caliphate makes others do the same thing. So Ali came out with an army of one hundred and twenty thousand men to Sham to return it. He was given an army of 90,000 men. I was so happy. The companion... The golden hearts are about to fight with each other. And fighting them means the fall of their state. It means that the snake will find a new victim.
The two armies met and nearly a thousand people died. But there was something wonderful about these people. I stopped a little to try to accommodate him. They're fighting the day. And at night, they go together. The Quran is manual in that army... And hand in the other army. Every believer is fighting for religion. The first party is fighting to activate the justice limit because it disrupts it in violation of God's law. The second party is fighting for the stability of the Islamic State. They fight and they don't hate each other. On the contrary, they exaggerate each other. In the battle, the two men remain together without killing. All the killing in the battle was done by my followers. The assassins of Osman, who were in Ali's army, but as two Saharans meet, their swords duel with each other without killing their heart. I stood between these and these... No such situation is named... I lit what I thought was a fire in the hearts. The fire became a response and peaceful to them as if it weren't... I'm wasting my time here. These people will come back in a while and come back stronger than they were.
And indeed the term men... They made a truce for a year. During this year, I crawled into a weak soul and faith. I can't help but them. I made a lot of them consider everyone involved in the battle between the companions to be an infidel. And I made them try to turn on Caliph Ali. He was completely busy fighting them and eliminating them until someone killed him. He is Abdul Rahman bin Mljem. He thought with all the frail poison I deposited in his heart that he had killed Ali and that he would enter heaven. The apostle said Ali's killer was the bravest of people. He also said that the community that will kill the Khoraj is the closest of the two communities to the truth and here is the "Ali ben Abi Talib" sect. The sect that will kill Amar bin Yasser during the sedition is the eloquent category and is here the sect "Maaouya bin Abu Sufian." The Prophet "Muhammad" was saying talks about events that happened in full after his death. This nation is a wonder. History has never seen such a nation.
He took over the caliphate after the death of Ali Ben Abi Talib, his son Al Hasan. And he did a simple job of fixing everything. Six months after his succession, he went to Maaouya and ceded his succession. With this term everyone and no longer at the heart of anyone's grudge... This guy is weird. He was from the beginning advising his father, Ali, of all the advice that if he had followed it, the problem would have ended. He advised him not to go behind Aisha to Iraq. And not to go out for a "Sid" fight. Now cede the caliphate. His grandfather, the Prophet, said that God would reconcile him between two great denominations of believers. And again... The prophet's prophecy was fulfilled just as he said it. The sedition was completely over and the fire was extinguished. And the toxins have gone away. And I looked at myself. I failed with these... I failed. What exactly are their hearts made of? What was it made of?
This story tired me personally and knocked me down. The serpent devil is the symbol of seduction. The Torah says that he is the snake that abused Adam and Eve and removed them from heaven. But the truth is not that. It seduces Adam and Eve is Lucifer. "Serpent" is a devil who is competent to destroy beliefs and to ignite sedition and fire in any country in which he comes.
I am no longer surprised by those scenes that I always see on the screen of Jews in Israel killing children and slaughtering them in completely cold blood; The fact I knew was that that Jewish soldier didn't think he was killing a person. According to the Talmud doctrine, it kills an animal prepared by God in human form. And this animal crowds into its land, too. It's a duty to kill him. But not all Jews believe in Talmud, of course; There is a community that only believes in the Torah. They are a group of Jews named Jewish readers. They believe in Jesus and Muhammad as God's prophets. Even the Prophet Muhammad said about modern Jews that they knew him as well as their children even before he was born.
On the occasion of animals in human form... There are scientific theories that have arisen in the arms and sponsorship of Masonic forums, most notably Darwin. Human origin is a monkey. If you wanted an expert opinion, they embraced this theory so that they would deepen the minds of non-Jews or Guyemes the idea that their grandparents were monkeys. Jews themselves do not believe in this theory. For them, this theory only explains the genuine origin of Guyane. If I wanted to think of this theory, I would say that only a man with a bestial mind would find comfort in the bestial origin.
As for the actions that I have done, I am brilliant in the faith of Christians. I did not find a word in which Christ "Isa" says of himself as God. Or he is the son of God. Or say worship me. I even noticed that one time people refused to call him a good man. The good is God. And I know a man has to offer something so I can believe him or deny him. But this Jesus Christ did not offer anything at all. He said neither God nor God's Son in any word or even hint.
Supposedly, man has reached a degree of intelligence that doesn't allow him to say about a man that he is a god. Where was this God before he was born and how would he die in his lifetime? If this God doesn't get food and drink to die? Then they say he died for humanity. So how did he die, and he is God? Then I read that he had been circumcised while he was young. Did the wise man catch him and circumcise him? How do I catch God and his sister? And why did the cross say he screamed at the sky and said why did you leave me? Is it reasonable for God to say to anyone who has not left me? Then how do they say that God is a thing and Christ is a thing and the Holy Spirit is a thing... Then they say they're all one thing, God. I don't know how the devil Serpent did it, but he missed those minds before their hearts were gone.
Maybe I didn't tell you... But I'm a Muslim Although I wasn't, I did it after I knew everything I knew. Having sailed in the seas of the Masonry and the magic of what sailed... Although the Serpent has completely failed to destroy the beliefs of the companions, as he did with the interlocutors. But after the first three centuries... His poison finally managed to reach out to the souls. Because this generation of the first three centuries was a golden generation from which demons had already evaded the severity of their toughness.
After the first three centuries, Serpent succeeded in emerging from the cloak of Muslims, a very large band called Shia. This community's exit occurred precisely after the martyrdom of Hussein bin Ali in Karbala. At first, it was a band called Zaidi, the only band that was true to Islam. These are followers of the thought of "Zeid bin Ali bin Al-Hussein", a mujahid man who agrees with the Muslim public in all things but believes that "Ali bin Abi Talib" was the first succession of "Abu Bakr." Fazal Abu Bakr and Fazal Omar are as good as all Muslims knew. Zeid had mercy on them before he died. After Zaid's death, some refused to mercy him on Abu Bakr and Omar. Call me those who refused mercy on the refusal. They were divided into approximately seventy divisions.
Its history is full of betrayals of the Islamic State and alliances with its enemies. And I was very impressed by how all these radical doctrines have emerged even though Muslims are very interested in conveying the Prophet's talk. And they never left a way to play around. But the unfortunate fact that removed this wonder is that in the early centuries Muslims cared about the transmission of talk, jurisprudence, and interpretation, but they forgot a very important science. Forget to write down history.
When Muslims forgot to write down history... Active Shia in blogging it... They elaborated on the incidents of discord among the companions. The tracker Asanid accounts of sedition find that all stab narratives in "Maaouya ibn Sufian" or other companions' days of discord... Put by four Shi'ite men who were known to be lying. It is sad that their accounts have moved to the curriculum in all Muslim countries so that their students receive that "Maaouya ibn Abu Sufian" is in it. And his son Yazeed is like that and so is... His father, Abu Sufian, is in it.
The novels challenged in "Yazeed Ben Maaouya", all of which, without exception, are Shi 'ah narratives that are falsified. The grotesque thing is that these novels, many of which are exemplified, distorted history, radically altered its features, and undermined the discord among the nation's late; Yazeed bin Maaouya is accused of being a drunk man who loves women. He is not entitled to succeed after "Muayyah", but better to succeed "Hussein bin Ali". They said that it was Yazeed who ordered the killing of Al Hussein in Karbala.
The only true account of "Yazeed" said about him is from Mohammed Ben Ali ibn Abu Talib himself. Hassan's brother and Hussein. He said, "Yazeed bin Maaouya lived and I never denied him." It is a wonder that the late have to believe these charges for "over..." As if the golden generation of companions who were living at the time and opening the country would accept that their successor is an Arab drunk man. It's like this is a stabbing of all the companions. It is enough that "Abdullah Ben Omar" Fakih al-Sahaba at the time came out and said, "I am innocent of those who did not sell Yazeed Ben-Maaouya". Strangely, those who objected to Maaouya's assumption of his son Yazeed are only three companions: Al Hussein bin Ali, Abdullah bin Al Zubair, and Abdulrahman bin Abu Bakr. Even when they objected, they said one saying, "Caesarean or Kisruya", and their objection was to inherit. If there was a challenge to Yazeed's morality, as is now rumored. They'd better say it then. But Shia accounts, of course, mention a lot of false words in the tongue of their owners, and their owners, of course, did not say that.
Now let's leave all these complex nodal conversations and turn to the table again. Now we have only two papers.

The first paper is a hallucination paper with a picture of a man with closed eyes from a headache and his head is permeated by some hallucination spectrum...
The second is the assassination paper.
And this story will not be told by any demons. Let's put the demons aside. The truth is, I made it clear to the Shia that this time he's going to tell the story is one of them. Specifically from the Nazareth community. A man from the dangerous band called the Junkies. And again, don't ask me how to tell it. Just listen.

Wait for the next secret ...

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