It was she ... my FIRST LOVE ..

in #story7 years ago

In the courtyard stood a beautiful summer July morning. I just went into the courtyard of the parents' house, when a motorcycle rushed along the road at a frenzied speed. I looked at him and a little bit outraged, because in our small village it is not accepted to "drive" at such speeds. For myself, I decided that some of the visitors are sporting ... since I did not recognize any of my friends in the motorcyclist ...

In this summer time, there are always a lot of visitors. On vacation, to parents and relatives, former residents of our village come with their families, whom fate scattered across different cities and countries. Yes, and after the summer sessions in the city's universities, the parents of numerous parents are returning to their parents' homes. And thanks to them, life in our village becomes more fun and diverse.

I loved this time of the year ... it was the middle of summer, when the school year was successfully completed and at last a carefree vacation began. These were my last school holidays ... ahead was the last ... graduation class. But it will be only in a month and a half, and now? ... And now the holidays ...

From the house came my older sister and I hurried to tell her about the crazy motorcyclist. My sister listened to me and said that the village is small and not later than in the evening (at the discotheque) we will already know who "chased" our streets ...

After a while my friends came to my sister and called us to the river ... we quickly gathered and after half an hour were already at the beach ... We had already swim, play volleyball, sunbathe and look through the magazines ... when several bikes rolled up to the beach with wild noise and not far from we settled a noisy company of guys from a neighboring village. One of the bikes ... I already knew. Some of the guys were familiar with my sister's girlfriends and almost all the company soon migrated to us. All the guys were older than me for five to seven years, I did not know any of them and I was not very comfortable with their company. I quietly rose from the litter, whispered to my sister that I would go swimming and went to the water ...

I slowly went into the water, went through the strand and already when the water got my neck, lay lightly on the water and ... swam. All this time (as I walked along the shore, went into the water), I felt someone's gaze. I was afraid to turn around and see, I was afraid that this was my illusion or fantasy. I sailed far enough from the shore and was a little tired. To rest, I rolled over on my back and was about to turn back to the shore when I heard and saw next to me one of those guys who emerged from the water (namely, the one who blew up the whole village with the roar of his motorcycle in the morning), who kind of stayed ashore . I did not even get scared when he spoke to me. Laughing, in one second he asked me a bunch of questions: Where did I come from? Why did you escape from the company? Where did you learn to swim so cool? To whom did you come to the village? Who are the sisters? Brothers? Where and in what university I study? His laughing eyes somehow immediately disarmed me, hypnotized me and placed me in my place. I, also laughing, scolded him because he frightened me and told me about myself ... and to tell - in general there was nothing. She said that I am my younger sister ... and that was enough.

We slowly sailed to the shore and he told me about himself, about his family, about his studies. He turned out to be the oldest of me for five years, a student of the last course of the capital's polytechnic school and an average of the brothers who organized the local VIA. It just so happened that in my time, at the age of 16, I went only to school evenings, and to discos ... only in the summer or on vacation. Already on the beach, he invited the whole company to a disco, specifying that he was spending it that evening, their VIA.

In the evening there was a disco, the most wonderful in my life ... Several times HE was transferring his guitar to a friend and invited me to dance ... After the disco he accompanied me home, we talked about everything in a row and the most wonderful thing was that there was no difference in age between us. There were many discos and many evenings. Another ... was the most wonderful and original ... The first kiss ... There was a lot of everything and everything ...

And then ... it was she ... my FIRST LOVE !!!


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