RE: Empathy as super power? A story of how a change of attitude has saved the lives of more than 70 abandoned dogs [English]
Hello, @beulahlandeu! Totally agree. That is why when looking for a title for our publication, we consider that 'empathy' was an important word, because we want to emphasize that the capacity to identify with other’s suffering, in this case, the suffering that abandoned dogs face, is what motivates many people to act and help them. We all have gone through a painful situation, physically or mentally, so we know what it feels like to suffer. Then, when we are able to recognize and identify with other being’s suffering (in this case, the difficult situations faced by stray dogs and abandoned dogs), a force arises and pushes us to help them, in order to lift them out of these painful situations and prevent further suffering for them.
Thanks for taking the time to read our post and for your comment. We want to keep sharing more inspiring stories about animal rescue to support the exemplary people who assist animals in distress, and also, to support the recovery of rescued animals.