The Search for the right one; 9

in #story7 years ago

When someone shouted tell them, some people laughed. The woman smiled and went on. Anyone who has been cohabiting with the opposite sex need to repent, turn to god, and change. He or she must move out from the place immediately! Yes, i know that moving out may be difficult but it has to be done. If you ask god for help, he will make a way for you. He always makes a way of escape for those who come to him. And he does not claim not to know you, for those who know god, they must stop sinning and compromising, and start doing things that god sees in god's way. True christian don't practicing. They shall not commit sin or shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?

Some people responded, no. Certainly not! The woman said. Do not think you do not know or have other choices or another place to go. The moment you say yes to god, you realise that there is another place and another choice.

About 10 minutes after the speaker brought the message to a close. She prayed for everyone, put the microphone down, and she returned to us it with her bible in her hand, the people stood and clapped.

The senior pastor of the church, pastor michael, left a city in the front row and came to the pulpit with a book in his hand. The man who wore a white shirt and black trouser was in his early 50s, of an average height, and hard black and grey hair. Is reading glass uncomfortable around his neck by the neck chain.

Taking the mic, he appreciated the speaker for honouring the church invitation and a job well done. Then holding up the book in his head he announced that it was one of the two books authored by the guest speaker he slipped on his glasses and read the title of the book introduced it to do to the people and causes them to buy it and beckoning at the lady he asked her to come bring some copies of the book to the front.

The lady brought the book and people began to go to the front to buy copies. Jerry responded as well. When she returned, Jite took the book from her and looked at the cover. It was beautiful.

Jite were still looking at it when the pastor announced that the head of the ushering department, a lawyer, was buying 12 copies of the book for the people in this department. The ushers cheered up happily.

If you knew you were going to get a free copy, you wouldn't have bought this book she said. Joy replied her I have not wasted my money. It simply means that I have a copy to bless someone with and I am glad I bought it.