in #story6 years ago


The day has finally arrived.
Three months ago, Dexter had proposed to me, asking me to spend the rest of my life with him, of course I said YES.
We have been through so much together... No, scratch that... I've been through so much with Dexter.
The last three months have been hectic. Planning a wedding is stressful, planning one in three months is almost suicidal coupled with the fact that I still have to go to work.
By some kind of miracles I can't explain, Dexter's family doesn't hate me anymore, they have been nice and very supportive all through our preparation, it's kind of creepy, I still don't trust their intention but the most important thing is they are not bothering me anymore and for that, I'm very thankful.
Dexter and I traditional marriage held in my hometown in Bayelsa, last week, I didn't want anything loud so we opted for a quiet ceremony between both families and close friends and associates.
Hmmmm... Dexter my Dexter, he has been the perfect gentleman over the past few months, he pampers me and makes me feel like I'm the only girl in the world, at first it felt awkward, I wasn't used to getting so much attention from Dexter, then I got used to it and now it's downright annoying because he calls me every two seconds to check up on me, he's always around me, sending me gifts and money too much for me too spend..I guess I can't complain since it's what I've always wished for.
"Earth to Fidah" Kate screamed into my ears, snapping me back to reality. I turned to my best friend who has always been too much of a friend to me. I seriously don't deserve her.
"What's occupying your mind? , you were already on Jupiter just now and on your way to the sun if I had to dragged you back" she asked rolling her eyes. I stood up and went to hug her, she doesn't know how much I cherish her, and I don't think I've ever told her how much she has impacted me life. My hug seems to shock her as it was unexpected. She stiffens for about three seconds before she hugged me back and with an unsure voice she ask "Are you okay Fidah? What's with the usual behavior?"
"I love you" I told her smiling into the nape of her neck. "Eeemmm Fidah, I don't mean to be a moment killer but I'm very straight you know, I mean I like guys and today is your wedding day to Dexter, so please don't love me today of all day".
I snort and release her "You are a goat Kate, seriously a mother goat." I hold her hands and sit with her on my bed, she has this unsure look but I ignore her look totally "You have always been by my side since school days girl, I cherish every moment with you and do not take you for granted, you are not just my friend, you are my sister, infact you are me, I can never repay your kind heart but God will definitely give you all the comfort you ever need on my behalf. I know I don't say this often but I love you so much, so so much, maybe even more than Dexter" I finished. She laughs at the last statement, her eyes are glassy as she tries to fight back the tears that has obviously gathered in her eyes. She pulls me into her arms and we do our traditional hugging and crying in each other's arms. This tradition never grows old I thought . Once we hug, we must cry.
We separate when we hear someone clear their throat. It's Joyce, Dexter's elder sister, I smile at her while trying to wipe my face clean with my bare hands "My brother has a sure competition in your best friend, should he start feeling I insecured Kate?" we all laugh at this. "Your makeup artist and stylist is around, it's time to start getting ready dear, Kate you are dressing up with her right?" Kate nods "Okay, make sure nobody comes into this room while you guys are getting ready, your makeup artist says she doesn't want a crowded room while she does her stuff" I nod too "Okay, I'm off I will send them in now and see you guys later" she leans towards me and gives me a peck on my cheeks. This shocks me, like when did we get to peck on the cheeks level?
Kate gives me the question look while I shrug as Joyce exists the room.
"Someone is getting giddy with her sister in law, shouldn't Dexter be jealous?" Kate joked "Ode.... I still don't trust those people Kate" I drop the issue as my makeup artist and stylist enters the room. I stand to greet them and exchange pleasantries and soon enough we get down to the business of the day which is making sure I look drool worthy to Dexter.
She spends almost two hours doing my makeup while the photographer takes snapshots at interval and the hair stylist works on Kate's hair. After she's done, she starts working on Kate's face while the hair stylist starts working on my hair, the photographer is still around taking different shots from different angles, sometimes he gets into awkward positions to get a perfect shot.
I want to see my face but nobody is listening to me. Kate is already looking like the bride, her hair has been delicately wrapped in layers and style, one part almost covering her eye brows but is held out with white embellish pins that's scattered stylishly on her head. Her makeup is sophisticated, she has a very perfect looking eyebrow with a silver and black smokey eye shadow which brings out her brown eyes, her false lashes gives her eyes the perfect finishing. Her cheekbone is glowing, her faced is perfectly baked and contoured, her nose is more pointed, her jaw is very defined, the Blush brings out her high cheekbone and wow my girl looks beautiful. She's wearing a simple white necklace and matching earrings. "Kate, why are you looking like the bride" I frowned "You look even better sis, Dexter would have a hard time keeping his eyes and hands off you" she smiles as she passes my bridal robe to me while she puts hers on for some snapshots " I want to see how I look na, it's not fair, how can I be taking pictures when I don't even know if I'm looking like a chimp" I whined "Stop complaining madam, you will see yourself after these shots, I already told you you look breathtaking" Kate states as she rolls her eyes "Your eyes will fall off someday don't worry" I told her while we returned to smiling for the camera.
Soon that segment is over. I breath a sigh of relief as Kate starts putting on her dress, I'm seriously tired of taking pictures, I can't count how many pictures I've taken today.
I keep looking at Kate while she adjust her dress on her body and the stylist zips her up, why does she have to be this fine, Thornton was one hell of a lucky man.. Haa... Remember Thornton guys? The doctor that attended to me when Kate came to my rescue months ago? The one whose face looks like the Sun rises and sets on it? The one that has that 'oh baby come to me' look... Jezzzz... It should be illegal for anyone to be that fine for christ sak,i can rant about it all day but .... That Thornton is now Kate's boo, they exchanged numbers and have remained friends since the hospital issue and have officially started dating for a month now.
Kate is fully dressed and set, she wearing white with me, her dress is a simple off shoulder mermaid dress with little diamond stones that blinks and glitters. The dress outlines her shoulder and slender figure. She looks too good. Her figure is to die for. She looks like a real life goddess... I pray things works out well between herself and Thornton, that guy literally worships the ground Kate walks on, she deserves it guys, she deserves it. Their kids would look too good, too perfect for earth, they will be little angels on without wings.
She goes to where my gown has been hanging and brings it down. Smiling towards me "It's time dear" I stand while the three of them help me into my gown and botton it up behind for me. I wore my low heeled shoes while Kate straps it on. She then leads me to the full sized mirror and I'm completely caught off guard by my mirroring image. "Woaw guys" I gasp. I'm. Completely lost for words, this doesn't look like me at all, I look very different. My natural hair was pulled up and rolled up at the middle of my head then my tiara was used to wrap the huge doughnut in place. My tiara has spikes at the top that reflects sparkle . My dress like Kate's own is a mermaid dress, very simple but sophisticated, it has a lace top and the back is quite low like low, very low with just four tiny buttons before my waist. It hugs my figure in all the right places, I turn to see the little train on the dress that starts just bellow my bumbum making my bumbum look bigger than usual. Kate hands my bouquet to me. It's a cream color cascade of flowers, she pins in my veil and the look is complete. I must say I look magazine worthy. Simple yet Classy.
The snapshots resumes again in different locations and positions within the hotel.
We are packing up to leave when I hear my phone ring. Kate answers, she would be in charge of taking all my calls today. I give her a questioning look when she hands the phone over to me "Important call" she says simply and exists the room.
"My heartthrob" Dexter's voice sounded over the phone in a low, calm voice which sends shiver down my spine, All these years and he still affects me like this... "B-baby" I shutter, "Are you okay? Is anything the matter? "
" You are all that matters to me love, before you walk down that aisle, I want to thank you for choosing me and giving me a chance in your life. You gave my life meaning, you made me a complete man, you stood by me even when I failed you countless times and for this I will cherish you forever, I have hurt you so much in the past but I have forever to make it up to you... I love you always Fidah my feeding bottle "
Tears were flowing freely from my eyes, how can I love this man so much that it hurts, my chest contrasts, a lump forms in my throat as I try to swallow my tears to no avail " I-I love you much more my everything " I replied in a very cracked voice." See you soon" he says and ends the call.
I'm marrying the man of my childhood, I'm marrying the love of my youth, I've always dreamt of this day, it's now a reality.
Kate walks in and sees me crying uncontrollably, her eyes widens as she rushes to my side alarmed "What's going on Fidah? What did Dexter say to you?" Fear is evident in her voice "I'm happy" I told her, "I'm just happy".
She holds me and sits me down. "You have ruined your makeup, you re totally looking like a racoon now" she jokes. She calls the makeup artist to retouch my face after which we head to the car to drive to the church. Everyone is there already including my husband to be Dexter.
We arrive church and my car is instantly surrounded. My mum is asking if I need anything,, Dexter's mum is asking if I ate before coming, my aunt is asking if I'm okay, All these just makes me extra super nervous. Joyce comes to my recuse when she sues the mothers away and tells me to walk in when the music starts but Kate would walk ahead of me. My dad would meet me halfway down the aisle and hand me over to the priest. I nod at her, While we all wait for the music to start.
About Ten minutes after Joyce instructions, I hear the music start, Kate squeeze my hands and smiles at me as she comes down from the car and proceeds to walk in. A minute or two after Joyce signals me to proceed...
This is it People, this is it, I tell myself, there's no going back.
I nervously come down from the car, my hands clenched to my bouquet as if my life depends on it. All eyes turns to me as I stand at the entrance of the aisle. My stomach knots as I see him... In all his glory, my night in shinning Armour, Dexter,my own Dexter. His eyes are fixed on mine, drawing mine in, he looks handsome in his three piece Armani tuxedo. His gaze on me doesn't weary, it feels like he's looking into my soul, searching my heart and liking what he sees there because he smiles at me. I start walking down as my eyes is fixed only on one person... Dexter.
Everyother person seems to disappear in my eyes, It feels like we are the only two in the world, his eyes keeps calling to my soul, my soul responds as I walk towards him a step at a time as I was taught by the wedding planner. Along the way, someone hooks his hands to mine, I know in my subconscious that that's my father but I don't spare him a gaze,i can't seem to stop looking at Dexter, my soul yearns, my heart aches, my body launches forward and finally, my father hands me Over to the priest.
"we are gathered today................"