The country of a million coffee shops (Aceh Serambi Mekah)

in #story7 years ago

There is a province of the tip of the island of Sumatra in the Republic of Indonesia, Aceh, which in 1976 aceh memploklamirkan free Aceh Movement by a national figure that is DR. Tengku Tjhik Ditiro Hasan Bin Muhammad, BS, MA, Ph.D., LL.D son of Aceh who holds Wali Negara, aceh province one of the provinces who want to break with the republic of indonesi, so that aceh is categorized as Military Emergency area,

year-old aceh year in conflict, so there was a natural disaster that was the Tsunami at the end of 2004, the natural disaster became a wisdom and became the end of armed struggle with the MoU Hilsinky peace on 15 August 2005,

now peace has been running for 13 years, aceh also have not felt the justice which one by one the agreement result between party of aceh merdekha movement with republic indonesia lost by indonesian government, and many also result of agreement by hanging by indonesia. One of the regional regulations (qanun) no 3 of 2013 on the symbols and aceh flags that until now has not been realized, whereas in the agreement between GAM and RI aceh have the right to have flags and symbols.

Aceh porch mecca, the condition of Aceh is now more secure and peaceful, Aceh is now not the last Aceh, aceh has its own privileges one coffee shop, every village, the city we can say almost all there is a coffee shop, every settlement there must be a shop coffee, that's where all aceh gathered day and night is always crowded, in a coffee shop into a place of business, politics and joking.
Young men, both old and young.
The coffee shop becomes the place of a project agreement, accounts receivable debts up to seek love and become a promising business for aceh own people,
Very many overseas tourists coffee lovers come to Aceh to feel the pleasure of coffee aceh even some are directly directly picking themselves into the coffee garden.
type of coffee aceh it can di though various flavors such as Robusta type of arabica coffee Coffee is offered ranging from black coffee to sanger coffee ie milk mixed milk. There is also a menu like espresso, civet coffee, coffee sanger, coffee egg. There are menus offered according to the type of coffee beans and processing such as gayo, peaberry (male coffee), honey, natural and so forth.

When the night before, the coffee shops are more crowded. Aceh residents gather with friends and relatives while drinking to ngalrol ngalor ngidul.
People here like to hang out in coffee shops, from what was once, discussed politics, economy, and friendship there Aceh people. The coffee shop in aceh dispensed the coffee-coffee manual for its customers with V60 drip
coffee drinking culture is thick inherent in the daily life of Aceh people.
If you visit Aceh, especially Banda Aceh lhokseumawe city and other cities in Aceh province, you will find coffee shops on either side of main streets. Not infrequently the coffee shop is exactly adjacent or face-to-face so that aceh can be called the country of a million coffee shops.
Lhoksukon, coffee shop 30 january 2018.


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