Developing period of Phone -Graham Bell to Motorola-
Graham Bell and the First Phone
Graham, the mother of the hearing impaired, decides to go the way of his grandfather and father, who for years have devoted their lives to hearing impairments. After this decision he had to work for the hearing impaired throughout his life. The most important of these is telephony. Graham invented the first phone in America with his electrical engineer, Thomas Watson, while trying to lift the silence of the hearing impaired. In this device, Radiophone gave the name. Telegraph, cable and information can be transmitted from one place to another in writing, but the fact that the phone is able to transmit the voice directly through the cable has a great effect on the people and the telephone streets and cabling of the American streets are sprouting up. However, the problem of the power plant emerging with the first telephone is resolved by the officers in charge. The people connected to the central office talked to the power station officers and communication was realized by connecting the officers with two line cables. The tradition of employing female civil servants in power plants has also begun in these years and has come up to daylight. As is known, since there are more than one phone in the companies, intra-company power plants are used.

Past Daily Call Phone Models
In this part of the article, it will be based on the phone models coming from the first phone to the day-to-day. I named these phone models with the names of handsets, radio-wave phones, key phones, mobile phones, smartphones. I will continue with these topics.

Handsets Phones
Radio Wavy Phones
Push-button Phones
Mobile Phone
First Mobile Phone
In 1983, Motorola introduced the DynaTAC 8000X as the first mobile phone. In addition, this device has been invented mobile phone. Martin Cooper is the inventor of the mobile phone. We can list the most important details of the process of driving the mobile phone to the market afterwards.
This device was about 850 grams and did not have a screen. With the help of the battery, a 35 minute uninterrupted call was available and it took 10 hours to charge. The most important feature of this device was that it was keyed. The price was over $ 3,000.
In 1989, Motorola released its second phone model, which is lighter and smaller, and introduced it as MicroTAC 9800X. The MicroTAC 9800X weighed only 350 grams. This phone is also known as the first covered and screened mobile phone.
Wow..10 Hours to charge..
I hate to wait 1 hour..i can't imagine how was to wait 10 haha :D
mmm... that older one.... do not waiting for that..... hehehe
How you doing kalvas.... Nice meet you buddy.
Many things we encounter sometimes differ from our expectations. mobile phone is one of the most appropriate for us to make an example. One side yes but the other side no. then we try to weigh to know the level of needs today ... it turns NO. When my cell phone is gone for a few days, I say how wonderful this world is. I fell asleep for days without remembering the activity. then the attack came from the person who needed me. and he gave me a new mobile gift. life began to rise again.