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RE: Division 293 (A BootCamp Story) Part Two

in #story8 years ago

Yeah it was just as bad as it Somehow I found myself in the Nasty Nine. Being honest there was so much responsibility in such little time it was one of the only jobs that had absolute certainty in comparison to the others as they would involve an awful lot of unknowns and wild cards.


These positions were on a rotation basis I guess or once a bog cleaner, always a bog cleaner?

Even though they could have rotated the positions could have been rotated there was too much that had to be covered in such a short period of time. Whoever took on the role just had to get good at it and in a hurry.

On any given day the amount of things you'd have to learn was ridiculous. Imagine being force fed six months of material that you have to know by the end of the week and the cycle never stops. So whatever position someone wound up with they had to learn it and learn it well otherwise they'd be in a really bad position. The collateral duties such as nasty nine or what have you weren't so bad but the leadership positions they'd always have a ton of eyes on their every move.

If given a chance, would you go back to the navy? Why or Why not? :)

I tried my hand at it for a bit years ago with the army but it wasn't for me as I was no longer the overly eager world explorer fresh out of college. Instead, I'm someone with a lot more patience for the unknown and little to know patience for things that are absolute. All in all I just grew tired and decidedly sought out things in which I could continue to be the ever so eager explorer.

Also, it has changed a lot and the old guard in which I was a part of is no longer. I can't relate to how the newer, younger, kinder gentler military is. Somehow things got lost in translation along the way and people gathered the belief that they were entitled or owed something. I'm not a fan of that way of life or mentality and know when to pick and chose my battles.

I like your answer. I admire those who serve their country to protect and fight for it. But I'm not a fan of that way of life. I like my freedom and I enjoy the kind of lifestyle that I have. I can do more, I just need to work harder like you. D

Don't ever look at is as working harder. Instead, just look at it as though you are ceasing every opportunity. In life a lot of people will achieve something and then they are happy for a while. Why stop long enough to feel awesome about something that happened when you can do that same thing everyday ;).

I totally agree! :D