The Egyptian Submarine

in #story7 years ago

Mahmoud left his home in a hurry. His wife was pregnant in her third trimester but all hell had broken loose in Egypt. It was an uprising against the dictatorial Mobarak regime and Mahmoud’s friends were all going to stand to protest against the 30-year long president. They had asked him to join them at 9 am sharp at Tahrir Square in the center of Cairo. Mahmoud reached the Square and was astonished to see hundreds of thousands of protesters. How was he going to find his friends? Most protesters were wearing black and waving the Egyptian flag in unison. People everywhere were shouting, “Down with Hosni!” “We want democracy!” “Arab Spring is here!”
He checked his phone. There were no messages from his friends. He decided to stand and protest along with the crowd. Mahmoud was disenchanted. He had no job even though he had a Master’s degree in Science from University of Cairo. There were no job openings, and he dreamt of leaving for the US. His US visa application had already been turned down and he was planning to apply again. His wife brought some money from cooking for a local school. Now, she was also on leave and times were hard. His savings were running out and he needed the money to take care of his child that was due in one month. “We want jobs!” shouted Mahmoud as another young bearded man next to him joined him in the chorus. The police had appeared in riot gear and were standing on the side. After about an hour of shouting under the blazing sun, he started to feel giddy. He was having a sunstroke. The young bearded man offered him water. He took a swig and sat down on the ground.
“Brother, can I help you?” asked the bearded man.
“Can you take me out of here?” replied Mahmoud.
Putting his arm around Mahmoud, the bearded man helped him move out.
“Are you unemployed?” asked the bearded man.
“Yes. I am Mahmoud. Even though I am a Science post-graduate, I cannot find a job. My area of specialization is marine engineering.”
“I am Rashid and my uncle runs a shipping company. Why don’t you come with me to Port Said for the day? I live there and it will only take an hour. I can introduce you to him. You can take the bus back in the evening. My car is parked only a few blocks away.”
“Thanks Rashid. I would love to speak with your uncle.”
They got into Rashid’s car and within an hour were climbing the stairs of Mohamad Shipping Ltd.
“Hello son Rashid! What can I do for you?” beamed Uncle Mohamad.
“I met Mahmoud in Cairo today. He needs a job as a marine engineer. Do you think you can help him?”
Mohamad thought for a minute. He took Rashid to a corner and asked him, “Do you have any training in submarines?”
“Yes, my thesis was on making submarines quieter and more efficient.”
“Very good.” “I am in need of an engineer to help me refurbish a submarine that we want to sell to the Egyptian president.”

“What a co-incidence!” replied Mahmoud.
“Thanks for bringing him here Rashid. I think I can help your friend.” Mohamad said.
Rashid patted Mahmoud on the back and remarked, “This calls for a celebration! Why don’t you come home and then you can also meet my wife?”
“Sure, why not! Thank you for your help brother. I can certainly come over for lunch. I am very hungry.” smiled Mahmoud.
As soon as Mahmoud entered Rashid’s home, his feet froze. He had noticed Zahira. Tall, elegant and graceful, she was wearing a lacy green salwar and had her head covered with a stoll. She was still as beautiful as he had last seen her four years ago. They had a year-long relationship while in college. While he was pursuing his Master’s, Zahira was completing her degree in law. They had had a passionate affair but both were unmarried then. After completing her degree, Zahira had left to become a lawyer in Turkey and they had lost touch. Even though Mahmoud was shattered, he was able to start a new life by getting married. He loved his wife dutifully and was a caring husband. But, that first love had always been with him and he often thought of Zahira when he was all alone.
Zahira looked at Mahmoud and wished him as though he was a stranger. Rashid introduced Zahira to Mahmoud and said, “Honey, why don’t you prepare lunch for all of us? I met Mahmoud in Cairo and Uncle Mohamad just offered him a job. Let me run to the market and get us some ice cream while you get the lunch ready.”
As soon as Rashid was outside the door, Mahmoud looked at Zahira and said, “Destiny brings us together yet again!” Zahira has tears in her eyes. “I am so sorry Mahmoud!” “I still think of our times in Cairo. It was the most beautiful time in my life.” “I was married off to Rashid last year by my parents, but I am still very much madly in love with you.”
“How come you never even called me after leaving for Turkey?”
“I got to know that you were getting married.”
“Anyways, let bygones be bygones. Are you not happy with Rashid?”
“No! He abuses me physically, mentally and emotionally. I want to leave him,” she said wiping another tear from her cheek.
“But you are a lawyer! I would like to help you for old times’ sake.”
Zahira hugged Mahmoud and they both felt the same excitement that kindled their love four years ago. “But, I am helpless. Your husband has helped me find a job and am thankful to him. I have a wife whom I love and am soon going to be a father.”
Zahira looked at Mahmoud expectantly. “Will you kiss me one last time?”
Mahmoud’s heart was pacing fast. He had to make up his mind before Rashid came back.
Mahmoud ran out and caught the next bus back to Cairo.