情人节的由来 - Origin of Valentine's Day

in #story4 years ago



首先第一个说法,作为一个情人之间的节日,这个美好的日子最开始是为了纪念一位叫做 Sanctus Valentinus的神父。


而当时Sanctus Valentinus神父没有遵从这一旨意,继续为相爱的情侣举行婚礼。

而这一天,就是二月十四日,为了纪念这一为了无数情人而死的神父,此后这一天就成为了Valentinus's Day,经过了无数年的演变,逐渐成为了现在情侣们所庆祝的情人节。

而第二个说法并没有这么多的故事性,这个节日源于古罗马的Lupercalia Festival,在二月十四日,庆祝祭祀牧神,来祈求未来的一整年风调雨顺,求神明保佑人,保佑田地,牲畜。后来随着罗马帝国的扩张,这种节日习俗被带到了欧洲其他国家。


后来由于基督教的兴起,这个节日逐渐没落了,但是风俗保留了下来,逐渐演变成了Valentinus's Day。








Valentine's Day is coming soon, have you prepared gift for your lover?

About Valentine’s Day, there are many stories, I know three most popular stories.

First, it is for lovers and memory of a priest named Sanctus Valentinus.

According to legend, in the third century AD, the ancient Roman empire was in crisis because of the war. In order to win the war, the Roman emperor announced that he had abandoned all marriage promises, so that countless lovers would no longer have the opportunity to enter the marriage hall.

But Sanctus Valentinus refused to give up marriage, he continued wedding for loving couple.

He was peach and died on February 14, 269 A.D., the same day that had been devoted to love lotteries. After many years, it became Valentinue’s Day.

Second, it is from Lupercalia Festival on Rome, by 14th Feb, celebrate the sacrifice to the shepherd god, to pray for good weather throughout the year, and ask the gods to bless people, bless fields, and livestock. Later, with the expansion of the Roman Empire, this festival custom was brought to other European countries.

One of the activities is that young unmarried women write their names on a note and put them in a box. There are young single men coming forward to draw. The selected pair of men and women will become couples in the coming year. Will really fall in love during this time

Later, due to the rise of Christianity, this festival gradually faded away, but the customs persisted and gradually evolved into Valentinus's Day.

The third statement is more scientific and rigorous than the previous two.

According to legend, in the UK, all birds will court on February 14th, so humans also think that this day is the day when all things grow and reproduce, which represents the beginning of life, so they also imitate the choice of birds on February 14th each year companion.

Numerous legends have given this day a mysterious color. On this day, it has become a tradition, and it is also a good day for love between couples.

On this day, men and women in love will give each other gifts, and what gift is the best for Valentine's Day has also become a hot topic forever.

In fact, gifts can be simple, especially gifts that boys give to their beloved girlfriends can be less complicated.
Beauty is a woman's nature. How to become more beautiful is also pursued by all girls. Wigs are one of the most popular gifts today.

With the continuous development of the Internet, all kinds of beautiful shapes are full of social networks, and a good wig is indispensable.

The role of a wig is not how beautiful it is, but the person it decorates. A good wig may be able to unearth the beauty that others have never noticed. This is the favorite romance of girls.

Now luxhairshop.com has launched a Valentine's Day limited series. Pink sweetheart wigs are available in limited editions. They can be customized by customers. On February 14th, Valentine's Day, there are also surprise gifts. What are you waiting for? Hurry up and choose a beautiful wig for your favorite girl!