When you feel lonely...

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemians

Happiness has different meanings for different people. For some people it is love and success and for others it is the family and friends.


Many people have a problem to fit in the society. They try to do everything possible to draw attention. Look for quality time with their loved ones. Anyhow end up with a failure and start loosing hope. To be alone doesnt cause loneliness and being married doesnt prevent it. Children can grow in normal families, but dont get enough love from their parents. When they grow up they loose hope in making a successful relationship. There are many reasons why you feel lonely, but you need to think carefully about what causes loneliness.
We could have enough friends and people around us, but still feel the loneliness. Which is an emotional state that we have when we are feeling disconnected.


The more technology we have and connected we feel the more disconnected we really are. We are using technology in a wrong way and it is harming us. We spend the most of our time using mobile phones and laptops. We meet less people and make no real connection as it is supposed to be. We end up alone and dive into a deep suffer and depression.
We might have many friends, but very few who feel very close to us. A bad experience in our past that caused us to feel hurt and suffer, can be one of the main reasons.


Loneliness is a common problem these days and even small children started tending to it. It became a major public health problem that is growing bigger everyday. They spend too much time on social networks and compare themselves with the people they see online.
We should make contact with people and be more close to them. Join a club, go for social meetings or spend some time with friends. Disconnect from social media and connect with real people. We should also learn how to enjoy our time alone without being depressed! Read a book, watch a movie or meditate. It is us who can choose the way that make us happy. And if we dont change our future, nobody can do!


This is why people starts to have depression. Lack of social and physical interaction. Thee should be a clear limit on how people stays online and actually interacting to people in reality. Some people stays up online to escape from reality.😑

Yes thats true. Many of them join social media to escape reality and dont try to solve the real problems they faced.

You emphasize great point about technology.

Thank you :)

this is a great writing and story also amazing ..this is resteem service we goona doo everyday 10 resteem post and today we goona choses you becuses your post is really interesting thanks for shere..

Thank you :)

Yes it is good to enjoy our alone time without being depressed. I was at that place of depression at certain times in my life. Now days it is good. I am alone most of my time, but not depressed. Seems like there is so much to do to be depressed.

The excessive use of technology, can lead us to move away in our communication with those around us. We must be careful with this and share more in person.