Anarchy Novel "Will" Chapter 10 (part 1)

in #story9 years ago

 Hi Steemers!  I am happy to present my new anarchy themed novel! I will post the entire book for free via steemit posts, a chapter or two at a time.

Title: Will

Genre: Science Fiction, Political Thriller, Comedy

Synopsis: Early 30th Century Earth is literally divided by a mysterious wall. On the dark side of the wall, millions suffer from mind control, despotic rulers, war, pain, and suffering. On the light side of the wall, it is the complete opposite. There is peace, freedom, and prosperity. One day a man from the dark side manages to get to the other side, a fateful event which will change the world forever.

Happy Reading! Please share! 

Please note:  To begin reading from the beginning, refer to my earlier steemit posts or download the book for free on my blog @

 Chapter 10

The next morning was glistening with greenery as was typical for this part of the world.  The traveling crew, now one larger, assembled in front of Jovius’ brilliant flying monster and said their goodbyes to all those who would stay behind.  

 The remainder of the trip went smoothly.  They talked, laughed, listened to music, and last, but not least, admired the breathtaking scenery.  Canyons of red rock, valleys vividly colored, gentle slopes, thick forests, farms scattered in all directions, and celestial vistas passed by like out of a dream.  It was all the more special for the visitor they called Vintage.  This was because everyone lived in cities where he came from and going into the countryside was highly restricted in order to protect the earth, or so he was told. 

 It was the early afternoon as they rolled near their approach to Fire Lake.  “Ladies and gentlemen, we will be reaching our destination in a few minutes.  Fire Lake will never be the same!” Jovius roared as if addressing a large audience.  “The first time Fire Lake will have a person from the other side.  This is historic!” Ray added.  “Why is it called Fire Lake?” Vintage inquired.  “Because the laws of nature are different there.  It’s the only place in the world where water can catch on fire, so be careful!” Jovius fired away in a friendly manner.  “Don’t listen to him,” recommended Luz.  “Don’t worry, Luz, I already warned him,” assured Sophia.  “I’m a quick study, don’t worry,” Vintage proudly stated.  “You still didn’t answer my question, though.”

 Ray explained that it was called Fire Lake because during the Summer Solstice, for three days, the sunset was perfectly aligned over the lake and the reflection appeared as if it were a raging fire.  “Sounds fantastic! I’ve never been to a lake before, or any other body of water for that matter.  I’ve only seen such things in movies.” Vintage  explained.  All of his travel partners were blown away and didn’t quite know how to react to such an inhumane absurdity.  “You’re joking,” said Jovius bluntly.  “Yeah, that’s really not funny,” Luz said in a sorrowful tone of disbelief.  Vintage assured them that he was dead serious.  “You’re gonna learn a lot on this trip, that’s for sure,” Ray concluded.  

 Suddenly, the conversation was interrupted by a wondrous sight.  An aircraft zipped by overhead and slowly began to disappear right before their eyes.  Stunned, Vintage asked, “Does coffee make you hallucinate? I swear I just saw that thing disappear.” Everyone else was near equally surprised by the fantastic sight.  “Must be new technology,” Ray commented.  “This is gonna be one hell of a trade show,” Jovius concluded while still in awe and peering up at the sky.   

 Another brief moment passed and suddenly Fire Lake came into view on the horizon.  It was a wide oval in shape, nearly perfect geometrically, and absolutely perfect esthetically.  It was surrounded by gentle green hills with scattered trees on all sides and flowers abundantly visible as well.  “Looks like paradise,” Vintage softly expressed with eyes wide.  

 There was already a good crowd on hand as Jovius parked his delivery vehicle beside a weeping willow tree.  It was a bizarre spectacle, to say the least.  People of all sorts dressed in more styles than one can imagine.  Musicians, tradesmen, farmers, children, techies, young, old, and everything in between were milling about conversing, working, relaxing, joking, and learning.  Animals were in the mix as well, most roaming, some floating, and a few flying.   

 “Wow, I can’t believe there’s this many people here already,” Ray said.  Jovius suggested, “It gets bigger every year.  Let’s start unloading the stuff from the back, make use of you loafers.” Jovius pulled out a small electronic tablet and started quickly tapping his finger all over the screen.  “Sure, we work, while you play games,” Ray toyed with his friend.  Jovius gave a broad grin and said, “I just need to check how many of my contacts are here already so I can start delivering.  Looks like not many, but Tai is here, so that’s good!”

 “Tai’s where?” came a voice from behind Jovius.  Startled, Jovius turned around and said, “Oh man, don’t sneak up on people like that!” Both men laughed and gave each other a hug as it had been a while since they’d seen each other.  

 Jovius introduced Tai to everyone in the group.  Vintage noticed something strange about the new addition to his slowly growing entourage.  His words weren’t matching the movements of his lips.  “I don’t want to be rude, but I have a question.  Why does your voice continue after your lips stop moving?” Ray took the initiative to do the explaining this time.  “Tai’s Chinese.  He wears an electronic translator so we can communicate.”

 “So Tai, I’ve got a big haul for you this time, and I don’t even know what half the stuff is! Maybe you can shed some light on it,” Jovius prodded Tai as he continued to unload from the back of the truck.  Tai responded, “You don’t know what it is? That’s not saying much.” “Ha ha, everyone’s a comedian.  But really, what’s all this stuff for?” Jovius said as he set one of Tai’s heavy boxes in front of him.  “Just some supplies for the moon base, nothing too exotic,” Tai explained with an understated tone.  “Wow, you’re involved in one of the moon bases?” Luz asked with interest.  Tai explained that his cousin was part of a group that had set up a base a few years back.  “It’s amazing,” he continued, “the maintenance takes more work than the original set up. Not all this stuff is for my cousin, though.  I’m doing some maintenance on the hanging gardens, too.”

 “What are hanging gardens?” Vintage asked.  “Hard to sum up, really,” Tai said.  “I guess you could say that it’s a blend of agriculture, architecture, and art.” “Breathtaking,” Sophia chimed in.  “That’s how I’d sum it up, absolutely breathtaking.” “We’ll be passing near there on the way to the next stop.  We can take a scenic detour if you want,” Jovius offered.  “And if old man Tai here is up to it, maybe he’ll give us the grand tour.” Tai laughed and said, “I’m barely forty!”

 Tai caught Vintage peering at a strange mixture of tubes, coils, and wiring.  “That’s some spare parts for the life support generators used on the moon.  Not exactly something you want to take chances with, ya know?” Tai said ironically.  “Tai, you wouldn’t believe what we saw on our way here,” Ray said excitedly as he helped Jovius set down a bulky box.  “We saw an aircraft disappear just before we arrived! Have you heard of any technology like that?” “Actually,” Tai said with a bit of a smug look, “I was the one flying it.  It’s a cloaking project I’ve been involved with.  We’re still in the experimental stage, but we’re really close to having a marketable product.  Crazy stuff, huh?”

 “That was you!” everyone exclaimed in unison.  “Wow, but that’s nothing compared to what they make where Vintage is from,” Jovius joked.  Tai smirked, “Is that right? God forbid.” Curious, Vintage inquired, “What makes you say that?” “No offense,” Tai answered, “But I don’t want violent, mind-controlled slaves having technology on par with what I have at my disposal.  Dangerous stuff if it falls into the wrong hands.”

 Jovius stopped working and had a eureka moment look on his face.  “I’ve got an amazing idea.  Vintage, my dear man, you want to make some money?” “Careful, Vintage,” Sophia warned, “The last time he said something like that to Ray, Ray ended up facing a less than desirable situation, to say the least.” Ray rolled his eyes and complained, “I thought we weren’t going to talk about that.” Jovius stared down the defiant little Sophia and said, “Oh, always bringing stuff up.  That was a long time ago.” “What happened?” Luz excitedly asked.  “Not important,” Jovius nipped it in the bud.  “Anyway, Tai, Vintage here has been enlightening us as to the workings of his side of the planet.  Often times the folly of such a life, or slavery I might say, is comical, in a tragic sort of way, of course.  Vintage, my man, how about you go on stage with me? It’ll be a riot! I’ll prompt you for info and it’ll just roll from there!” Jovius was pacing around and obviously quite intent on carrying this through.  You could see the thought energy bouncing around in his mind through his eyes.  Everyone giggled a bit at the thought.  “I hate to admit it,” Ray said in a chiding tone, “But that’s actually a really good idea, Jovius.” “Well, I’ve never been on stage before,” Vintage searched for excuses.  He wasn’t really afraid to be on stage, talking in front of a large crowd, or so he thought.  “Come on man, you’ll love it.  It’s a great feeling, making people laugh, even if it is at your own expense.” “Great pitch,” Tai smugly interjected.  “And who knows? If we’re a hit, and we will be, and you like it, we can have a regular act.  You were worried about finding some income, finding your niche, right? Well, here’s a golden opportunity,” Jovius pressed on.  Vintage glanced nervously at Luz.  He wanted to impress her and this might be a good way to do it, plus the money would be nice.  He hated feeling like a freeloader.  “All right, count me in,” he reluctantly said.  Everyone roared with approval and gave their new friend a slap on the back.

 If you like what you just read, you can find more of my writings for free on my blog.

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