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RE: The Longest Day of My Life.

in #story7 years ago

Yes, I have been living that problem you wrote about myself. It seems to continue in stages. The last stage was when I was working at a University in the capacity of Financial Assistant which was downgraded once the original employee had retired so that they could put me in at a much lower salary position. Next was a gradual move to replace employees with machines or computer programs. First the out lying positions outside the main office were compromised by the machines. Then they began a long process of intrusive financial programs from several High Tech companies that promised low maintenance and the best is no employees. That the program would run effortlessly. They kept me on as a guarantee until they were confident that the program was a success in their judgment. Meanwhile I tried to show proof that of faults but they were wanting to impress the corporate heads that they were proving the theory of reducing Employees. Next they belittled me by making me do meanial tasks and find every little thing they could to dump me. But, I retired, but elected to draw what I payed in. I started social security at 200 less than I had been making at the job for 30 years, but had to live in questionable apartments. When I first recieved the check for my retirement, the very day it was available, it was gone. I got it back from non-profits that somehow it had been distributed to. I turned it into silver and gold bullion and refused to keep money in the bank. My brother and sister in law wanted me to move up to their area and I agreed.
I had no idea they were into selling pharmaceuticals. I distanced myself from them and they pressured me to seek another move. So I moved 300 miles south to find better grasslands. But then my car began to fail and with all the moves my funds dwindled. Then last week my car finally was reported to have a cracked head. It was a 1992 Voyager Van that only had 135,000 miles on it. Well, that was the problem. I payed $1,000 for it in 2013 and it lasted till last week. Good things happen and then your head comes up from under the water. But, I feel that this new challenge of Steemit might help me someway to find a way to fill in some of the financial gaps.
I love to use Microsoft Excel to keep track of my bills and manage my funds and Ethereum and Bitcoin purchases and increases, but I think I got in a little too late for it is getting a little bumpy lately. So then 2 days ago I ventured onto steemit. At least since I had to let family go, I have a chance to meet and find some good friends here.
I hope that I wasn't too wordy, but I love to type.
Thanks for telling your story and letting me tell mine. I don't feel alone when I see others have similar problems


beautiful story @gunni55. Thank you for sharing. Here is to hoping steemit can help! Keep on hustling and keep on making good decisions. It's not easy.