The myth of Chullachaqui

in #story8 years ago

Today I'm going to talk about a myth of Perú to be precise in the Amazon jungle. Well also I've drawn a picture of the creature I'm to talk about. I hope that you like it.

Chullachaqui is a dwarf or a rainforest demon whose name comes from the Quechua language that mean "dissimilar" (Chulla) and "foot" (Chaqui), that is "dissimilar feet." According to the legend of Iquitos (Amazon's city) , this forest dwarf has the ability to transform into any other person to deceive visitors or local people living in the jungle. He may appear as a family member or friend, leading to wrong paths, going deeper and deeper into the jungle and then leaving them there, lost. For a child, the Chullachaqui often appear as another child or other playmate. In this disguise, the evil Chullachaqui will try to deceive the child into the forest to get lost. The only way to discover the true identity of Chullachaqui is to look at his feet, as one of his feet is deformed. Consequently, he will try to hide his feet. Being discovered, the Chullachaqui will escape in the jungle.

Chullachaqui is a dwarf or a rainforest demon whose name comes from the Quechua language that mean "dissimilar" (Chulla) and "foot" (Chaqui), that is "dissimilar feet." According to the legend of Iquitos (Amazon's city) , this forest dwarf has the ability to transform into any other person to deceive visitors or local people living in the jungle. He may appear as a family member or friend, leading to wrong paths, going deeper and deeper into the jungle and then leaving them there, lost.The only way to discover the true identity of Chullachaqui is to look at his feet, as one of his feet is deformed. Consequently, he will try to hide his feet. Being discovered, the Chullachaqui will escape in the jungle.

Those who claim to have seen him, say that he is wearing a big straw hat that hides a wrinkled face, which has a prominent nose, pointed ears and red eyes. Barely exceeds a meter of stature and is dressed with very dirty rags. Others say that he walks bent and with his feet tucked. But the main characteristic, from which his name derives, refers to his feet: one is of a human being and the other of an animal (goat,deer, sajino, turtle, rooster , Etc).


Thanks for sharing! Upvoted and followed!:) I love myphology, especially non-pop myphology, if you know what I mean. At university I had a course about myths and it was so interesting to study them, more interesting than art itself (graduated as an art critic). I had Gearge Frazer's "Golden Bough" as a desk book and I still love to reread it, I always discover something new. Indeed old myths and traditions are super interesting:)

Thanks, I'm so glad to you liked it; Also me too love the mythology about creatures, gods and the beliefs of the cultures.

Woo, how it comes closer! Let's keep going!

Thanks :)