ELF BLOOD- Projects in the Trunk (1)
How did the idea come about?
My friends and I read a webcomic called "homestuck" and that's when we decided to create our own characters based on that story and write fanfictions (but that's another story that I'll tell you later). One day they tell me that they were doing a story in which their characters and those of the webcomic were magical creatures, they asked me to participate and I accepted; I let my character be an elf and we only wrote a chapter that day. This caused me not to stay with the desire to wait and continue writing the story for me, that's how I had the idea (or so I thought) and not only wrote the first book as we had thought, but write five that will form "Dragontime Series" of which I will speak to you now.
Why did I hide the story?
As I said, I thought the story I was doing was original, but I realized that I was not right. The story was similar (not like a copy) to my favorite novel and musical "Wicked". I hid it so as not to generate problems or displeasure in the future for copyright reasons, but even so I decided to show them so that you can judge and comment on whether or not it looks like "The Wicked Years - By Gregory Maguire " I even made ideas of how the covers of these books would look together. It must be said that I will not tell you in detail the whole story and therefore will be left with some doubts.
Dragontime Series
Elf Blood

Beginning with the first book in the series whose plot is very similar to Wicked, although I did my best to not seem absolutely, I thought it was still a copy of that wonderful work.
Elf Blood is a fantasy story told in London, where mythological creatures and humans still live alone without being seen or mixed. The Governor or King of the Elves, has a wife who gives birth to a small elf other than the rest, this had scales on his skin and sharp teeth; so he decides to leave it to Nana's care and never show it to the world so as not to be ashamed. The years pass and the young Elf whose name is AREK, has a brother and while playing hide and seek with him, he meets a young girl in a river called EURI and they both become very close friends. The day that Gabriel receives the letter to study in the biggest school in London, Arek also receives one but does not say anything so that his father does not stop him from going.

Once at the SOLLEX school, Arek meets ALYSSA, a very beautiful mermaid who sees Arek thinking about bothering him every time he sees him because of his physical appearance, that's when they both start to get upset and EURI tries to fix the relationship between them since she is a friend of both.

Arek meets a werewolf named Dek with whom he makes good friends since Dek was always looking for the boy of prophecy, and he faithfully believed that it was Arek.

For Christmas, at school they do a dance and it is there that Arek wants to invite Thalia but she was invited by Gabriel (this because Gabriel was in love with Alyssa and she to get rid of him asked her to take the girl to the chair Even so, in the midst of all, Arek dances without paying attention to anyone and it is there when Alyssa approaches her and asks her to dance together.

After the dance, Arek becomes sad and runs away, followed by Euri and Alyssa who take him to his room and it is there where they all know each other very well and decide to help each other until the end.

Dek disappears from school and nobody had seen him, they even knew him. Then Arek begins to worry about him; He soon realizes that there is something emerging in Thalia and that is love, even if it is not for him, but for his brother Gabriel, he decides to step aside and do the right thing. A letter comes from the Director of Sollex and asks to see him in the city of Nagas, Arek takes his things and accompanied by Euri and Alyssa will visit. Once in the city of Nagas, all surprised Arek receive very well for having beautiful bright scales as their leader and quickly take him before him, discovering that the leader of the nagas is the same director of Sollex.

The director Naga Psii, receives them very well and gives Arek a very old book with a strange language, Arek knows how to read it and formulates one of the spells that are written there, that is when the director discovers and knows that Arek is the boy of the prophecy. He asks him to keep and hide that book and use it when necessary, and he accepts it.

But the governor finds out what happened and that's when he calls Arek to visit him, he gets excited for being invited by his father for the first time and prepares himself very anxious.

Alyssa and the vampires disappear a short time later, then Arek and Euri visit the Elven Governor together and it is there that Arek shows her magic by making two silver boots float, then discovers that it is his own father who has been capturing the half blood and that's where he sees Dek, and he knows that's wrong. His father wanted him to make the half blood a single creature and not a mixture of races, but Arek decides to escape with Euri and the silver boots and disappear, being sought by the royal guard.

Arek went far to hide, while Euri is threatened and taken to the palace of the elves where they place her as their savior by making Arek leave without doing any harm, she knows that if she says otherwise they would end her life, that decides to stay there for a short time and then flee with help from Psii.

Arek manages to obtain the pardon of the parents of Thalía and with the help of the silver boots it makes this walk again, both plan to go abroad in the future and begin to prepare their plan.
Arek then visits the oracle and realizes that the prophecy everyone is talking about may not refer to him completely. Arek tries to get the oracle to not be a slave to it, but is interrupted by the elves and has to escape, making everyone believe that he was the one who condemned the young lady of the oracle to stay there forever. Take advantage of that distraction and release all the half blood from the dungeon, making himself known as the evil being, Dek in gratitude begins to be his servant and takes him away from there. The moment Psii helps Euri escape from the Palace, Gabriel realizes it and tries to help them faster, but is captured by the royal guard and condemned To death along with the others, then Arek finds out and quickly begins to formulate a spell with which he manages to save Euri and Psii, but his brother does not save him completely since he did not know he was there. It is then when Arek meets Euri in the forest and gives him the spellbook and says goodbye leaving it hidden behind a tree, there appear the guards and all the creatures that helped the elves, and attack Arek, suddenly a tree falls and knocks it down leaving only its red cape in sight. All return victorious and Euri sad approaches the cloak to mourn the death of his friend, breathes deeply and returns to the elven city threatened the governor not to tell the truth but to keep his promise to free her and stop capturing the half blood, the elf accepts with fear that she would hurt him with the spells and that is how they make her known in public as "Euri the Good".

Unrrealistic Love

"You have not been the only one that tore pages from the book, besides" she kept it in her desk "There is something that I have never told you and it's time for you to know".
"What happen?" Euri asked.
"Arek is my son."
The Summoner

Rain Daughter

"You still have not told me what your name is, young caretaker," said Teophyta anxious to know the identity of the young man.
"I am Arek" he said taking off the hood "your grandfather".
When the war is declared, the soldiers begin to show interest in Teophyta, Euri knows it's time to save her, leaves the girl in the academy, but crosses the road and falls in love with a mysterious boy named Caliborn. Eventually, Rufioh is apparently arrested by the shadow leader, and Teophyta is forced to take action on the matter.
Arek talks to Teophyta and asks him not to fall in love with Caliborn since he is the son of the shadows, he is the boy of prophecy. But that makes her distrust her grandfather and go against everyone willing to keep Caliborn's love.
In Dragon Times

The story does not end there, there are still some scenes of which I prefer not to tell since it would ruin everything.
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Leave me your opinion about whether or not it looks like "The Wicked Years"