Stages of Spiritual Development. HANDY GUIDE

in #story8 years ago (edited)

  1. The Clash - at this stage the person first encounters with the information, which is contrary to the settings in the society, contrary to the conventional, displays beyond the usual world outlook. Here is the choice, or not to believe, be skeptical, and repel those contradictions or interested in and try to learn more, to understand better.

  2. Knowledge - at this stage is an active knowledge. Show interest in the different fields of knowledge, man expands his horizons, he wants to share with others. Begin the first difficulties in understanding. Disputes. But the learning process goes, and the person begins to distinguish between people in terms of development, the level of understanding life. He knows that beyond the material world there is something, begins to understand that life - it is an opportunity for development, not just for being and party. And after some time, the man decides to practice, to use their knowledge to change life, change himself, engage in self-development.

  3. The practice - at this stage starts using acquired knowledge in practice. The man begins to study the movement of energy within themselves, to engage in meditation, energy exercises to master his chakra. Basic exercises, all designed to improve the well-being and improving their well-being. Man wants to achieve its goals using spiritual practices.

  4. Select a destination - after a series of failures in achieving the set goals, the person realizes that his life is even more powerful factors than his own energy system, and its own will. He begins to notice the ups and downs of the energy plan. He understands that such savings vitality, and tries to use his time and energy as efficiently as possible. In the end, he realizes that he needs a variety of areas for further development, as its previous value gradually questioned. All ends with the old values are reviewed, and he has to make a choice of the further direction. In connection with this choice is selected a new system of values. Build new purpose.

  5. Failure - at this stage there is the collapse of the way. All ideas about what is important, what you need and what is not - are crumbling. Man found that the world is inherently illusory. All forms are temporary, all the states that can be achieved, is also temporary. they choose the direction and goals that do not give returns, he waited. The person starts to think about the meaning of all again. He feels that something more sophisticated controls his life, which is not a lot depends on himself. What the world around manage the higher powers.

  6. Independent Contemplation - At this stage, there is something interesting. After the refusal, the person is completely disillusioned with stops to think and trust the same ideals and values, it becomes independent, and looks at everything with indifference, impartially. Losing dependence on ideals, a man becomes truly free and begins to love the irony of life, the combination of high and low, spirit and matter. And the most interesting thing that he was no longer looking from the perspective of his personality, but slightly wider from the position of an outside observer.

Pass the weeks, months, and perhaps years, but spiritual knowledge, no matter how disappointed would be a period of "failure", it is still in my heart, and as if a person is not entangled in itself, it clarifies a lot. In the end, one notices that the world is more harmonious than he thought. Simply, he is not subject to the ideals of just one group of people, and is developing dynamically, periodically changes its structure, and even the way of development.

The results of this step may be different for men. But in general, it is an independent contemplation leads to a deeper understanding of the harmony of the world. Most importantly, even if there will be another collapse of the planned events of the next line or the collapse of the ideal person is not lost but takes for granted.

  1. Full Acceptance - The next step is the full acceptance. It is characterized by the fact that a person begins to take things as they are, and become grateful to all that comes with it. Previously, he was waiting for what he wanted, but now he calmly accepts everything that happens, not torturing herself expectations and do not torment yourself disappointments.

Somewhere, at this stage, it becomes clear that the main teacher - this is our life. The man is now aware of God around them, understand that each event touches the human will and the will of God. Born expectation of a meeting with something higher, a person prepares himself to some opening.

  1. The realized Aspiration - There is a flash. Flash consciousness. There is an understanding that God is not just somewhere nearby, but that can be disclosed. By this stage, the person has learned to see the good sense of the sacred, of what is happening, he knows that is ready for this disclosure. There is a flash of consciousness is born Conscious aspirations. It is noteworthy that the person is not looking for some kind of knowledge, the esoteric mysteries, secret techniques, he seeks the very essence of the Holy Spirit of the Creator, because by this time he really realized the importance and its power.

This stage is very rich in energy. The spiritual body of a man begins to grow more quickly than ever before, it collects a spiritual essence, filling your mind fortitude.

  1. Pick - Dedication - fill yourself with fortitude, people become willing to meet with the Creator. This can occur on their own, can occur with the help of the teacher, but this time with nothing to confuse. This meeting with the Creator. Human consciousness is found with God and come into a state of Supreme Bliss. It receives a huge impetus to the energy of love, itself starts to radiate the love of God and the world.

Dedication in this case, is transmitted to humans as a powerful impetus to the spiritual energy that remains in the mind forever. Part of this pulse immediately brings knowledge, and the rest is revealed gradually after this stage. After this initiation a person begins to receive information directly from the Consciousness of God (This may be perceived as a knowledge-sounds of the higher realms, or Akashic records, or prophetic dreams, but the main thing that people become receptive to the information above, he finds answers to questions already inside rather than outside to know something, it is enough to enter the desired "wave" to send a request and get an answer).

  1. Merge - This step is merging with the Creator. Two Consciousness acquire such a strong bond and regular contact, their thoughts and their will begin to coincide. Man receives constant energy channel coming from the Creator's mind. The merger takes place at the atmosphere-monadic level, channel energy through all the energy bodies.

The principal and the desired action and aspirations of man become service to the evolution of people's consciousness and infinite spread love to the world. He becomes a vessel and a conductor of the Divine Love and Awareness.

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