Making a Murderer S1&2 Recap Justice Sleeps
What can I say? Do not ever get involved with the court system of the United States. The more you learn about it the more sick to your stomach you will be. The scariest part of the whole thing is when the state goes after you, the state that lives on tax money stolen from your paycheck to try to put you into a cage. They use your own money against you!
Half the laws on the books are unconstitutional. Don't believe me? Look at the recent gambling case before the supreme court. The Communist Nitwit Network described it as, "Supreme Court lets states legalize sports gambling" as if it were up to them. What they seem to be ignorant of over at Jeff Zucker's fake news apparatik is Enumerated Powers.
How does this happen? Over 40% percent of congress are lawyers and they pass unconstitutional laws? Is there any review prior to passage that ascertains the constitutionality of laws? No.
Not only do unconstitutional laws get passed every day by swamp creatures but there are no Sunshine clauses. The Sunshine concept is a Libertarian one, because all good ideas come from the Libertarian Party and no good ideas come from any other party. It basically puts an expiration date on laws, or at least forces congress to review laws after a certain period of time. There is a twofold benefit to this: first, time spent reviewing old laws is time taken away from passing new stupid ones; second, the total number of laws would be reduced as ineffective, out of date or unconstitutional laws are allowed to expire or simply taken off the books.
Legally, we are so far away from where we should be as a country of free men that it is scary.
In this series we caught a glimpse of the totally incompetent judge Sutkiewicz the pig. Can you imagine your freedom and your life depending on some one like that? Who does her performance evaluation? Who decides whether judges get bonuses or demotions?
Why do appeals that are won thrown right back at the judge who messed up in the first place? Can you imagine some prejudiced incompetent creature like Sutkiewicz ruling against you? And then you win your appeal and it goes right back to the same pig? What is that? First of all, new eyes should be looking at the case and how the original judge messed up. Secondly, after some one is overturned so many times their position as a judge should be revisited.
And what's with the partiality? How many times have we seen split panels making a decision? Brendon Dassey rots in jail because the 7th circus ruled against him 4 to 3. That was after a prior panel from the same circus ruled FOR him 2-1. These judges are simply unable to separate themselves from their political opinions and that is scary. Panels of judges are split so often because they are unable to objectively interpret the law AND because the laws themselves are too murky.
It all starts with our universities. We're assuming most Steemians are into cryptocurrencies and saw the racist creature nouriel roubini bashing Bitcoin to congress the other month. He tweeted about those hurling insults at him and trying to teach him basic economics, "99% of them are angry white males who are totals life losers. Proves my point on crypto as right wing nuttery." This guy is a professor in a university living off your tax dollars! And, he's supposed to be a professor of economics! These safe space commie SJW campuses are where our judges come from and they are simply unable to maintain their objectivity on the bench. These campuses don't even allow free speech and call jews like Ben Shapiro Nazis!
Most Steemians should also be familiar with the plight of Ross Ulbricht, another innocent man rotting in jail because of judge Katherine Forrest. This hideous creature mentioned "White privilege" as relating to Ross' case. What?
Who are these people? How are they judges? James Robart is another piece of work. That's the nutjob who put the restraining order on Trump's immigration holds. Doesn't matter what side you're on, the law is clear, Trump had the mandate. Robart was overturned 9-0 by the supreme court. That includes Ginsburg and Sodomyer and Kagan! How is Robart a judge when he cannot interpret one simple sentence of statute?
Look at Ginsburg sleeping and falling over herself. Another mental case. She recently made statements about women in law or something. An 89 year old supreme court justice talking about genitals. She also labeled the Kaepernick protests "dumb and disrespectful." What the hell is a supreme court justice doing wading into political battles like that in public?
It is bizarro world people. The system is contaminated, corrupt. My advice is to study, work, accumulate your silver, gold and Bitcoin and avoid the US justice system at all costs. I regret to report it is broken. The laws are broken, the judges administering them are sick and the state does not have the best interest of the people on their agenda.
We are still in shock at what we saw in Making a Murderer. It truly is one of the most amazing stories and set of circumstances we have ever seen.
Our condolences go to Teresa's family and also to all innocent people who are a victim of this screwy system run by degenerate mental patients.
We hope Kathleen can get Steven out as soon as possible.
We also believe in jury nullification. Do your duty and serve, but openly state over half the laws on the books are unconstitutional, the system is broken and you will refuse to pass an unjust or illogical sentence on a fellow citizen regardless of judge's orders.
Justice Sleeps.
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