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RE: Inside The Mind of War - Part 3 (My Original Short Stories)

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Very passionately and well said, @lumlum85 and just for the record, I completely agree with you.

How in the world can vets and the like conveniently do an about turn from the horrors they witnessed at war and suddenly return back into a "normalized" civilian role. To me, that just seems plain unfair and unjust. If there is indeed any needed re-integrational support, families usually suffice in providing that first and foremost. But as to any longer lasting psychological after effects post-war, that's where I believe the government must extend their influence and aid in more facilities required for them to (for want of a better phrase), "fit back into a more societal role". I know that doesn't sound great when expressed so directly, but there is a stark contrast between what happens on a battlefield as opposed to our regular day-to-day routine activities.

I understand there will of course be differing levels of potency in regards to how each individual views their personal military experience. But again, for the more severely affected, the general consensus appears to be that more assistance would be very warmly received. And as to how that may be best implemented? Well, that comes down to the politicians and how they wish to proceed with any such productive, forward thinking plans.

I thank you for your input, @lumlum85.


@ezzy I certainly hope that I didn't come off harshly, I actually posted about this yesterday (personal experience) and will be carefully opening that box with more in the future because it can benefit people to understand veteran struggles and I am hoping to draw more of us out to talk about it.

Absolutely no problem, buddy! If anything, I appreciate you taking the time to put forward your point of view. We're dealing with ultra sensitive subject matter here, I totally get that. So the more authentic the feedback I receive, the better for me. That's the way I see it.

If anything, it'll assist with my writing and keep me grounded as to a situation that might actually occur in real life.

Thanks, man.