My Personal Thoughts on "Thor: Ragnarok"
We now have the third iteration of the “Thor “ saga and I just got back from watching it. Seeing as it’s still fresh in my mind, I thought I’d offer up my personal take on the movie in general.

The plot synopsis is your usual fare expected from the team behind the Marvel universe. Thor’s home realm of Ragnarok is in dire peril after a super-villainess known as Hela manages to surface early on in the movie and wreak havoc upon his people. During their tussle together, Thor gets flung into the depths of space where he soon gets sucked into a vortex pulling him to another planet altogether. There, he faces a whole new set of dangers as well as reunites with certain old friends from the “Marvel Universe”. That’s as sparse as I want to be without giving away too much.

So, I think I’ll get this out of the way from the start. This is a really good movie. Not without it’s fault, but the pros definitely outweigh the cons. Out main protagonist, still played by Chris Hemsworth, is now history-rich and enjoys layers of depth, given the amount of time MCU has had to develop him. The primary ingredient behind these movies working as well as they do is the emotional investment you place in the on-screen cast. And that has never been truer here. Familiar faces such as Loki, Odin and a selection of other MCU cameos, all play a part to make this production gel together so well. There are moments of thrilling action and edge-of-your-seat tension littered throughout. If ever there was a term describing a “roller-coaster ride of a movie”, this would be it’s very definition. It is that unrelenting in pace. Though not jarringly so.
Of equal importance to the film is the presence of a strong, intimidating lead antagonist. Here, we are bestowed with the acting prowess of Cate Blanchett as *Hela who turns in a stellar performance. Her clear motivations revealed near the beginning of the movie offer a near-perfect partnership to her memorable portrayal of this commanding enemy vixen. Powerful and vengeful at the same time, I loved Hela and all the resultant carnage caused by her forceful actions. A fantastic actress and awesome job with the role.

As I mentioned, the action set-pieces are grand and a spectacular visual treat for all Marvel and comic-book fans alike. This is the penultimate movie before we get the final wrap-up regarding “Phase One” of Marvel’s epic juggernaut of a franchise. That film is “The Avengers - Infinity Wars” so it was all the more essential for them to leave a lingering appetiser for us before the main course. And they pulled it off nicely. I find it incredible how the production team and script writers have woven this intricate network of story-lines and character arcs (starting out when the first Iron-Man was released to much critical acclaim). The dazzling euphoria since that initial opening box office success way back in 2008 has only continued to grow from strength to strength, proving what a phenomenal job they have done so far. It leaves a yawning chasm for their main rival “DC Universe” to somehow contend with. A monumental undertaking, which I certainly don’t envy them for.

If there are any problems to be found in this movie, they are negligible at best. The action is, for the most part, very cartoonish. That being said, the sense of any real danger for our band of heroes may be lessened to some degree. As ferocious as Hela is, the movie follows the same patterns as all the others preceding it. Quite formulaic and by the numbers. Though, in turn, this "has" proved to be a recipe for success more than anything else, so why go changing it up now? After all, we go to watch these movies in the expectation of having as much escapism and fun as possible. Am I right?
All in all, another home run for Marvel. You have to wonder, is it even possible for them to put a foot wrong at this stage? The legions of fans they now enjoy is almost as unstoppable as the franchise itself. If this absurdly high movie quality we are offered time and time again is anything to go by, the Marvel steam train seems to be only just getting started.
Now... Roll on “Infinity Wars” and let’s bring this baby home…
My Verdict: (9/10)

Another excellently written review, bud. But from you I expect no less as you are a natural wordsmith.
I don't usually care for the comic book movies, but I may have to make an exception for this one. :)
Hope life is swell :D
Thank you so much, buddy! Yeah, this movie is one of those that you take it "as you see it". Going in and expecting to get a "not-too-heavy comic book style" action adventure will make you enjoy it all the better. I hope anyways, lol! :)
Infinity wars is/will be the Milestone movie , all these spin offs where directed to the big first final, hopefully they had a good plan to finish all these side storys to a big final for all marvel fans
Very well put, @tzap90. We need a epic finale whilst closing out a lot of character arcs too. I still hold out much hope Marvel will do a great job. :)
Great thoughts..
Really cool! Not the best marvel, but a very good entertainment.
Adoring Loki, I'm not disappointed with his performance in the film, on the contrary x)! I think all scenes with Loki are my favorites: D (same as in the second thor actually).
The scenes with Hulk were really great, I'm not disappointed!
Hela is one of the best wicked mcu, without hesitation! Cate Blanchett was excellent, very elegant and perfect in nasty! She is top this actress!
Many people loved valkyjie, I did not fall in love with it ... I even preferred Skurge.
In short, very nice film, I had a good time!
Thanks for the feedback, bud. Yeah, I had a blast with this movie. Not ground-breaking in any way but serves the MCU nicely. Look forward to the next in the series. :)
I see, I have to step up my game when it comes to going to the cinema. There are a lot of great movies I need to watch. Thanx for your thoughts on this movie. I am a huge Marvel fan myself since I began reading these comicbooks when I was at a fairly young age.
Thanks, buddy. You have an awesome back catalogue of MCU awesomeness to get through. Loving it!
thor ragnarok was a great movie. the action scenes were great. there were a lot of funny scenes too. the part where banner jumped from the spaceship was hilarious. i really enjoyed it. we see thor being vulnerable a lot in this film and i loved the new female character, the former valkyrie. cant wait for avenger infinity wars. and yes DC has a lot of ground to cover before they can contend on equal grounds with marvel. On my blog i did a review of justice league which was better than superman vs batman but ultimately i prefer wonder woman to both. also cant wait for the black panther movie. 2018 is gonna be a great movie year
Totally, bud. A great addition to the franchise. So far, they can't seem to put a foot a wrong. A big problem for DCU at the moment...
O yes i waiting for hd online
you can get the Hd here
Interesting story, I will wait for the next story. @ezzy
It was fun to watch. It had its own flaws but like whatever. Who cares about flaws with all that funny and badass moments!)
Agreed. Not quite perfect but close enough. :)
Every time Korg was on screen I died laughing. They got that balance of action and laughs just right and was a very stylish film.
The audience were in hysterics every time he appeared on screen. :)
For me this movie is a 9/10 as well. Awesome film :D