The Reluctant Clairvoyant : A Book By Edzard Loesing about the INDIGO CHILDREN

in #story6 years ago (edited)

I would like to introduce you to Edzhart Loesing, a special soul and dear friend I met 12 years ago in India. Edzhart is one of those people who seems to attract what I can only describe as novelty and incredible events to his life and those around him. He was one of the original pioneers of Auroville, and helped to build the matra mandir, which stands today as a unique and breathtaking meditation dome at the heart of Auroville. Inside this central dome is a meditation hall known as the inner chamber - this contains the largest optically-perfect glass globe in the world. It is a sight to behold!

I have brought Edzhart to Steemit to share with you an incredibly eye opening book he has written based on his life experiences, called the Reluctant Clairvoyant. This novel is about many things, including the very special children that inhabit this world today, often called INDIGO CHILDREN. This novel is one that I have encouraged Edzhart to publish here on Steemit, and if you take the time to read it I am sure you will see why!

Since Edzhart is new to Steemit I am introducing him and this book to you. I would like to share the introduction here with you, after which the remainder of the book will be shared on his blog under his username of @edzardloesing. Please do read this introduction and if you resonate with it please do follow him and you can keep up with the book as it is published chapter by chapter.

The Reluctant Clairvoyant
By Edzard Loesing


It has been said that the children will lead… That they will bring the light Into our self-inflicted darkness… Does this strike a chord? Could you imagine that the children will do exactly that with irresistible charm, humor and fun? Equipped with a DNA double helix, in which more codons are activated – as compared to our “normal” set of activated codons? Would you like to verify that our existing science can prove this genetic difference occurring in more and more children all over this badly screwed up planet of ours? Could this mean… that the most profound change in human evolution and terrestrial development is on the way? that these kids are coming to give us a helping hand in cleaning up this mess? that this change in the human genetic code has an immensely strengthened immune system as a side effect? How to effect this change in your own DNA? Are you deep inside yearning to rekindle the flame of hope, to find the light at the end of the tunnel? Would you agree with Albert Einstein, who said:” You cannot solve the problems created by a certain type of technology with the same type of thinking that created it”? Fascinated by books exploring shamanistic ways into a different reality? Curious to find out what the real “horse whispering” is all about? Especially if the whispering is done by an extraordinary horse into the ear and mind of her amnesia-suffering rider? If you could answer all or most of the questions above with a “yes”, chance has it that this might be the book you were looking for. The more so, if you can enjoy getting it all served with a delightful love story, spiced with thrilling adventure-rides into uncharted territory and a hands-on esoterically stirred icing on top of it all. –Yes? Then be welcome to embark on a journey of the unique kind. Be warned, though: You may actually start to feel touched by all these changes going on- even inside yourself! Doors may open to the Infinite …

Foreword by the author
This novel is dedicated to "the flaming pioneers" in all of us adults and much more so in all these incredible new children worldwide. Sri Aurobindo writes in his epic poem "Savitri" about it. (A more complete quote at the end of the novel).

Did you ever have the feeling that certain personal experiences triggered a massive flow of a beautiful energy? Picture this:
A 7-year - old girl, born in the Indian Himalayas to a Swiss mother and raised in South India, puts herself firmly in charge of caring for a little, wild rabbit, which had been attacked by two eagles and looked a bloody mess. We adults supply some disinfectant and tell the girl that there is not much hope for survival. The rabbit does not eat for 2 days.
After one week the rabbit is hopping merrily around in the girl's room. After two weeks the rabbit is being released back into the wilderness. The girl used only her hands.
Much later the same girl puts her hand on an unopened letter addressed to her and gives me a correct summary of the contents.
A beautiful Indian girl, born in rural India seemed to suffer from physical restlessness, whenever not engaged in activity. I had the privilege to see her rapidly learning riding (first on a cycle, then on a horse), then swimming, Aikido, gymnastics, classical Indian Dance, ballet, playing the veena, interested in Capoeira, vocal training and more.
It was a source of great joy to see that while concentrating on playing the veena or while sitting on a horse, she was perfectly okay.
One evening during a quiet dinner she first recounts a dream, in which she clearly remembered a former life with precise date and place of birth. She then launched a speech on the holes in the ozone layer and the perils involved. After a moment of silence she addressed herself to her single mom and me asking:
"Am I the only one, who has been sent down to save earth?" I was really touched, when I realized that she was completely sincere in her asking. I took her in my arms and said:" No, thank God, there are many like you!"
Let's take them in our arms and embark boldly on the adventure to learn from them how to do it right on this burdened planet.

My heartfelt thanks to all the unique, dear fellow travelers, who helped me no end during the 7-year gestation period of this book: Dear Banumathi (translated means: Sun-and-Moon), dear healer-friend Sonja, and dear companion of the early years Kristine. I am grateful for the tough and highly professional advice of Yanne Dimay, author of 5 successful books. My gratitude for valuable feedback - again and again – is reaching out to Anuradha Majumdar, author of "Refugees from Paradise" and other delightful books (Penguin). I am indebted to Mr. Rajeev Bhatt in Port Blair, who during my many trips to the Andaman Islands supplied valuable background information on the original first residents of the Islands. A big thank you goes to Mr. K. Yoganathan of Long Island, Middle Andamans, for his overwhelming hospitality and logistic support. I am at a loss to express my deep feelings for the members of the Ongi tribe, now sadly threatened with extinction. May you recover and thrive! My heart goes out to the 45 wild, free dolphins in the red sea, who touched our bodies and hearts. We learned so much. Of course I cannot fail to thank the incredible horses I had the privilege to be with – for all the inspirations gained on their backs…

Main Characters

In order to make it a little easier for the dear reader to negotiate through the wildly oscillating story, here are the main characters, roughly but not accurately in the sequence of appearance:

Lila sometimes wishes to be able to lead a normal life as a yoga teacher. She came from Germany to India, looking for kindred souls or something like that.
Yet more often than not there are these premonitions, visions and glimpses of both cosmic and terrestrial goings-on, which come down on and through her without her asking for it.
When flooded with all this, she is struggling to digest it, to reestablish her equilibrium and to find somebody, to whom she could open up without being ridiculed or simply declared mad.
She has two very good friends with whom this is possible: Ulrike in Germany and dancer Kanta, still – but not much longer -in her home country India.
The good part of all this – Lila feels – is the lively contact with all the Indigo and Crystal children (and with whoever happens to be on a compatible wavelength) worldwide, for whom telepathy and so much more has ceased to be paranormal.
Lila has some hope that a certain passionate horse lover could be the first male actually trying and beginning to understand her. His name is:

Ekkehard. He is crazy about horses. He was told to be a dreamer and happily acknowledged the existence of other adventurers as mad as him planting trees in the eroded desert around the "dreamer's village" in South India.
He keeps bumping into interesting people like Lila, Kanta and children with – as some of them call it –different powers of perception. They seem to urge him to unfold his "antennas" properly.
But how? His deep affinity to shamanism and the world of dreams – Dreamtime – could be of some help here…

Kanta, Odissi (classical Indian -) dancer and very good friend of Lila, because they both enjoy these gifts, which sometimes turn into a burden to labor with.
She is engaged to Hubert, her Austrian lover she is about (and trying…) to get married to. There are some outrageous obstacles on the way to nuptial bliss though…
While sharing an essential chapter of an ongoing dream pattern with Ekkehard, some events seem to be triggered on the levels of both Dreamtime and Real – Life. As an Indian she knows that certain dreams and events can cause reverberations way beyond the confines of a mere lifetime.
Kanta thinks of this friend of hers in Germany, who invited her for a visit to give dance workshops and to participate in yoga seminars. Her name is:

Ulrike. She is a yoga teacher like Lila, lives still near the town in Germany, where both Lila and her started out to learn about different yoga techniques.
She is Lila's best friend, maybe the only one, who fully understands her in such a way that geographical distance does not present an obstacle, -most of the times.
She is in full resonance on all levels with Lila as well as with

Angela, the daughter of her only brother, Bernhard. He happens to be lodged diametrically opposed on the spectrum of human characters: Very materialistic and afraid to give weight or consideration to the premonitions of both his daughter Angela and his sister Ulrike.
This makes it rather difficult for Ulrike to mediate between daughter and father.
Her own son Till is leaning more towards Bernhard's side.

Aisha is a truly extraordinary being. Read on and find out why.
Some of the adults are getting the notion that they are only the caretakers (Cheers to Khalil Gibran) – not the "owners" of these gifted children of theirs, as is the case with

Iris, former long-term companion of Ekkehard and teacher in Switzerland.
Her daughter "M" (she refuses to be called by her full name) has it all: She can read minds, can control her body temperature, can see in the night without flashlight, looks gorgeously and so much more. Yet she has severe problems to adjust to the pressures and demands of the surrounding society, which has absolutely not the foggiest idea of the values inherent in the ancient Egyptian "School of the left Eye of Horus" (not to mention the right eye of the same) and ends up in serious trouble– of what kind? Read on and find out more about her and all the other Crystal children with their border-busting capacities as well as with their truckloads of problems.
At this point a confession has to be made: All or most of the adult "important" characters of this story are actually preparing the ground for the true set of main characters: it's these specially gifted children with a scientifically measurable difference in the DNA, who graciously have decided to come in ever increasing numbers down onto our screwed-up planet in order to give us a helping hand in this mess. Meet some more of them:
The above mentioned "M" is certainly part of the system-sinking gang.
Same applies to Angela and then of course to

Chitra. She is the adopted Tibetan half-blood niece of Twosho, the number-two-Osho character , who escaped the "let's- make- a-successful-guru-business-out-of-him" trip in the US and lives now withdrawn in his Spartan and beautiful high-up-mountain hermitage. He happens to be a good friend of Ekkehard. Chitra is a born natural, who does not know the meaning of the word "clairvoyant", but certainly has a budding talent there. She not only perceives, when and where an emergency is happening, but is simply there, making herself available to love-based healing energies flowing through her. Is addicted to charcoal-roasted sweet corn and totally fearless at high speeds on Ekkehard´s old-timer bike. She tries to keep her cool, when on a trip into a fascinating future she meets a full-blood Tibetan boy, who seems to fall for her.
His name is:

Wolfgang Amadeus Lobsang. He is one of the leaders of a group of kids invading a media company in an irresistible manner. He introduces his group of kids to the security detail of the company as the "Wiener Sängerknaben", because he is wearing a short Bavarian leather pants over his otherwise Tibetan outfit. This group name is hotly contested by the girl "M", who calls him "leather panty macho". It's all well understandable, no?
Dear reader, please be encouraged to just go on: Just do it and things will fall into place.
After we now had the "Vienna Boy's Choir", it follows obviously that we are getting to know

Carmen, as in Carlos Saura's movie, as in Ravel's music. She is one of the main characters leading another group of 33 kids through an equally irresistible charm offensive into the heart of the power-center of the old world (as we know it), - into the pentagon. She is doing this by dancing like a whirlwind-dervish and revealing in her charming ways to the top brass of the military elite that they (the kids) know absolutely everything, top secrets and all: Lead-walled underground heavy duty spy-proof bunkers stand no chance against this bunch.
Lila, Kanta, Ulrike and all these kids have fully unfolded and well tuned "antennas" (which cannot be said of Ekkehard).
Then there is the natural Über-Talent of not only receiving, but even more so of sending emergency messages on broadband-wavelength into the ethereal inter-space-net. His name is:

Dugong Wallah. This is a sobriquet acquired due to the fact that he has the capacity to call the seal-like peaceful under-water creatures, the sea-cows (called Dugong) – and they would flock to him. Member of a tribe on the Andaman Islands, which had succeeded for a long time to avoid contact with civilization with its churches, schools, forest - destroying sawmills, with imported diseases, environmental pollution, alcohol, theft, lies and murder. This all changed, when Dugong Wallah as a child suffered a multiple leg fracture and somebody organized his transport into a hospital in the capital. He was treated well, his leg healed and he learned some English. He became a local celebrity, a kind of ambassador and mediator between the tribal and the so-called civilized world.
On one of his diving expeditions Ekkehard heard about him and got attracted by the boy's power to call the Dugong, as he himself had been trying to call dolphins without much success. So he searched for and found the boy. As Dugong Wallah felt an absence of the usual arrogance of the white man and a genuine respect for him and his tribe, it was the beginning of a great friendship. So the boy taught Ekkehard a few secrets of tribal etiquette:
He would be allowed to approach his tribe only by boat from the sea – in the presence of Dugong Wallah of course. On land any uninvited guest might be greeted by flying spears. His tribe, moving in full dignity and nakedness, would come wading and swimming out to the boat. The boat people then would have to be prepared to part with whatever the smiling swimmers would point at: Be it the camera, the tee-shirt or in case of a woman, the bikini-top or entire swimsuit respectively. Any such request would have to be granted, as the word "no" does not exist in this context in their world.*
Somebody else too does not take "no" for an answer (since the tind of the inquisition…):

Galileo! A very illustrious personality, a shape-shifter capable of cloning himself out of a hat-trick, - a multidimensional being appearing on all levels and walks of life, be it Dreamtime, Real life, on the monitor of Angela's laptop or in front of Ulrike's and Angela's house door!
With his humor and jokes he is endearing himself not only to the audience of the greatest show on earth – and beyond, but in particular to all the Indigo-and Crystal kids. For them he is morphing into a tour guide on a grand journey into their own future.

On top of it he is the crowd's darling mascot, the referee in the inter-active race against time, the director and the grandmaster of the game, bringing out the best in us.

Then there is Female Pink Dress David, an irresistibly charming, little girl and
The Red-Haired, Freckled Boy, a superb ventriloquist and so many more…

Please do remember to follow @edzardloesing and read the first chapter of this book, which will be published next week and then every week until completion. These stories are not your run of the mill kind of experiences, and I hope you will learn and share with Edzhart on his this very special journey.


excellent friend You have my support. I hope to count on your support to keep growing. regards

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that's drizzling beauty......i am amazed
