Ladies, what is the most obvious hint you've dropped that went unnoticed by a guy?

in #story7 years ago (edited)

I have a pole in my living room. so one day i dressed like a school girl and waited for my boyfriend to get home. he walks in and i started doing some pole tricks and he literally walked past me into the bedroom to change.. i was like 'uh hellllooooo im trying to fuck' and he said 'oh i just thought you were dressed like that'.

he kinda killed it.


Early interaction with my boyfriend-

Me: "That suit looks great on you. It would look better on the floor."

Him: "That would wrinkle the suit."

I look back on it now and see how I totally missed the hint. In college a girl in my class came over to study and when it got late she ended up wanting to stay. I had a couch in my room and said she could sleep on the couch. When I was getting ready for bed..

Her: "I usually have a hard time falling asleep. Do you want to lay down together and watch Netflix with me?"

Me: "Nah, I got a test tomorrow"

But hey, I got an A on that damn test.

Christina if you're out there, I'm not gay, I just oblivious to hints.

My then-not-boyfriend and I were waiting at the train station on my train home; he would leave with the bus after it arrived. My train came and I thought 'fuck it' and kissed my then-not-boyfriend on the mouth. Immediately after, I jumped on the train, on which the doors then closed. I didn't see his reaction nor felt it so I sat pretty anxious on the train, thinking I ruined it all. About 5 minutes later, I got a text saying:


'That was meant as a friends kiss, right?'

Lol, bless his heart.


Replying to follow...because these could be hilarious. I know I'd probably missed some in the past, but those were ancient times. :-)

lel, you almost got friendzoned.

This story should be called clueless,lol. Good read

Saludos , gracias por publicar y por compartir me gusto mucho aunque sentí que el tipo es un bobo...jeje..