Baiturrahman Mosque; Identity and Pride of Aceh (Part 1)

in #story8 years ago (edited)


Entering the Great Mosque of Baiturrahman complex, the atmosphere is comfortable. The large umbrella umbrellas look very beautiful.

Some children are seen running. While adults look sheltered under a large umbrella. They look happy to be in pride of this Aceh mosque.

"It feels comfortable and relaxing, I am happy to come and visit the Great Mosque of Baiturrahman," said Ibn Rahman, a Malaysian tourist.

He claimed to celebrate Eid al-Adha in Aceh. While Eid al-Adha is one of the commemoration of religious holidays in Islam.

Not only Rahman, a number of other residents also claimed happy to visit Aceh and see directly the pride of this Aceh mosque.

"This is the symbol of Aceh (Baiturrahman Mosque-red) We are happy to come here," said Nurbaiti, another local tourist.

The Baiturrahman Grand Mosque is the pride of the Aceh mosque. The mosque was built during the time of Sultan Alauddin Johan Mahmudsyah in 1292 AD. But some say that the Grand Mosque was built by Sultan Iskandar Muda in 1612 AD.

Although now a mosque pride of Aceh, the existence of this mosque was rejected by the people of Aceh (Continued).

Thanks all.