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RE: A Refugee Currency - integrating refugees to Australia's rural areas.

in #story8 years ago

I am sure all the refugees who are not under-cover terrorists will thank you for taking them from where-ever and basically putting them in such a remote hell as rural Australia.

Australia has almost every known dangerous bad-arze animal on the planet so it is reasonable 60% will die in the first year alone, that should endear Aussies to their surviving family members.

Put another way rural central Australia is as remote and unforgiving and maddening as Antarctica but instead of ice you have world record droughts and famines; surely this idea of taking destitute people who have committed no crime and dropping them out of the frying pan literally into the FIRE ! ! !

I have been to central and western Queensland Australia and I would not consider sending Charles Manson there, never lone some victims of prejudiced victimization from their own homelands . . .

Truly I have lived in such locations more than once and I can assure you there are very good reasons why their suicide rate and substance abuse problems are so high...


I'm from Australia and I used to think you couldn't live in the deserts until I came across this Ted talk on how to reverse the deserts:

The only way we are going to reverse the deserts is through more labour, which is what we are screaming out for.

Have a look at the wool boom from the late 1800's to the mid 1900's to see how prosperous these rural areas were when the price of labour was low and the community was abundant.
Lack of community and financial pressures contribute more to the suicide rate than living there. Most farmers do not want to move until they are forced into foreclosure by the banks.