Dark Future Should I threw Now I can become ...

in #story9 years ago

Feel the beauty of Changes

I Would Change ... Change and Change

Here is the beginning of my struggle ... Yes I will change

 The name I "Codeinc"

I'm quiet

From the beginning I've been reticent and very Quiet. .. I'm hard pressed to talk to someone ...

When I'm alone I always kindergarten school silent..

early sign in elementary school I had a friend, albeit slightly, lamayang changes are made to create a subdued I..

beginning grade 5 I changed 100 degrees, I turned into a hyper active, extremely active and. .. Thanks to met a friend wrote 1 settings with me. ..

Incoming 6th grade beginning we parted ...

so I'm Quiet again and until I entered junior high school ... in the junior school are difficult to fit in. .. because a lot of new friends. .. early entry junior school I sat next toa friend, just call his name "Eko" ...

"Hay you name anyone?" asked Eko

"eh I? I codeinc ... you who? "replied I

"I Adrian Eko Saputra" answered him

"I reply codeinc :D "

Since then I have 1 friends although sitting next door. day after day I processed thatfriends can. .. I want to ride fast class 2 because its very boring

start of semester 2 I'm aware of. Here I feel more appreciated, I felt had a lot of friends, friends, friends and family! I'm so happy here!

compared to the grade 6 I used to be very Gloomy and depressing..

End of Semester 2 I am sad because of the split with real friends indeed processedit. ..

rarely can rarely be classes that accept I put it this way .... for what it is

The increase in the grade 2 I got back my friend friends United by grade 7.. happy and joyful tastes .... Although there was a slightly separated.

The time for the sake of Time

Year By Year


me admit, I got a lot of achievements, friends and companions ....

Thanks fella

I know a friend indeed!

Then I got a scholarship! well I went to school in a foreign country ... Alhamdullilah. gratitude.

Ah.. is this yg name Prayer, effort of our own family or friends and. ..

Yes. .. I udh can return to Indonesia ...

I had success Maak, Paakk ...

your son successfully..

now I have had success ... and I'm going to make big changes to mine own country!

I have a motto of success "receive what you're dealing with, don't give up. .. successful path is still open "