单身故事“绿色战士繁殖” - 写小故事“少年” - 绿色喷气式战斗机的复活

in #story7 years ago

但隨著時光靜默而堅定地前行,少年D不再年少而漸成青年。綠色戰機所寄居的實體,那一張儲存程式檔案的磁片,想必是歷經了無人聞問的塵封,再默默流入資源循環的永劫輪迴裡了吧。不過,青年的D,依然循著戰機那昂揚的飛行路線,進了大學,人生,似乎也準備起飛。然而人間事總是充滿轉折,從多年唸書考試中解放出來了的D,進入由你玩四年的自由聖地,反而,開始走起了笛卡兒路線,Cogito Ergo Sum,我思故我在。自由的人,才有餘裕論存在。於是,自由的D開始意識到「在」,自然而然開始了「思」。他陷入了無限的迷惘以及失落。原來,在0與1之間,還有無比寬闊的灰階,抓不著,無法精確定位,但那似乎才是真實的人生啊!從此,D漸漸走上了不同的路。不再飛行於空中,而是躑躅於途;不再俯視大地,而是在豔陽下苦行;人生的路不再是拾級而上,而是詰問反思,上下停留又何妨。綠色戰機,成為回憶,成為人生偶然的插曲,漸漸地,無聲飛入異次元空間,終至消失在D的人生裡。操縱0與1的遊戲,逐漸成為世間普及的技能,即使你不追求它,它也會以不同的面貌來接近你。D的青年時代不乏需要使用程式語言的時候,但那年少時的熱情早已遠離,只剩下機械性地應對,甚至還有種,難耐的煩燥。時光依然,靜默堅定前行,青年又已不再年輕,而邁入中年。人生風景,已經展開大半,回首來時路,每一步都是前一步的延續,沒有什麼好後悔的,就算看似繞了些彎,又有誰知道,不繞這些彎,是不是走得到這裡來?只是,只是,... 每每,從日常喧囂之中抬起頭來,或者在歸途捷運上對著滿天紅霞時,或者在蕭瑟秋意中走在人行道的滿地落葉上時,又或者是在夜市紅塵的萬頭鑽動中,爭搶一碗熱門的滷肉飯時...在最不經意的時刻,心底沒來由地,幽幽升起一個問號:只是,就這樣了嗎?人生就這樣了嗎?理想就這樣了嗎?世界,就這樣了嗎?日子,就,這,樣,了,嗎?2008年,一場世人未能預見的狂暴風浪猛地襲來,徹底地改變了這個世界。世界自此不同,但不同的方式,人人各有相異的解讀觀點。對於某一群人來說,風暴後不久,一篇具有改變世界力量的文章,悄悄發表於一個密碼愛好者的小眾網站上,那才是這世界重生的開始,只是世人還在懵懂之中,渾然不知,新的紀元已經開啟,時間零已經重新定義,滴,答,滴,答 ... 改變正在發生,問題只在於每個人,何時才知道已身處於這改變之中。8年之後,這新紀元的漣漪,終於擴散到D身上,在幾個月的時間當中,以一種生命救贖意義式的方式,舖天蓋地席捲而來。彷彿D的一生,就是為這而準備著的。所有的彎路,都成為必經之道;所有的累積,都讓一切更清楚;所有的疑惑,都得到解答。一切的問題,只剩下要先做什麼?要怎樣從舊秩序當中退出?要怎樣迎接新事物?要怎樣告訴在慣性中前進的世界?混亂,躁動,熱血沸騰,再次擾動中年D平靜的慣性生活,帶著一絲遙遠的熟悉。但人至中年的優勢就是謀定而後動,再大的事,也不過就是這樣,保持船身平衡,在任何風浪狀況下都是對的。在飽滿而豐富的平衡裡,D每天每天對於一團模糊的影子,越來越感到清晰,終於有一天,那綠色戰機,又從異次元空間中飛出,翱翔於新時代的藍色天際;戰機,已經不再是由單調的綠色點、線、塊所構成,而是以驕傲的綠色為底色,身上揮灑著幻夢般的色彩,映著藍色天空與白雲,在日光下閃耀 …D知道,這還是那一架,年少時他一鍵一鍵創造出來的那架戰機,只是潛伏在他心底不知名的深處角落,一點一滴地,靜靜吸收著他這長長人生路上的陽光與陰影,水墨與重彩,終於等到這美好的一刻,再次回到他的人生軌道上,慶賀他與世界的新生,繼續陪伴在他左右,繼續它當年未完成的任務。於是,D決定,要紀錄人生的這一段美好,決定在引領他進入這神奇新世界的無垠的藍色知識海洋裡,找塊地方,印記下屬於他與綠色戰機的這一小段故事,不為了要給誰看,要給誰讚,只為一個永恆的存在與見證。

Green fighter, once, flying over a whole of D youth youth.

But with the time silence and firm forward, juvenile D is no longer young and gradually become young. Green fighters sohu the entity, that a storage program file disk, presumably after no one heard the dusty, and then quietly into the resource cycle of the eternal reincarnation of the bar in the bar. However, the young D, still follow the fighter that high flight path, into the university, life, seems to be ready to take off. But the human thing is always full of twists and turns, from the years of examinations in the liberation of the D, into you by playing four years of freedom of the Holy Land, but began to walk the Cartesian line, Cogito Ergo Sum, I think so I am. Free people, have Yu Yu on the existence. Thus, the free D began to realize that "in", naturally began to "thinking". He fell into infinite confusion and lost. Originally, between 0 and 1, there is a very wide gray scale, can not grasp, can not be precise positioning, but that seems to be real life ah! Since then, D gradually embarked on a different way. No longer flying in the air, but wander in the way; no longer looking down on the earth, but in the sun ascetic; life is no longer the way up the stairs, but interrogation reflection, stay up and down why not. Green fighters, become memories, become an occasional episode of life, gradually, silent into the different dimension space, and finally disappeared in the life of D. Manipulation of 0 and 1 of the game, has gradually become the world of universal skills, even if you do not pursue it, it will be a different look to close to you. D years of youth there is no need to use the language of the program, but that young age has long been away from the enthusiasm, only mechanical response, and even species, intolerable irritability. Time is still quietly forward, young people are no longer young, and into middle age. Life scenery, has started more than half, looking back to the road, every step is a continuation of the previous step, there is no good regret, even if it seems to around some bends, and who knows, not around these bends, is not going here Come? Just, just, ... every time, from the hustle and bustle of the day to look up, or in the return route on the sky when the sun, or in the bleak autumn walk in the sidewalk on the floor when the leaves, or Is in the night market of the Red Dragon's ten thousand drill, scramble for a bowl of popular braised pork rice ... in the most casual moment, the bottom of my heart did not come from the faint rise of a question mark: just, so it? Is that so? Is that ideal? The world, is that so? Day, that's it, how about it? In 2008, a world unfounded storm suddenly hit, completely changed the world. The world since different, but different ways, everyone has a different interpretation of the views. For a group of people, shortly after the storm, an article with the power to change the world, quietly published in a password enthusiasts niche site, that is the beginning of this world rebirth, but the world is still ignorant, Unconsciously, the new era has been opened, the time zero has been redefined, drops, a, drop, answer ... change is happening, the problem lies only in everyone, when to know that has been in this change. 8 years later, this new era of ripples, and finally spread to the D body, in a few months time, with a life-saving means of meaning, overwhelming swept from. As if D's life, is for this and prepared. All the detours, have become the only way; all the accumulation, let everything more clear; all doubts, have been answered. All the questions, only what to do first? How to withdraw from the old order? How to meet new things? How to tell the world in the inertia of the world? Chaos, restless, blood boiling, once again disturbed middle-aged D calm inertia life, with a trace of distant familiar. But the advantage of middle-aged people is to seek and then move, then big things, but it is so, to maintain the hull balance, in any storm situation are right. In the full and rich balance, D every day for a group of vague shadow, more and more clear, and finally one day, that green fighter, and from the different dimension space flying, flying in the new era of blue sky; Fighters, no longer by the monotonous green point, line, block composition, but to proud of the green as the background, who swayed with fantastic colors, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, shining in the sun ... D Know that this is a frame, when he was a key to create a key to create that fighter, but lurking in his heart unknown depths of the corner, bit by bit, quietly absorbed his long life on the road The sun and the shadows, ink and re-color, and finally wait for this wonderful moment, once again return to his life track, celebrate his new life with the world, continue to accompany him around, to continue its unfinished task. So, D decided to record the life of this paragraph is good, decided to lead him into this magical new world of the vast blue knowledge of the ocean, to find a place where the mark belongs to him and green fighter this small story, not to To whom to see, to whom to praise, only for a eternal existence and witness.