Donnie and David Drop AcidsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #story7 years ago

Two friends, What passed for hippies in 1985 in southeast Georgia, take a long drive out to Tybee Island to a party. At this party there's lots of drugs and drinking. We buy and drop some acid before leaving to go back to Savannah . Just as we come off of Abercorn Street onto to Tibet Avenue, a police car in the oncoming lane turns on his blue light and it's at that moment we realize that the acid that we have dropped has kicked in, because blue trails just go all over the sky! My name is David. I am one half of the Southern hippy duo in this story. I'm driving , the fellow riding shotgun is Donnie. Donnie's mother lives about an eighth of a mile from where we are when the acid kicks in and the police car goes by us. When I say we're going to your mothers house. Donnie says no no no, I thought we we're going to go to some more parties. At which time I say, that's cool, if you're driving? And he says, I take your point and we go to his mothers. We get to Donnie's mothers and she doesn't really look at us too close. I don't think she realized that we were tripping. She asked us if we wanted anything to eat. We say yes, she makes us a couple of ham sandwiches and gives us a pudding to go with and something to drink. Then we go in the back bedroom and turn on the television and by the glow of the TV we are whispering,laughing and beginning to enjoy this trip. We hadn't been there forty five minutes before his father shows up in a hospital robe. He had just been admitted to the hospital for a massive heart attack the day before! So, for whatever reason, I guess she didn't trust me to stay in her house alone, I'm forced to leave the house, while Donnie and his mother take his crazed father back to the emergency room , to get him re-admitted. He had checked himself out against doctors orders. So while these two have an adventure going to the hospital, I hang out at the Circle K and fall in love with the pretty young cashiers mind!I almost immediately confide in her that I am tripping and ask her if I can please stay there and talk to her until my friend comes back to get me. I must have been there three hours talking to this chick about politics and pollution and corporations and secret societies and how to save the planet and society etc. I really did fall in love with her mind and she was nice to me and let me stay. So eventually Donnie shows back up to get me from the Circle K. He takes me back to the hospital and we walk around inside the hospital in the florescence lights, freaking out because everybody knows we're tripping or so we think, and Donnie tells me how some doctor at the hospital had taken pity on him and given him a Valium. He seems sincere but I wasn't there, so I don't know if this actually transpired. This was the last time I ever took acid! This incident proved to me that Murphy's Law applied two fold to any time where you might need the rest of the world to leave you the hell alone! We left the hospital and took his mother back home . His father was finally back in the hospital . Donnie and I went to PJ and Sherry's house. Polish sisters we knew in the neighborhood, Sat around and drank a few beers. Thank God the acid was beginning to wear off to some degree. many hours later we finally went to sleep ! I've never been so happy to come down off a drug.This is a cautionary tale. The world will not stop spinning while you enjoy a mental trip. It will most likely speed up or fly off in some totally unexpected direction....