Is home really where the heart is?

in #story8 years ago

We've been expats in the UAE for just a little over 5 years now. I remember the excitement of moving here - new house, new furniture, new car, new environment - a whole new experience! It was both strange and familiar at the same time. By now, we know about all there is to know about this place and we're the ones helping others to settle in an familiarize themselves with the surroundings, but...

the thing about being an expat is...

Sooner or later, you have to go!

As an expat, you learn to be away form loved ones and as hard as that sounds, it's pretty true. You go through phases of adjusting, longing and then you switch off. A phone call home once a day becomes a phone call home once a week, and as the years go by, you only phone when you start feeling bad or receive the random Whatsapp message saying: "Hello, are you guys still alive?"

Everything is all fun and games at first!

On your off weekends, you're like a tourist, exploring everything and anything! If you get bored, you find somewhere to go and new places to see but after a while, there is nothing left.
You get so caught up in your own life that the thought of "home" fades away. Everything you do is done according to your own liking and your own rules. There is no one who will make decisions for you and learn how to survive, alone. You do what you've got to do and basically fall into a routine of wake, work, eat, sleep. Like a zombie, an oxygen thief. You realize that in this foreign country, you are no longer a tourist, neither are you a citizen. You are here to do a job, have no say and sooner or later, you'll have to go "home".

Reality hits

You've overstayed your welcome

You're bored!

You have to make a decision to either stay and keep going on with this zombie routine or go home!

Home where?


Is "home" still "home"?

Or is it???

After these years, do I know where my heart is?

You come to realize, that you're lost!
A house isn't a home!
"Here" isn't home and "there" isn't home!
You'll have to start all over again to build a home.

People say "Once an expat, always an expat"...and I think it's the truth!

Can one really just settle back down "home" when you now know that the world out there has so much more to offer?
Does being an expat make us see life differently?

You are now stuck between here and there


Should you feel sad to go or sad not to stay? Where is home? Are we homeless?

I can't decide!

Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone


Sad reality of life and moving @bdmomuae grass always looks greener on the other side and the decision lies within you and you only.

I understand that 'home' dilemma you are in and all the feelings that come with it. In my opinion,you should never lose touch with your original home,keep investing and communicating with people back there. Never be too invested or attached to an expat destination,sooner or later jobs end then you are back to your original home.

It's true, I'm just not so sure if I want my original home to be my original home, lol.

Thank you for this insightful blog. As I don't live your experience, I find it very interesting.

Thanks @onetree. Yes, no one knows that this is a reality once you spread your wings. I can't decide if it's exciting or depressing, lol.

I just see your post post few minutes .the cat face give me some expression I don't know why I like the cat you know every face has a story I don't know that cat face has a story I caught but when I am trying to find and writing the story maybe I sharing. thank you for your sharing

I think there's several factors that go into it but ultimately only you know the answer. Personally, I can travel and go other places but I always know what it feels like to come home. It's familiar, it's like a big warm hug welcoming you back. It's where I feel native.

I hear you @sarahtops9000. South Africa is my home country but it has changed so much in the meantime and it scares me too, haha.

sorry to tell you this..
but from experience.
home isn't there any longer.
once you leave it.
it vanishes..

Yes, that the thing that's bothering me so much. We all want somewhere to belong but I'm not sure where I belong anymore.

Awesome post and feel so sorry for you.

Well I guess being an ex-patriot makes the question so much more difficult

I used to be just like you.. living in Europe for almost 8 years, in 2 different countries , even after returning to my country, I still don't live on the place where I would only call that one my home.

I love traveling and meeting new people and later on we even become good friends.

From those experience I know that I love all the places I have lived, the place I visited, and all home for me.

If someone ask which one is your home, if you have to choose, I would say all, as I left part of my heart anywhere I go.