Universe Reborn Beta Chapter 1 Cadeus Lore

in #story9 years ago

In an era before our known universe, the first civilisations evolved in two different paralleled planets, although “in different dimensions”.
There were two races that coexisted with each other in peace and understanding; one race was the Baarcit and the other race known as the Hoque.
As a young Baarcit, Uodin had always been fascinated with the history of his planet when his grandfather told him the story about the lost tribe for the first time. Listen up Uodin, I want to tell you a story I told your father when he was a young lad..
“In the times before the devastation, an ancient order of Baarcit from a lost age. Said to be the most powerful of all Baarcit especially before our civilization had any inkling of the powers. These beings caused a chain of events leading to the great desolation of our planet.”
Tell me boy! Do you know why we can harness our abilities?
The Baarcit is a mystical race with advancements that were not technological or physical but are mentally, and spiritually.
They had an understanding of the base code of the universe thus being able to manipulate energy, in a way others would call it magic.
This race's skin pigmentation varies in shades of grey with two colour changeable iris' in each of their eyes. They have six vertical slits on their face two located underneath each eye near the corners, and one above the eyes near the centre that absorbs and stores particles then converts for practical energy generation. They are bipeds that have arched backwards legs with their back angled forward and two arms with three fingers and a thumb.
The other race is different, they are quadrupeds with fur on their backs four claws on each foot. Three at the front and one on the of the back of the foot and four large sharp fangs two pointing downwards on the left side and two pointing downwards on the right of their upper jaw.
These beings move fast, and they are strong big intelligent beings.

As a new era is just about to begin and end so soon, a big discovery is about to be unveiled by a Baarcit called Uodin. `While he searches crevasses in the Dantterra canyons for rare materials that may help further energy manipulation control to new levels.
Uodin is one of a very few Baarcits that does this particular type of research. He picks his areas of what to search for by going over events in history or possible myths; he has discovered in his research that there was a lost spring which has a special liquid that could see into the universe past present or future by looking into the liquid.
Uodin was climbing down the crevasse on his own using a technique that created an energy link between his hands and feet emanating a light blue glow to steady his grip so he would not fall to his death into the darkness. He turned his head to look down and noticed a slight sign of light at the bottom of the canyon.
As he got closer to the bottom, he did not notice his energy was becoming inaccessible as it was loosening his grip on the canyon wall.
Before he knew it, he slipped and could not regain his grip then he fell which felt like a lifetime when all of a sudden he hit the bottom of the canyon and blacked out.
As Uodin woke up he looked up and could only see darkness above him then Uodin looked at his hands as he felt the ground and pushed himself to his feet. Still feeling dazed from the fall, he closed his eyes and covered his face with his palms thinking to himself.
'How am I still alive? No one could have possibly survived a fall like this yet here I am...'
As he reopened his eyes, his vision and balance restored. Something caught his attention when he saw a passageway shimmering dimly from writings. Which appears to be written in an ancient language from a lost group of Baarcit called the Cadeus. Known to be the first group to unlock the great power of energy manipulation, and there was also a tale that they brought a great imbalance to the Baarcit world. Before the great devastation of the planet that use to be lush with plants and other living beings before it became a near barren world. In the cause of that happening there was a lot of loose energy particles which allowed the other Baarcit tribes to adapt to the changes on this planet.
No one has a clue why the Cadeus did this to the planet and what other things they may have caused during their time or what happened to them.
Uodin slowly made his way through the passageway towards the symbols and placed his left hand on one of the glowing words. To his surprise, it caused them to shift and change shape to his language as the words became readable to him they read.
One will awaken potentials and organise unity, but the other will awaken madness and cause chaos.
One will be raised by the wisest of beings the other will be raised by the most sadistic of beings.
One will travel with only a very few knowing of his existence the other will leave the lands desolate but will be known to all.
When they meet on the battlefield, they will not only fight in more than one place but they will also fight till the start and end of time.
Beware, of the dead spots where energy manipulation will become unstable.
When he took his hand off the stonewall the words reverted to the ancient language, Uodin stood there for a while pondering on this message left behind. By the lost and forgotten race of Baarcit in some, point in history, they disappeared and left behind the seven artefacts that held knowledge of EM.
He looked up again there was no possible way he could get back up with the dead spot up there, so he decided to head further down the corridor. As he walked further through the passageway, he noticed the glowing stonework and thought 'this does not appear to be a stone type material. In fact, it was not hard and yet it would not break or rip. A soft matter that would explain why I did not die from the fall but yet it does not flex it is still solid enough to hold up a tunnel.'
He walked carefully up the passageway to make sure he did not step on any hidden traps. Although he does not believe, they would have made any traps because there was nothing that was a threat to them or would have been able to find this place at the time.
Uodin made his way to an open space in the ruins where he spotted a coffin that looked; as it is made of many fine metals and glass like strands that inter-weaved to make up the exterior frame of the coffin.
The top and sides also have a glass like material at the centre of the sides and a completely glass-like top that is about two inches thick with ancient symbols on them.
'Like if it were done as a sort of seal perhaps?'
Thought Uodin as he examined the area around the coffin and saw on the ground a circle made from a very dark rock known as Korsek. A rock he knew in myth for containing a high concentration of Dark Matter.
Hesitant at first Uodin carefully walked towards the coffin, and as he got closer the Korsek rocks made a see through black dome energy barrier and the body inside the coffin more visible.
Uodin could not stop himself from placing his hands on the barrier, as soon as he touched the energy field it imploded then in a flash, an energy wave blasted outwards sending Uodin into the wall behind him.
When he got to his feet, he saw an unstable looking orb of pure white above the coffin in the middle of the circle with black energy crackling around the sphere. With a black lighting and hissing like the sound of thunder flowing from the circumference of the Korsek circle.
“What have I done!? this could destroy the planet, I must do something!”
Shouted Uodin, as he ran towards the circle and using all his will he tried to create a containment field around the orb. Then all of a sudden the stream of energy stopped and the orb turned black then emitted a deafening humming sound. That caused him to fall to his knees screaming in agony as his ears bled, He felt distressed because he was not able to hear anything but a ringing in his ears. Then another crackling of black lightning blasted from the orb directly into Uodin's chest turning the white of his eyes black.
Uodin came to moments later and stood upright feeling completely re-energized.
“What just happened?”
Questioned Uodin as he is looking at the coffin and his hands while nearing the coffin without realising he placed his hands on the bizarre coffin. The place started to shake violently, and the seals on the coffin glowed a bright orange, and then the glass top dissolved till there was nothing but the metal part of the coffin left.
The body remained unconscious, Uodin yelled over the sound of the rumbling.
“We have to get out of here! Wake up!!!”
The unnamed Baarcit laid there unresponsive, not wasting any time Uodin used a spell which gently lifted the unnamed Baarcit up out of the coffin about a metre off the ground as he turned towards the passageway he came through the archway collapsed blocking his only exit.
Uodin spoke with frustration to the unconscious Baarcit.
“Crushed to death in an ancient structure, this is not how I plan on leaving this realm.”
The ceiling started to crack, everything gave way and caved in, Uodin closed his eyes expecting death to follow then he could feel a warm breeze of air. He opened his eyes to find himself standing near the crevasse that he had climbed down earlier, and the unknown Baarcit lying next to him. The shaking was fading, and the rumbling sound was getting quieter as a cloud of dust rose from the crevasse.
Not wasting any time Uodin levitated the body off the ground and hurried back to the camp as fast as he was able with the body floating behind him. On arrival, he shouted out, “Help I need someone specialized in healing it is an emergency!”
As he gently placed the body on the ground, an old healer came rushing out followed by a younger Baarcit the older one queried.
“I felt an earthquake from the east are you alright and what happened to this fellow Baarcit?”
Uodin looked at the unconscious Baarcit and spoke with uncertainty,
“I do not know I just found him lying in a coffin in the ruins I fell into. He might be the last remaining body of the Cadeus, and I don't even know his name.”
“Well let’s start with a revival technique, it should work if not it should help us find out what’s wrong.”
Said the elder healer as he placed his hands on either side of the temples on the unnamed Baarcit and a red glow came out of his hands and radiates into the temples.
“Do you know what is wrong Prista?”
Said Uodin.
“Nothing I cannot even check for his brain signals, it’s as it was erased or never existed in the first place, we may need to check with the council members. If they unable to figure it out then our allies the Hoque may have something that works, there is no sign of any decay. But just in case my adept Oiron will put a preservation barrier on him just in case decay starts, or it may be impossible to revive this person at all let alone discover the cause of death.”
Said Prista.
(The Hoque world is parallel to the Baarcit world but it is on a separate plain of existence).
“OK I’m setting the preservation barrier now sir, I hope this will preserve him and what are we going to do next?”
Spoke Oiron as he created with his hands a clear white bubble that he expanded to fit round the body.
“We are going to the closest portal opening which is just outside of the excavation site, Come along now Uodin you can move the Baarcit.”
Said Prista as they headed off to the council for further information or permission to transport to the Hoque world in the hopes of finding a way of reviving the mysterious Baarcit/Cadeus member or at least discover the cause of death.
The three entered through the archway that took them through a sub-dimensional plain outside the flow of space and time. That exists between the council chambers and the corporeal realms which beings go through when entering the council chambers, however, is not required upon exit of the realms of the ethereal universe.
They emerged through the gate on the other side of the portal to a place that is the most bizarre realm in this universe. Which was face down above them and, even though, there is nothing to climb onto the natural laws are not the same to their home planet.
“Follow my lead and you will get use to how this place works,”
Said Prista as he put his foot up to waist height and started walking upwards as he was walking up a wall.
“This is a weird place.”
Both Uodin and Oiron said at the same time as it was the first time they have seen the place before as adepts are not normally allowed in the council chambers. However, this is not a normal situation due since even an experienced healer could not find anything wrong with the body besides being unresponsive and having no pulse or breathing.
It looks like it was just made and not brought to life and where the Baarcit was found where no other Baarcit ever been since the end of The Cadeus.
So Uodin and Oiron take their first step up and suddenly it felt like the gravity of the place changed to suit them now the three walked towards the gate.
As they reached the gate, a robe hooded figure suddenly appeared from nowhere in front of Prista. It placed what appeared to be a hand which was see through and flickered like a blue flame out in front of Prista’s chest.
The being of unknown origin spoke calmly but with a voice of anger.
“Stop only Elders may go through and why do you have an unconscious Baarcit with you?”
Prista placed his hand on the shoulder of the being in the robe and spoke into the gate keeper's mind.
“I am unable to revive him let alone find the cause of death, so I am seeking council's permission to let us transport to the Hoque world. If they are unable to solve this problem and these adepts are with me so let us through or do I need to remind you whom I am.”
“No Master Prista you can go through sorry for wasting your time after all you are a member of the council.”
Said the robe hooded guardsman as he opens the gate to let them through.
When the three walked through the gate, they felt more energized.
Oiron spoke excitedly,
“Wow, this feels great it feels like I am just full of energy.”
“That’s because the place was magically built by the first order of council members. Even though things may appear real they do not have to stay in the same shape if manipulated right. Besides what went through the portal in the first place is not actual material it is and absence of matter, this also improves thinking for the hard decisions and prolongs life. If you are near the end of your life expectancy, this place will make you live for even longer. If not forever nothing is certain though, so remember this and now listen to me you two do not speak unless spoken to which will be unlikely OK.”
Said Prista as he turned away to carry on walking through the corridor.
“Yes, sir.”
As they both spoke with agreement Oiron and Uodin.
The three took one more step through the corridor then something underneath them started moving the three and the Unconscious body.
It was a circular ring that surrounded them and moved them quickly to the end of the corridor as it twisted and turned and looped so quickly you would think you would fall out of the circle.
As they entered the room of enlightenment Prista walked out to the centre of the dark room and firmly said,
“Members of the council I have come here to seek guidance or permission to enter the world Erie if none of us can find a solution to this abnormality.”
Then suddenly the room started to light up, and Baarcit started appearing from the darkness and chairs for everyone in the room and even a table for the body to lie on.
Each chair perfectly suited they appear wooden with unique designs.
Then a voice that sounded like multiple people speaking the same words exactly at the same time carried across the room.
“It’s been a while Prista, so you have come here to see if you can get us or the Hoque to figure out this mystery, everyone may sit now.”
As Prista went to sit down, he said,
“Thank you Saogra I know I haven't been here for thirty years as you see. I have an adept to teach he’s still too young to become a full-fledged healer till he’s fifty years of age so another ten years he may have mastered the arts of healing. He had a gift for it since he was ten and for Uodin he has experience with travelling and studying the history of our world. Which not many Baarcit do back at home, and he also brought the body to me from ancient ruins that may date back to before the council chambers existed.”
As Saogra appeared out of the shadows, he said,
“It seems it is relevant to have them both with you then, and I believe they will be mature enough at least to handle a different culture and the powers of the council chamber. Also, I am quite interested that Uodin no longer has the white in his eyes another mystery as well. I sense it was caused by Korsek rocks once the matter of the body is resolved I would like Uodin to stay in the chambers for examination.”

Saogra is the only surviving member of the first council he is one of the few memebers that can no longer leave the chambers without killing themselves.
His age is unknown. However, the other Baarcit's in his being are about one thousand seven hundred years of age yet he can control the magic in this place. Nobody has an idea how but they suspect he is the source to the place from the beginning, he is, after all, the most powerful Baarcit in history, and that is sort of alive.
He also looks very old and white as a ghost he is pretty much skin wrinkles and bones. But there is also something in his voice, that does not make him sound normal even for such and age.
Two of the elders, Escalirus and Jerxian, approached the table, and Escalirus said.
“You show up after thirty years and think you can have things your way, I believe we should keep the body here it may come to some use. If the person is unresponsive and there is no sign of decay or damage, maybe it was meant to be used as a form of a vessel or a perfect key to making other vessels.”
Saogra spoke loudly glaring at the arrogant Baarcit.
“Escalirus! We have this place if too many elders have vessels for their new body’s this place will not live in fact. If anything there is too much magic for the place, it could explode and could destroy both worlds. Or one of them and for anyone that is held alive in this place it’s impossible to say death will be the only thing that will awaits us.”
“Surely I should be able to bring the being back to life.”
Said Jerxian, as he stared at the body then he placed his six fingers over the slits on the Baarcit's face and focused his energy to revive the mysterious being. It shimmered bright green glow then the light rebounded back at Jerxian rendering him unconscious.
Saogra without saying another word draws a symbol in the air and aims it up, and moves the symbol to the centre of the room. And it opens up, a place that looked like no other place in the Baarcit world could be seen through the hole that opened up then Saogra said.
“Remember you three have one week before the portal can reopen and if you do not make it you three will have to stay for another week understand.”
Prista said.
“I understand and if they forget or do not understand I will remind them to open a portal takes a lot of energy it can even kill someone that is in this place, we better not waste too much time and hurry to get to what we need doing, follow me through.”
The three walk through the portal along with the unconscious body as they enter through the opening they felt different again like if they had been drained of most of the energy.
The place is rocky where they appeared from it has heaps of rocks from a crumbled mountain, and behind them a crack in the dimensions was visible for a short while before it sealed back up.
Prista spoke firmly and said,
“Listen carefully we won't be able to use high-cost spells, in fact, you two are going to have to carry the body by hand. Unless you Uodin want to be completely worn out when we get to one of the villages. We may need to conserve our magic for when we really need it, never know in this world for what we may run into. And since there is a low amount of energy particles we will not be able to recover as fast, I do not think the body will decompose so you will not need to have preservation spell on it; however I got to use some to guide us where we a going.”
Prista said.
“The crack in space and time will need to repair itself that is why we cannot use the portal again until a week has passed, or we risk destabilisation of the chambers.”
As Prista was using a direction spell, he pointed out that they would have to go over or around the mountain it appeared endless either direction.
“Alright let’s go right,”
Said Prista.
Uodin and Oiron picked up the body holding either end, and as they were walking Oiron said,
“This is going to be a long trip there and back if we don't manage to revive this person whoever he is. And besides being a Cadeus he looks similar to other Baarcit if he is brought back to life it would be interesting what sort of knowledge he has. We may find more answers about what happened during the great devastation.”
(Prista thought to himself about whom or what this unconscious body could be and what happened.
What sort of magic is bound to the body, nothing they could do would restore a body to brand new even Saogra, and Jerxian cannot even do magic that complex. Doing something like that is very difficult to be able to know how to focus on each individual cell. Plus to keep it preserved for who knows how long even the chambers do not keep the elders in prime condition.
I wonder if the Hoque will notice something we missed they tended to be able to read energy vibrations better than we can. Even though, they do not use high forms of energy manipulation. But they can sense manipulations, and almost anything that gives off an odour or makes a sound too, so they will be able to pick out a scent even from a dead Baarcit.)
Uodin spoke fast,
“Sir there is a big creature on four legs heading towards us what should we do?”
Prista spoke calmly,
“That’s one of our allies he is coming to greet us we may be able to get a lift they do travel faster than we do.”
The Hoque skidded and stopped right in front of them, then said.
“Greetings I am Malekia, I came here to greet you three, and if there is anything I can do you for let me know, Akchra'v is also expecting to see you.”
Malekia then took one look at the unconscious body and said
“Would you like a hand with the body?”
Prista looked at the body and said,
“That would be most helpful thank you Malekia, I am Prista, and this is my adept Oiron, and this is Uodin one of our most valuable historians.”
Before Uodin even said a word he put his end of the body down and put his hands together then separated them as he was moving his hands apart there was a black line in-between.
He moved his hands closer then back apart to stretch the black line. And as he was doing that the line got longer and longer till it piled on the ground a foot high as he stopped the black line turned into a black rope. Then Uodin looked, and Malekia and said.
“Would you like me and Oiron to help secure the body on your back Malekia.”
Malekia smiled and said,
“Beats me carrying the body in my mouth even though I can sense a dead body's presence I did not know that you three had a body with you. So no one accept me at the moment will know till they see it, I can see why you have come here even our kind will be interested in seeing what we can figure out. But either way it will be tricky if we can revive or figure out the cause of death sorry if you were looking for that do you know who it is at all?”
Uodin spoke with certainty,
“No, but from the ruins I found him in suggests that he is or related to the lost Cadeus clan and, somehow I cracked open the seal that had him shut in a coffin.”
Malekia slightly scratched the back of his ear with one of his back feet and said,
“Yeah I sense something different in you Uodin we can still tell you a Baarcit from afar but, however, it is like you have something extra smell in comparison to Prista and Oiron here. And about the body may not even be the same species even though it looks the same what part of your world was it found.”
Uodin pulled out a map of his home continent from his sleeve and said,
“Well as my experience as a historian, there is still one-quarter of this continent left to explore for artefacts. Still many places in the world where the Cadeus could have hidden themselves and, their artefacts. There are some parts of other the continents and islands, but most of them are unpopulated and if they are it has been with our settlements. To start exploration or main studies of types of energy manipulation. I am guessing it was easier for us finding your kind in this world then another kind of species in our world after we entered the council chambers.”
Then Uodin used the rope from the ground and with the help of Oiron and secured the body to the back of Malekia and said,
“This should be secure enough at least we should be able to cover more ground faster now, will you be OK with carrying the body the whole way there?”
“Yea should be fine I can also carry you three to make the trip even faster but you lot will have to hold on tight.”
Spoke Malekia as he lowered himself down to the three to allow them to hop onto his back then Uodin Oiron and Prista put a small spell for where they are to hold the rope to improve their grip for the trip to the Krahsoiex caverns.
Malekia galloped over the rocky plains till he got to a particular point along the side of the mountain, and he said.
“This is the easiest and closest point to go over the mountain.”
Oiron looked up and saw nothing different from this section of the mountainside, accept the claw marks from so many trips up and down the mountain caused by the Hoque.
Malekia said,
“This should be a challenge, I have not made this part up with extra weight on my back.”
Prista then spoke,
“You will not have to worry about the weight on your back, in fact, Uodin and Oiron you know what to do, but we cannot do it for long OK!”
Prista, Uodin and Oiron then held up one hand each while still holding onto the rope. Then a green light radiate from their opened hands which was individual at first. Before the light joined and lifted them up over the mountain and Malekia was moving his legs still trying to move on his own, and he spoke with a shaken up voice.
“I do not like this feeling I prefer that if I am in the air it’s because I jumped not because of some energy manipulation.”
As they rise over the mountain, they saw a vast forest of gigantic trees stretching high up towards the peaks, some one hundred metres wide at their base.
The trees have openings and paths winding through the trunks creating a network of tunnels.
The giant branches are intertwined creating bridges between the trees. There is also a Baarcit creation on the grass in a clearing before the forest called instant ports that were made from when the Baarcit first visited this world for ease of travel.
The instant ports are made from unique stones that gather a lot of power over time from its surroundings without draining living organisms too much. The instant ports have crystallised matter moulded into the round stone pad in the form of markings each relevant to the point where the pad is and the destination that the user want to travel too.
The crystallised markings light up on both pads and only the markings of the point of origin and the destination illuminates. These crystals are also a space/time lubricant between matter for the fold in space between the instant ports to save energy and allow the transfer of the being instantaneous through the time/space bend.
Malekia leads them to the instant port and says.
“Here we are I believe you know what to do Prista.”
Prista walked to the centre of the port but just before he started his magic he said.
“Step on the port and pay attention in case for next time you two need to use the port while I’m not around.”
Uodin, Oiron, and Malekia hopped into the circle, and Prista placed his left hand at the very centre of the port and extended his right arm out to Oiron and said.
“Link up it’s not necessary, but it will help make the process of this much easier to move through the folds of space”.
The markings around the platform began to glow, and in an instant they were in a void of darkness that started to fill up with particles vibrating all around them and linking up like a cosmic web:
All of a sudden their visions began to stretch out and compress into a fine line as the two points in time and space fold together. And in an instant they were standing on the other platform on a Cliff side surrounded by dense fog in front of a cave.
Uodin looked around, amazed at this new scenery: The fog was so dense you could not see the bottom or the top of the mountain. You could only see your immediate surroundings and the tops of the highest trees poking through the fog as he looked at them Uodin's eyes gazed at the sight.
“This is amazing...
I have never seen anything like this in all my travels.”
Excitedly stated Uodin.
“Yes, this is truly a sight to be marvelled at.”
Stated Prista.
“What say you Oiron?”
Asked Malekia, while Oiron's mouth was wide open, and his eyes stuck in a gaze, he could not speak straight away.
“I have not seen much in my lifetime like Prista and Uodin has. As I have spent most of my time behind walls studying healing literature and tending to fellow beings at the regenerative halls of Jerxian. Besides travelling to the Hoque world and the camp site near the ruins where Uodin found the body.
(Jerxian is the first true master of the healing arts and is internationally recognised by regenerative halls across the Baarcit world)
“We have many sites you will get a chance to see during your visit to our world young scholar”.
Spoke a strong a voice from within the cavern, and then a figure emerged from the shadows of the cavern entrance.
“Aaahhhh, good to see you again Prista, so an anomalous being transits through the veil into your world, and you seek my advice; for that is why you have come is it not?”
“Just as wise as the last time I ventured here many star cycles ago my friend.”
Replied Prista.
“To whom, do I have the honour to meet on this fine day?”
“This is Oiron my adept one who is very skilled for his age, he will be a great healer someday.” Announced Prista.
“And this is Uodin, a traveller that I think was destined to come across this being.”
“Our father and oldest of the Hoque – Akchra'v.”
Stated Malekia.
“Akchra'v shall we proceed to your study quarters to examine this being to see if there is anything you can do or advise us to try?”
Asked Prista.
Akchra'v turned round towards the cavern entrance and Said.
“Malekia make sure they don't get lost on their way to the study quarters I am going to get some equipment ready.”
Before he vanished through the entrance into the darkness.
Malekia headed towards the entrance with the other three following him without a source of light. Until Prista put his hand on Oiron's shoulder and the other on Uodin's shoulder that will make them able to see in the dark.
“This should help us see in the dark without impairing Malekia's vision.”
Spoke Prista.
After a thirty minute walk and climb through the tunnels, Malekia and the three Baarcit have made it to the study quarters. Where Akchra'v had set up some odd equipment, and some mixes of powders round the edge of a low stone bench that would be at about thirty centimetres off the ground.
Akchra'v said.
“Well untie the body from Malekia and place the body on the centre of this table. I am going to try to see if I can first revive this body may be a different type of method may work compared to your manipulation methods.”
Oiron and Uodin untied the body and placed it carefully on the centre of the bench.
Akchra'v then with his left front foot grabbed a tool called a flat smooth; a tool made of wood that has a smooth flat bottom with a loop on top to slip the front foot in.
Akchra'v then used the tool to put a smooth edge to connect the body to the sand surrounding it. Then he used his right front claw to make a wound on the left arm of the unconscious Baarcit. Not a single drop of blood came out of the body; instead the cut just regenerated without a scar.
Akchra'v put the flat smooth down beside the bench then picked up a metal like tool with a two prong fork with his front left foot. He scraped it against his fang to wet the tool slightly then dipped it in the powder that is on the bench to coat it he then placed his front right foot firmly on the body.
Akchra'v was feeling quite uneasy, but he still carried on with the tool slowing pushing it in the chest of the body with the tool in his left foot.
He felt something pushing back. But he kept it held in there as deep as he could go then a surge of force went through his body throwing him at the wall; counteracting the force he managed to negate the energy using his legs and flung himself back to the ground. The tool turned into superheated plasma that was swirling in the air then dissipated.
“Are you alright Akchra'v, what just happened?”
Asked Malekia,
“I'm OK my son, we should be careful from now on: there are powers at work here that we cannot fully comprehend.”
“Very interesting that this vessel does not bleed, and the tool just broke down in front of my eyes perhaps that is because. Hmm I will have to talk to Saogra to see what me and him can come up with, I have to fill you lot in later about what I suspect but first I need to see if Saogra would have had suspected the same thing. I will be back in a few days enjoy our sights and monuments, Leave the body be till I get back.”
Prista then said.
“I thought it’s too dangerous to open the portal to go to the chambers.”
“I said I was going to talk to Saogra I didn't say I was going to see him.”
“Communication through where the portal was opened does not affect its repair, however, a conversation can take a while.”
Spoke Akchra'v as he disappeared into the tunnel.
Malekia yawned and then said.
“Well, it is getting a bit late I will show you guys to where you lot will be sleeping tonight.”

As the Green sun rises, and the light carries over the mountains, trees, and into some parts of the caverns the Hoque race wakes up to a new day. As it will be a day of learning for Uodin, Prista, and Oiron as they make their way with Malekia to see monuments of the Hoque world and learn more about their culture.
They arrive at the near the top of the mountain through the passages in the caverns where there is an opening that leads to where you can see as far as the eye can see.
“Here we are at our first stop is our lookout the Krahsoiex peak it’s the quietest place for the Hoque elder to listen to the lands of this world. Also, if he needs to get everyone’s attention he can roar his mighty voice and speak to everyone no matter where they are even if they are on the other side of the world. Only the elder has a powerful enough voice to use the echo of the mountain peak to speak to us all. This place is also a place of meditation, so it’s more than just a lookout it’s also our place of enlightenment.”
Prista looked over the mountain into the forest where the fog is surrounding the mountain as he could make out figures of other Hoque moving around within the trees.
“I see why this place is essential I may come up for some meditation later.”
Spoke Prista as he fixated on seeing the view from the top here and feeling the motionless cold air around the mountain peak.
“Come, I will now show you the heart of the Hoque world where the beginning of the vast forests and jungles you now see today that provide the air and nutrients we beings need to survive.”

They arrived at the centre of the vast forest where the sunlight could not reach through the trees. Except for a tiny bit of light coming from a small plant. Which at first looked like a blur of light but given the eyes time to adjust to the spectrum of the frequency you could see a radiant plant. That has a flame looking aura on the tip of the stalk where a flower would usually be.
“Do you sense the familiarity with this plant as I do Oiron?”
Asked Prista,
“I felt the same energy coming from Jerxian, but how can this be?”
Replied Oiron while puzzled about the matter.
Malekia walked up to the plant looking down at it with awe then looked back at Oiron and said.
“Many ages ago when I was just a few star cycles into my life Jerxian came to our world along with four other Baarcit. He was especially interested when I mentioned the heart of the forest, and it's connection with life on this planet.
When I took him here he asked permission to have time alone with the plant: he ended up spending a whole cycle in the forest to which on his return he sounded like a reborn being.”
“He must have unlocked the secret to its power.”
Said Uodin.
Malekia replied saying.
“Some Hoque says he spoke to the plant, but no Hoque has managed to commune with the plant: even Akchra'v himself could not speak to the plant.”

Meanwhile, Akchra'v arrived at the portal's access point and paused for a bit looking at the green stars in the sky. Then turned all his attention to the invisible crack in the universe left over from the previous jump. Standing on the portals exit plinth Akchra'v sat with his hind legs and front legs arched backwards and began a deep meditation. After a few minutes of meditation, he was able to pinpoint Saogra's exact location relative to time and space through the rift between their dimensions.
Using an ability all Hoque have for manipulation of sonic sound waves, and atoms in the air to magnify the signal through the veil he spoke.
“Saogra old friend I have discovered something about the Baarcit that I know you would have also suspected. Although the Corporeal form of being is of Baarcit physiology, I must inform you he is far from being a Baarcit.
As you also might have thought, and I can clarify that the beings life signal came from a very far plain of existence. But you should also know that it was not easy for me to locate the signal as the plain it is in does have a very high concentration of energy so any action we take must be with caution, please speak now.”
After Saogra have heard the voice of Akchra'v spoken to him, he replied.
“I understand that we were not able to revive the being because there is nothing to bring back to life. Due to his energy being in another plain of existence, I think we may be able to bring the life force back to his corporeal body if we are careful enough we could have helped something far greater than you and myself combined. He may be one to bring us into a new age, you may speak now.”
After many hours of waiting Akchra'v heard what Saogra spoke then replied.
“Saogra I know your intentions are of a greater cause. But I urge you to reconsider such a drastic measure. As we have no way of knowing the effects of drawing such a complex and strong life force through multiple dimensions can have on the collective universe.”
It was silent for many hours then Saogra's voice travels back through the rift.
“You are wise Akchra'v that is why I would like to do this with you; I have something planned that can only be done in the chambers. As soon as you can make the jump I would like you to accompany Prista. And the others through the portal I will go into more detail then, we will speak on the fifth sunrise from today.”
Akchra'v stretched his muscles then leapt from the plinth and raced towards the Krahsoiex.
Later that day while Prista was alone meditating at the mountain peak focusing on a clear mind till he suddenly hears footsteps quickly moving closer and closer then he heard Akchra'v speak.
“I have got some important news to tell everyone I recommend you go catch up with your fellow Baarcit in the forests. You may not be able to handle the strength of my voice at such a close range even your magic will not be able to protect you so a safe distance. And you will be able to hear the news from the forests of Krahsoiex.”
Prista stood up and said.
“Thank you for the warning Akchra'v.”
Then Prista ran into the cavern tunnels as fast as he can with his eyes glowing for a heightened sense of sight. And his hands, and feet glowing white to help keep his grip steady, and balance as he races through the network of tunnels.
Before he knew it he was at the port near the entrance of the caverns, exhausted. But still able to do one more spell to travel through the port to the forests. He then quickly placed his glowing hands at the centre of the port and transported to the part of the forest where a small pack of Hoque dwells near a spring of fresh water.
As he appeared from the port, the Hoque pack turned their attention towards Prista as he collapsed to the ground. A Hoque by the name of Dulwound was closest to Prista when he fell came up to him and said in a cheeky tone.
“Your race is strong in the ways of your manipulation of energy yet. After all, this time you still fail to manipulate the energy in our world efficiently. I thought a respectable healer such as yourself would have thought better than to use up all your reserves at once Prista.”
“Well.... us.... Baarcit.... are not as.... fit as you.... Hoque.”
Spoke Prista while he was catching his breath.
Then the atmosphere changed all of a sudden and a resonance in the air was felt followed by
A deep growl that carried through the world then Akchra'v spoke loudly but clearly and calmly.
“My children! Listen carefully, in four days I will depart to Saogra's chambers on a matter of great importance.
I will be gone for some time so I will leave Astrath in charge in my absence, I trust you will follow his instruction as it were my own.”
Less than a week later the whole universe changed in a way you would not believe.
As a new chapter beings in the cosmos of existence.