The Second Book of the Alienbutt Saga. The Rise of Mr Fluffy. Part 65.

in #story8 years ago



Chapter 17

The planetary university of Rocthorpe reopened today as a military training academy. The Federation’s brightest students will now receive state of the art teaching in the new look higher education facility that will split their education between military training and chosen scientific modules. The university was closed down after it was discovered that many of the professors were using their position to recruit students into an anti-federation terror squad. Their leader Squegal Quinch was found guilty of high treason and the university was closed during violent riots. The new head of the university General Tratum Hockstum, a professor of military tactics, has spoken of his hope of a new generation of elite personnel committed to defending the ideals of the Federation in the post war universe. General Hockstum returns to public life after being cleared of any involvement in the Cybercore project T mind control scandal.


The library at Watakusha Prime was the largest collection of information known in any universe. Everything from two thousand year old shopping lists for groceries to a formula to guarantee divine intervention could be found there. If it had been written down and somehow survived, then it was in the library. Over five million librarians lived within the library that covered an entire continent of the planet. The rules of the library were simple; if you wanted information you had to give information back, and a printed copy of the book of Ick had gotten Alienbutt a meeting with the head of religious writings.

The librarian had flicked through the book and smiled before laying it down on the table between them.
“I am informed you seek information on the Wantooaninyougo Temple,” he said, smiling.
“I’ve been told there is a gateway there. I can use it to get home,” Alienbutt said. “Everything I have heard so far about it makes me think they don’t like visitors, so any information that will help me reach the gateway would help.”
“The gateway and temple have been there for as long as our records go back; it is the most ancient site known to us. We believe it is the last remaining site of a once great empire that travelled between universes and planes of reality using that gateway. Fortunately the present priests of Wantooaninyougo have no idea how to use the portal. They are, we believe, the direct descendants of that once great empire, and it is thought those high up in the priesthood have discovered the secret of immortality.” The librarian stood up and walked over to a wall full of books and picked one out. “Much of what we have learnt cannot be verified, as very few people ever escape the temple, unless you count having your heart cut out and then your body being thrown into the void of the gateway, as escape.”
“I would sooner keep my heart where it is when I pass through the gateway. I’m going to need it on the other side,” Alienbutt replied as the librarian put the slim book on the table.
“This is the account of all those we know of who have escaped the Wantooaninyougo temple. The accounts go back almost two thousand years,” he said with pride. As he opened the book, Alienbutt saw that it was actually a case. Inside was a small silver disk that the librarian placed into a slot on the table. A holo-screen appeared above the table.
“Only a handful of people have ever escaped and they paint a picture of an evil place. Many have tried to destroy the priesthood but all have failed, so when the priests go hunting for sacrifices everyone hides.”

Alienbutt stuff1.jpg

“So the surrounding systems are not devout to their beliefs. That will help me get through to the right place without interference or reinforcements turning up. How often do the priests go out raiding?” Alienbutt asked.
raiding?” Alienbutt asked. “You cannot be planning to do battle! The priests cannot be defeated by force of arms. They have destroyed entire navies,” the librarian said in shock.
“No offence, but I’ve seen the warships here and I could destroy entire navies on my own. According to your book here the last fleet to try was over five hundred years ago. What did they set off in, wind up ships?” Alienbutt asked, smiling.
“So you have a plan to defeat the priests of Wantooaninyougo?” the librarian asked.
“A very good plan, based on an ancient general of the Olde highlanders of Hardstool called William Wallys, or something like that. I’m going to drink a load of whiskey, eat lots of kebabs and go pick a fight.”
“You plan to take on the most evil and powerful force known in our universe single-handed?” the librarian said aghast, still not believing what he was hearing.
Alienbutt looked down at his metallic arm. “It’s not considered polite to point out the synthetic arm.”

To be continued.
All images are mine.


universe single-handed? .... It’s not considered polite to point out the synthetic arm.

Those two lines were funny. Nice writing, and a style unique to you.

interesting stories....upvoted

An interesting story mr. @alienbutt
I think it's worth saying that the book is good.