The screams were confusing because there were some of pure evil and some of pure terror. We were shocked and confused. The screaming and groaning lasted for about an hour.

Suprise: Should we open the door ?
Phoebe: I don't think we should.
(Then everyone stared at me)
George/me: Don't look at me, I don't know what to do
Dipo: (Still cowering at a corner) Guys I am so scared
George/me: We know you are, we all are
Then there was a knock at the door. The level of tension increased three fold. No one wanted to open the door. The person knocked again, and we all jumped back. Then He opened the door, and the entrance was flooded with light one second and blocked the next second.
We couldn't see his face, only to discover that His face was way above the door and His body width was wider than the width of the door. The door being not that wide.
Then He motioned for us to move outside with His hand.
We looked at each other and started moving out one by one.
When we got outside we saw that they were much and they were way different from normal humans. They looked almost inhuman.
They were taller than normal humans, even the world tallest man, the males had broad chest like that of giants, the females were slender and looked like witches.
Their clothes looked rough and worn out, their nails were that of a bear's and their eyes were glowing red of burning wood. Their teeth were multi-coloured and their hair didn't show any sign of good living. The expression on their faces were that of pure evil, they even reeked of it.
They were astride horses with wings, and the horses were all black and mean looking.

Just as I was about to go out, I begin to feel burning sensations all over my body, I rushed to take my shirt of to find multiple white coloured tattoos drawn on my body. The tattoos were of different shapes and sizes and they were all connected one way or the other.
The burning sensation left and I was left with tattoos all over my body except my face,neck, arms, hands and feets. The scary people outside were forgotten, what was happening, It was one of the most strange things anyone of us had ever seen.
Suprise: Here they come! here they come!!
Dipo: I have never been this scared in my life
Emmanuel: Shut up Dipo, everyone of us"s scared right now, don't add to it
Paul: Guys remember, we stick together no matter what
Phoebe: Yea, no matter what.
The door was opened, and I put on my clothes back as we were ushered out. As I came close to the man standing by the door, the stinging of the tattoo became more severe, but I didn't show.
We were told to line up and they started asking us questions
Their language were that of highlanders but not to thick for us to understand.
Then a man, surely their leader it was obvious he was the one because he look the meanest, started asking questions.
Supposed leader: Who are ye ?
(None of us answered)
Supposed leader: Are ye deaf ?
(We still did not answer)
Supposed leader: Alright, who amongst ye is the chosen one ?
(No response)

When none of us answered, it was evident He was already getting angry, He started speaking in thick highlander language and gesturing wild and the level at which we were scared increased.
Then he asked us to take all our clothes off one by one.
The sting of the tattoos were becoming unbearable, my eyes were beginning to water and dizziness was setting in. Then they started surrounding us with menacing looks and we retreated closer to ourselves.
Then my tattoos started sooting me and at the same time the sting was still severe. I had a feeling I was the one the dark man was asking for, but I couldn't do anything for I was so scared. I looked at Phoebe and saw that she was looking at me with an expression of stark terror and when I looked back at the dark man, I knew he had deducted I was the one.
Then as he started approaching me, it was as if my heart wanted to leave the closure of my rib cage and the tattoos were stinging seriously.
Just then, people in white riding on white horses with wings rode into the camp and there was confusion and panic was written briefly on the faces of the dark men, and they were shocked like they were never expecting them.
Then one of the white men with horses swooped down to where I was and picked me up. I was too dazed to do anything, I was just hanging from His arms because He was as tall as the black men, but looked nice.
Down below, the dark men were in rage and mounting their horses and taking flight after, My friends scattered inside the forest, I tried to search for Phoebe, but I couldn't concentrate and I discovered I was falling into a deep sleep. I tried to wake up, but was to weak to even try. Then all of a sudden, then was a bright green light, then total darkness.
Thanks again for reading.
To read the previous chapters, click
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4