A Heart Full Of Love

in #story-trail7 years ago (edited)

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It was just like a dream, thought Ronnie, as he wandered around the room. Any moment he would wake up and find himself back at the Children's Home. He kept telling himself over and over again that this was really his room.
He touched the wallpaper where the sailing ships bobbed along. He picked up the baseball bat from the corner and looked at it. All these things were his! He belonged here.
Ever since he could remember he had been hoping and praying for something of his own. He knew he had no mother or father, and he had tried to get used to the idea. The boys and girls in the Home were like brothers and sisters, and the matron was very kind. But then Ronnie Discovered that sometimes the children got adopted. Usually it was a cute little baby. By the time he was eight, Ronnie had almost given up hope of getting a new father and mother, but each night he prayed about it
He knew he had a heavenly Father, but he wanted one on earth, too. He asked Jesus about it. He loved Jesus very much, and he knew that Jesus loved him.
Then one day a wonderful thing happened. Mr. and Mrs. Richards came to the Home. They were hound and fill of fun. They didn't want to adopt one of the babies. They wanted a real boy- One they could take camping and hiking. Ronnie sat down on the edge of the bunk bed. Why had they chosen him? He wasn't very handsome. He had reddish hair that Stuck on end, and freckles. But Mr. Richards had given him a slap on the shoulder and said, " this is the one for us!" And that's how is had all been settled.
Ronnie sniffed. From downstairs came the tempting smell of roasted chicken. Mrs. Richards no - Mother, made something special everyday.
Closing his eyes, Ronnie said a little prayer, "Please God, I want to thank You, but I don't know How."
"Hey, Ronnie," called Mrs. Richards gaily, "wash your hands and come down for support. You've been in your room nearly all afternoon."
Ronnie washed very carefully. He wanted to be the best son in the world.
"Hello, Ron," said Mr. Richards, as Ronnie came downstairs, "see if your mother needs any help I the kitchen."
Ronnie's face went pink with happiness. How wonderful that word "mother" sounded. "Yes, Dad," he whispered, and hurried into the kitchen.
Mrs. Richards rumpled his briefly hair. "You've been so quiet since you came to live with us, Ronnie. Aren't you happy? We had been looking forward soo much to have a son of our own, but if you're unhappy we'll try to do something about it."
Ronnie gulped. It was going to be very hard to explain how he felt.
"But I'm happy," he said. "I just can't believe it's real. You see - Mother, every night I used to ask Jesus to send me a mother and father of my very own. Then He sent you and Dad. He must love me very much to do a thing like that."
"Of course He does," agreed Mrs. Richards, "but why does that make you a little sad?"
Ronnie got the table napkins out of the cupboard as Mrs. Richards put the chicken on a platter.
"I don't know how to thank Him," said Ronnie. "He has given me so much, and I have nothing to give Him."
"Listen, Ronnie," said Mrs. Richards gently, "you have always gone to church and Sunday school, haven't you?" Ronnie nodded.
"And you love Him very much. You're thanking Him by giving Him only thing he really want.... A HEART FULL OF LOVE."
As Ronnie walked slowly into the dinning room, he felt very happy. A Heart Full Of Love was something he could give to Jesus for ever and ever.

The end