Larry and the dimensions of kingdoms

in #storieslast year (edited)

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Hello guys how are you guys doing. I am going to be writing a story. And I'm going to be delivering it episode by episode every week the title of the story is Larry and the dimensions of kingdoms it starts this way
Episode 1
James had just made an invention that has never been made before. He was very happy with himself. It was a time traveling dimension. By that time Larry his son had just evolved into a teen as he was going to be 13 that month. Larry hated doing chores and running errands for his parents as doing that made him sick. His mother Lillian always cautioned him when he acted like that.
James after making the invention said "I will be going for a meeting with my fellow scientists about this device now I'll be gone for two weeks Lillian take care of the house okay". Lillian and Larry saw him off the house. James arrived at the scientists meeting. Hong a Chinese man who was always envious of James began the meeting. He knew that James made an invention. Hong hated James because James made more inventions than his and James was getting more attention than him.

Hong started the meeting "hi everyone we know that this meeting has been called because of something". He looks at James scornfully and continues"let's see what he has to offer. James pushed his portal machine towards the meeting. He explained that he has made an invention that travels through dimensions of reality. Everyone was happy for James except Hong. So Hong made up his mind to steal James machine.

James met Hong. Hong without saying a word walked from James. James wondered why Hong hated him so much. James rented a room for where he could drop his things and Lay his head for two weeks. Hong took a mask and tried to sneak into James room . Fortunately for Hong, he stole James machine successfully. He took a spoilt machine and dropped in place of the one he took. And he was happy he was going get attention.

End of episode 1
Episode 2 comes next week.