RE: Steemit Inc - Please stop your powerdown
"please don't fuck this up"
I have to say I really like that comment. It's terse, yet incisive. It has a certain spare eloquence, yet it retains the earthy impact inherent in the incredibly versatile English word "fuck", an ancient word transmitted to us directly from the old Anglo-Saxon tongue of our pre-Norman ancestors. It speaks of sincerity, and a heartfelt appeal to reason. It is a plea for cooperation, a hopeful wish that acrimony may yet be set aside in favor of amity, or at least civility.
Who could have imagined that so very much could be said, with five simple one-syllable words? Truly, ausbitbank, you have my sincere respect. You are an orator for the 21st century. Thank you for saying what so very many of us were thinking, yet somehow could not articulate.