Slaves to the Dollar

in #stocks7 years ago

As I get older I feel as though We are all just slaves for a dollar. We work long hours and are taxed more now than ever. I started studying the economy about three years ago. It has been a journey weeding through information on the internet. I have found some very reliable sources, but it seems even the greatest minds of our time cannot figure out how the system works. They all say the system no longer runs on fundamentals. No longer can reasoning be used to formulate outcomes. As one studies economics they stumble into the area of politics. So now the journey turns into a economic and political quest, because they both walk hand and hand. As far as I can tell most everything in society today is manipulated from the stock market to commodities and statistics. I found that a neutral position is the right move for me at this point. I am investing in precious metal and some mining stocks. I do this because it seems as though the stock market general equities are over priced and are drawing people in. The big money slowly withdraws from the market leaving the middle class holding the bag when it crashes and it always crashes. Check history.