Why I am Unplugging From Trading Stocks on The NYSE and You Should Too !

in #stocks7 years ago (edited)
  1. The stock market has become one of the most corrupt institutions in America: The Financially worse off are made to adhere to the rules while everyone else with 25 K or more in their account can trade huge volumes of stock and ruin everyone else. There is a rule about trading that you can't take out a trade in the same day that you make it, that is called day trading and in order to do that you must have $25,000 in your account. If you day trade a few times, your brokerage will flag you as a day trader and they will want your account to have $25,000 in it. Many traders have found ways around this like trading just before the market closes but that comes with it's own risks (because other people after-hours trading and they can drop the price while you still can't do anything about it until the market opens the next day.) The fact that you have to have money to be able to withdraw on the same day on a regular basis is one of the main reasons that the stock market mostly helps people who already have money while in Crypto you can get in and out whenever you want, 24/7 . Also with stocks it is more Americans impacting it than anyone else but in crypto it is numerous countries in the entire world. We have our equivalent of the DOW, (crypto top 30 coins) but the power of the whales is spread out far except for in Bitcoin and bitcoin futures)

  2. High price for advice: If you aren't a professional trader on the NYSE and you want to get good with the competition there are a few things you can do, you can buy chart trading software like Telechart which has it's news software (at extra cost) and you can even buy an advisor on Profitly that will let you see their stock picks for the low low cost of $148 a month. Even the best expert advice on the stock market is still "hope" there is no guarantee. So why pay $148 a month and $40 - $50 of chart and news feeds on Telechart each month when on cryto I get advice that is just as good for $0. I get on youtube and if the thing I'm going to research has no youtube videos ... I move on to something else. Youtube has helped me find Profit Trailer software, Substratum, Nav, Bitconnect and Davor coin, but also Fine Coin, Thorn Coin, Exa Coin, MorphToken, Ku Coin, Binance, Coinexchange.io, Hash Flare, Genesis Mining, Neo coin, Zouk Coin. Of these ... only 2: Bitconnect and Davor have failed and that was due to Texas giving them C and D and they decided to take off and both of them say they will be back.... While it might be the second coming before I see those profits rise again I'm still doing pretty good. So out of 16 websites and coins I have done, 2 have failed... also, the reasons I didn't try other coins were because of the Youtube video of Cryptoflower where she talks about all these lending platforms and I stayed away from them because they couldn't withdraw very well. Imagine if you had a stock advisor that was right 90+ % of the time. Total Cost for that advice $0, if you had a stock advisor with an over 90% success rate, you'd better whip out the card and expect a number with 3 figures at least/month.

  3. Gains: In the stock market, 3 % growth on a trade is good, 5 % is better and 10% is probably the best you can hope for in a 2 or 3 day trade. In crypto, you hold but those gains are massive, if you were in Thorn Coin ICO, you know that they are opening up the coin for $8 each on their exchange, if you bought it at 65 cents, or 1.10 cents you will make more money than you could ever hope to make in a stock. How many saw VIBE get a 400% increase just last week ? The gains people make in Crypto are Warren Buffet style gains. If anyone has ever read a book by him he often talks about "4 and ten baggers", stocks where he made 4 X and 10 X his money but he talks about it in a time frame of years... he holds them for up to 4 years. In crypto people 4 and 10 X in a month or two using less money to get in or in the case of VIBE, they do it in days. Another thing, crypto currencies like Neo, NAV, Thorn, pay out every day while a stock that pays dividends is usually every quarter and sometimes once a month. In crypto compounding your gains is easy.

  4. Enemies: If you've followed politics at all, you know that George Soros the main contributor to the Democrat party who made his money from hedge fund managing has said, "We must do something to push back against what's happening here." as published on 1/12/2017 in Dailymail.co.Uk His company has $24.9 billion to influence the market. Most people don't know that George Soros once almost crashed the British Pound just for the money (In October 1992, it was called "Black Wednesday" )... now he is quoted as saying Trump's victory has awakened a "darkness" you think he would have any reservations about fighting Trump on the economic battleground at the peril of other investors ? The answer is no. Eventually this man will go even harder, maybe even a long version of a pump and dump in the stock market just to try and crash the market before Mid Term elections, and before Presidential elections, I am making sure my money is nowhere near the cross hairs of his company or his son. I remember the crash of the market before the 2008 Presidential election when Bush was President but strangely the market has been doing really good every single presidential election since then but in 2020, again we'll go from Republican to Democrat and with George Soros at the wheel... expect a wreck.

To those who read the whole post and aren't in crypto yet... (other than steemit) I hope you'll jump in, avoid the lending programs ;)