Baaaaad Retail Charts Telling a Dark Future...
Below is a few retail stores that have taken a huge dump
Macy's (M)
Macy's a very vibrant and healthy company just a few years ago has since its peak lots much of it's rally... Look at it being back down to the same levels as back in 2011... Around $23.50.
JC Penney (JCP)
This stock seems almost useless as compared to a few years ago.
SEARS Holding Group (SHLD)
Another one that seems to be doing pretty bad in terms of the last few years "recovery".
Hennes & Mauritz (HM on OMXS30 NASDAQ)
This is a Swedish company that pretty much is one of the richest comanies in Sweden, it's also gone down A LOT in recent years. A company that has expanded to many countries in the world... Wondering if there's a problem here. (I'm Swedish so that's why I've included it here). Worthh noting is the Yellow thin line, which means the overall Swedish market (OMXS30).

There is more, but these stocks have NOT been doing great, as opposed to the Hockey Stick major, AMAZON!
Amazon (AMZN)
Amazon has been doing a fair bit of "well" lately. I've not seen a bigger "hockey stick" chart in a loooooong time. Is it about time? Doesn't it look RIDICULOUS? What is going on, massive growth or manipulation?