History of the journeys of aceh fighters.

in #stockpotos4 years ago (edited)


malek mahmud zakaria summons mastermind murder alm.safwan idris and dayan dawod. confession witness life minister education gam doctor husaini hasan, class of year 1976: history this i tell based on from experience my own having been follow struggle gam since from originally heretofore, not ever stop: beginning from movement under land that we began in medan together-equal with dr. mukhtar y. hasbi, ir. t. asnawi and tgk. amir ishak, long before proclamation 4 december. 1976, instead long before tgk. hasan in tiro back to aceh.. as benchmark for history am period now started since tgk. daud in beureu-huh go treated exit land in year 1974. certainly previous gray beureu-huh depart exit land has powwow with person-elderly person aceh that still loyal with struggle, between other: tgk. umar in tiro, tgk. muhammad zainul abidin and some follower loyal dii, tii aceh. wrong a friend i, dr. ishak abbas follow guard gray as doctor personal he. program that made by tgk. daud in beureu-huh at when that between other is encounter tgk. hasan muhammad in tiro and give task to he for affairs purchase weapon and bring home equipment class of war such to aceh. fact history this prove that prang am it is connection from prang darul islam, only nature nevermore indonesia on tow but aceh founded self out indonesia, because tgk. daud in beureu-huh has proclaim ria (republic islam aceh) at end struggle dii, year 1961.. during i together with pym wn tgk. hasan m. in tiro, we not ever separate struggle gam from struggle people aceh. motto we is' struggle from people and for people '. at the beginning-start year 1976-1979, we all some minister cabinet down to kampong-kampong and fight together people, sit together people, in all layer community, included cleric and move student and youth, that all of which become member class of tentera am. we not ever broken away we from people. people in kampong-kampong that we pass throughout aceh, where-where right-right feel that we is child people, courant of them that sacrifice self and career we for they, for continuation nation and country aceh. such that done by asysyahid dr. tgk. mokhtar yahya hasbi in region pase; asysyahid tengku hajj ilyas leube from lingge, takengon; asysyahid dr. zubir mahmud in region peureulak, assyahid nek' national exam in wilajah teumiëng, asysyahid tgk. idris ahmad in wilajah batee iliëk; asysyahid tgk. ibrahim abdullah in region glumpang minjeuk; asysyahid tgk. abdullah shafii in region pidie and tgk. bataqiah in meulaboh, all of fought for people aceh, for nation aceh.. move step gam under leader malik mahmud (mm) very far differ with gam that we lead at beginnings. even though name mm has listed as minister country in year 1976, but that make mm influential in in gam started year 1987, in when he obtain task for me-recruit child-young people from aceh and from malaysia for trained in libya and from libya repatriated to aceh. all they this previous return home to aceh also must through mm. all youth training libya only know mm as leader am, not know nothing ins outs ideology am apatah again history pre am. not wondering if line struggle tna under mm differ than from purpose originally. by line size of gam mm broken away from people. they show itself as ruler and dictate people. anybody's rebel direct follow. only is two choice, that is: implement instruction or pay tax that determined or son orphan, missing his father. not only to people, even to associate arms that different opinion direct shifted, maligned and not inconsiderable that punished dead. sample associate arms that i purpose: t. don zulfahri, tgk. hajj usman, tgk. abdul wahab, tgk. abdullah shafii etc.. gurèë rahman maligned and diperangkap until put onto in prison malaysia. tgk. daud husin maligned and be removed from position and be governed kill. big allegation murder djafar siddik bachelor of law, prof. safwan idris, and prof. dr. dayan daud also is hook-pautnya with usurpation among the circle of community aceh and in effort cleaning opponent politics mm.. very regretted, tgk. hasan attacked disease stroke year 1997 and mm try cover-up situation wn so that he can use shadow wn to whitewash move step self, previous he believe that mass people aceh has can holding, to demonstrate to people that all behavior and behavior behavior based on above instruction wn.. nature government gam mm that smell mobster's see clearly in in negotiation hdc first or at pre hdc in geneva. director hdc, martin griffith and secretary dr. louiza come to stockholm encounter i and friend-friend in relation to with discussion possibly to complete conflict aceh-republic of indonesia in table negotiation. in occasion's i ask to hdc so as to team aceh united in the past by separate previous meet with messenger from republic of indonesia. purpose i use opportunity that excellently for unite all group from activist aceh with gam from within and oversea. i state to martin griffith and louiza to summon five person aceh from within land for come to jeneva, between other: mister. vow as representative student and sira; tengku ibrahim panton represent cleric; otto shamsuddin ishak, representative ngo, prof. abdullah ali etc.. again. me too phone to mister. hasballah microsoft that at time's hold minister human rights, so as to give facility (money and passport) to person-everybody's such above so that they all can come follow negotiation in jeneva. me too ask to hdc so that given one day for we self can meet for merekonsiliasi and similarly-equal manage strategy in face unitary state of indonesia. i ask to hdc for unite we with party mm and attended also by representative-representative from aceh such. but malang, what were happening is all rancana i that canceled by mm. dr. louiza recounted to i that mm refuse meet with we and representative-representative from aceh like that i propose above. he only want to meet with representative unitary state of indonesia on the day thursday and we meet with unitary state of indonesia at day friday. and that most ironic again, at day friday such dr. louiza whisper to i that mm barely call and threaten so as to we not in-follow include in negotiation-negotiation next.. need i add a bit again that reconciliation that i try above is reconciliation to ii that i try with help friend-friend arms that love to peace and unity nation aceh and not want bloodbath fellow nation. reconciliation first that we try is with help ifa, usa. in meeting ifa in washington year 1999 that attended also by representative-representative from aceh by prof. dr. abdullah ali, ir. ibrahim abdullah, mister. ghazali abbas, and some activist; there we decide for send delegation mediator for encounter mm through m.nur july in singapore to hold reconciliation reconcile discord among the circle of gam. team delegation mediator the sent for encounter mm time's chaired by mister. asjsjahid jafar siddik bachelor of law with two person member mister. ir. ibrahim abdullah and mister. adam djuli. actually team pendamai this fail and rejected by mm, and that very sad for we mister. jafar siddik self found killed with very sadistic and mysterious.. that's it multi brief experience i together 'guardian nanggroe atjeh' having been several times cancel effort we to hold reconciliation and unifier all group activist and fighter independence aceh for equal-equal think continuation fate nation. for i nonexistent benefit we debate position guardian nanggroe at current's. guardian nanggroe what? nanggroe we not yet is. guardian nanggroe from province aceh of the republic of indonesia?. let position guardian nanggroe, position sultan also if under unitary state of indonesia nonexistent price. see sultan deli, in palace maimonides. he not have authority what-what now! the essentials struggle independence and sovereignty nation aceh that now has perverted into unitary state of indonesia become province unitary state of indonesia must returned to purpose originally. atjeh must free as previous colonial netherlands come. indonesia who replaced colonial netherlands must exit from aceh. proclamation 4 december 1976 having been betrayed. right determine fate self self nation aceh it is that must we demand, until whenever, if need until world judgment day serial-connect, down-teumurun until to posterity, by the will allah.. mutiplayer gam complete with structure. figure teungku husaini hasan that in circle gam ever claimed as leader mutiplayer gam occupy position parliament speaker in movement this.. message that i catch, movement this will open front opposition with gam leader malek mahmud and zakaria summons.. read release's, we jerks, when mentioned murder as many figure aceh like prof safwan idris, prof dayan dawood, teungku nashruddin daud, and jakfar siddik above instruction high ranking officer gam leader malek mahmud and zakaria summons. we also can read how story syahidnya teungku abdullah syafie, ismail syah putra, ishak daud and other-lain.agar read intact release such, i quote complete in bottom's like what existing: murder nation aceh by malik mahmud & zakaria summons to nation aceh all, peace be upon you. next it is rosters-name nation aceh having been killed above instruction malik mahmud and zakaria summons: 1. malik mahmud and work summons, mastermind pembuhunan safwan idris, 16 sept 2000. father the deceased not know, until tgk idris that peusijôk malik mahmud time first come to aceh year 2006. 2. malik mahmud and work summons, brain murder dayan daud 6 sept 2001, that instruct troop frog green pidie. 3. malik mahmud and work summons who gave instruction kill jafar sidiq in medan, accused is relationship with mutiplayer-gam, leader husaini hasan. 4. malik mahmud and work summons brain murder tengku nashruddin daud, member local parliament aceh south, accused not like leader gam. 5. malik mahmud and work summons brain murder ismail shah princess, after send billion rupiah into rekekning brother amir mahmud in singapore. 6. malik mahmud and work summons brain murder brigadier general heart johan, former vice governor and brain murderer zaini sulaiman, member local parliament aceh. 7. malik mahmud and work summons brain murder sadistic above tengku usman chalky lhok and tengku plague in sungi ring, forelock malaysia, because accused meeting with mutiplayer-gam and mb-gam. europe 8. malik mahmud and work summons brain murder iftah religous figure and win zuhdi banta mude that killed by sadistic by inspiration illyas leubé et al. alm killed after send 2 miyard rupiah into rekekning brother amir mahmud disingapura. 9. at year 1999 malik mahmud and work summons instruct troop combatants gam for finish off all member parliament and official diaceh that regarded pro indonesia and unhelpful struggle gam 10. instruct commander region pidie for excommunicate tgk like that syafii and not be allowed guard he after accused give comment wrong to bondan gunawan, so that he shot troop indonesia without escort troop gam, guard associate loyal and his wife. 11. malik mahmud and work summons remove title commander region peureulak from ishak daud disarm from troop ishak daud because accused often memperotes policy malek mahmud i please information's can become material input for all nation aceh for can see who actual malik mahmud and zakaria summons that. umpteen and yours respectfully. story commander moja.

